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Everything posted by Quasar

  1. I made another Cena/K-Fed spotting. It's on the news crawler on AOL. So, every single AOL user will be greeted now with K-Fed lying on the canvas with a nice "WWE" logo in the corner.
  2. Of course, the funny thing about RAW is that it now has four hip hop oriented characters. Cena, Federline and Cryme Tyme
  3. As long as WWE uses this to put Cena over to the mainstream and Nitro over PERIOD, it can turn out to be a huge positive. Of course, knowing WWE creative, we'll get ............... Kevin Federline- WWE Champion
  4. Is it just me or is the Cena/K-Fed thing getting a lot of airtime? They just mentioned it on E! and even put Cena over by saying "You don't mess with the champ." Now, if WWE were smart, they'd throw money at Federline and attempt a Cena/Federline feud with Federline siding with Nitro as his muscle and doing a Cena/Nitro match for the WWE Championship with Federline acting as Nitro's manager.
  5. Quasar

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    We've had four and a half before. During the Nation: Faarooq Kama Mustafa D'Lo Brown Mark Henry The Rock (1/2)
  6. Quasar

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Naw dawg, Kenny can't join Cryme Tyme, he ain't down with the hood like dat. He should join Crime Time with John Cena and Kevin Federline.
  7. Quasar

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Now, we just need WWE to build this match for Survivor Series: Kevin Federline and John Cena vs. Cryme Tyme
  8. Quasar

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Between the Carters, Spirit Squad and us seeing softcore Randy Orton porn photos.......... Did Patterson start booking RAW?
  9. Quasar

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    In an era of 3D video games, people still use action figures to act out matches? Wow.
  10. Quasar

    Raw Thread - October 16th, 2006

    Google Search for "Randy Orton gay community" There are 164,000 matches. Anyway............................this RAW has been interesting.
  11. Isn't it ironic that the girlfriend of a hardcore Punker like CM Punk has a pop-punk song? And that has to be the most intimate place back in the ring by lumberjacks EVER.
  12. JR does have a point. In the South, it's not a family reunion unless someone spreads their legs.
  13. Dear Michael Cole, Batista got his start on SmackDown as Deacon Bautista. Sincerely, Your Personal Jesus
  14. Special Guest: Former World Heavyweight Champion, Star of a Box Office smash-hit, a man born into fame, the only man to win the championship in his first career match. That's right. DAVID ARQUETTE!
  15. Can't they just get William Regal's cock to make the jump from SmackDown to RAW? Sure, it'd be a hit for the Cruiserweight division but DX needs it.
  16. Can't they just get William Regal's cock to make the jump from SmackDown to RAW? Sure, it'd be a hit for the Cruiserweight division but DX needs it.
  17. DAMMIT! DAMMIT! Why can't they just end this abomination of a gimmick? And if they insist on keeping it, can't they at least give AAE some mic time or something?
  18. John Cena vs. The Undertaker. King Booker vs. Rob Van Dam ... ... Big Show vs. Jeff Hardy. Something is VERY wrong here. RAW needs some top tier faces.
  19. Show/Hardy? Is Coach's character on crack?
  20. Can we get CM Punk slapping her and calling her a poser next week?
  21. And we segue from Maria to CM Punk. Wonder if that was intentional.