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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Did Kelly Kelly just have CM Punk's "Straight Edge" tattoo on?
  2. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    According to Torrie's MySpace, her and Kidman are getting divorced. Anyway, what is it with Carlito and blondes with fake breasts? He's like a magnet.
  3. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Shouldn't Torrie Wilson vote for WCW World Champion Booker T? I mean, she is WCW alumni and all.
  4. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Did JR just say "uber talented"? Someone needs to get that computer away from him! Next, he'll talking about leet Nitro's wrestling skills are and how much of a newbie Cryme Tyme are.
  5. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    I wonder if Jeff Hardy is going to text his vote in. Of course, I'm sure that Jeff Hardy tried to paint his vote on the wall backstage.
  6. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    What if Vince starts spoiling Impact as it's being taped?
  7. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    McMahon wants us to go to WE.com to vote for WCW World Heavyweight Champion King Booker?
  8. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    I want John Cena to face the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting.
  9. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    Did Shawn lose his smile again?
  10. Quasar

    October 30th's Raw thread (number 701!)

    John the Coachman?
  11. Quasar

    Rare Occurance Happens Twice

    It's the real life Dudley Boys!
  12. Quasar

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    This should make a great companion piece to Shawn Michaels' 1999 bestseller......... "If I Had Screwed Bret"
  13. Quasar

    So you'd like to... date Brooke Hogan

    Fuck playing Halo with Jim Duggan............... How about playing Clue with Hogan's friend Ed Lesile. In this game of Clue, we guess which GIMMICK killed the man.
  14. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    I want to see......... Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard and Dean Malenko vs. Johnny, Mikey, Mitch and Nicky (Kenny will be gone by this point) at Survivor Series
  15. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    I read something interesting today. John Cena was actually the THIRD choice to play The Marine. The role was written for Steve Austin but Austin left in 2004 then they considered giving the role to Kurt Angle but changed their mind and went with Cena. Could you guys imagine........ Kurt Angle is.........The Marine!
  16. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    I read something interesting today. John Cena was actually the THIRD choice to play The Marine. The role was written for Steve Austin but Austin left in 2004 then they considered giving the role to Kurt Angle but changed their mind and went with Cena. Could you guys imagine........ Kurt Angle is.........The Marine!
  17. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

  18. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    Here's a new fun way to view TSM www.gizoggle.com TSM's homepage using this: http://sites.gizoogle.com/index2.php?url=h...artmarks.com%2F
  19. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    You know what? I'd love to see Taz vs. Cryme Tyme feud. An Italian Brooklyn Thug vs. Black Brooklyn Thugs
  20. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    Am I the only one hoping that K-Fed shows up on RAW next week and stays until WrestleMania? Just to give WWE a huge rub.
  21. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    So, on SD, we have....... The King and The Giant vs. The Marine and The Animal It REALLY has morphed into WCW Saturday Night.
  22. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

  23. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    What does everyone think about that the "Fan Nation" contest thing? Will we see some supermark from Alabama with tons of DX merchandise or will the winner be a well-spoken normal person?
  24. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    Am I the only one who can't see Carlito as he is now as World Champion? For some reason, he seems too laid back and too calm to be a good World Champion.
  25. Quasar

    700th RAW thread

    Is it just me or are Kevin Federline and Edge the only heels on RAW that are actually over? Seriously, Kevin Federline is a top heel in WWE!