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Everything posted by luke-o

  1. luke-o

    Impact *SPOILERS* for 12/4

    I've never been a fan of Roode. He's just a guy that TNA have been desperate to get over since he started and he hasn't (not majoyrly anyway). I think his ring work is ok and he's a pretty good heel, but there just seems to be something missing. He might as well be wearing a shirt that reads "mid card material"
  2. luke-o


    Hell, I just want to play it because it's Ghostbusters.
  3. luke-o


    Doug from thatguywiththeglasses.com has just done The Lion King. I'm a fan of his Nostalgia Critic stuff so it should be good.
  4. luke-o

    Annoying tv characters

    I know we've mentioned Mohinder and Ali Larter from Heroes, but Claire pisses me off more than anyone in that show. It's all just pissing and moaning from that girl.
  5. luke-o

    TSM 2nd Annual Wii Secret Santa

    Well then that Nintendowned son of a gun needs to read this thread!
  6. luke-o

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Since I mentioned him in the other thread - Kelso from That 70's Show. He was dumb in the first couple of seasons but was beyond retarded towards the end. And I'll second the Joey shout.
  7. luke-o

    Annoying tv characters

    Fez and Jackie from That 70's Show. Man alive did the annoy the fuck out of me. It says a lot when Kelso isn't the worst character. And I really don't get the love for Stewie from Family Guy. What's so funny about him?
  8. luke-o

    TSM 2nd Annual Wii Secret Santa

    I feel so left out. Are there any UK gamers?
  9. luke-o

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Is it just me, or does it look like AJ has tripped over something rather than doing a Flying Forearm on that T-shirt.
  10. luke-o

    Impact *SPOILERS* for 12/4

    EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't read this Thursdays first
  11. Alien 3 would have been good if not for all the budget cuts. The directors cut gives it a bit more crediablity. Alien Resurection was just awful.
  12. luke-o

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    (Pointing to his arm) "You see that there? That's a vein, something you haven't got ya fat bastard!"
  13. luke-o

    Pictures I Like

    It looks like Brody.
  14. luke-o


    Wow. This thread really hits home "The Internet is serious buisness". Fuckin' let it go dude.
  15. luke-o

    Pictures I Like

    That shirt WILL get you pussy. Fact.
  16. luke-o


    Yeah, but it's Brody. What can you do?
  17. luke-o

    Zack and Miri Make a Porno

    I missed it, my girlfriend wanted to leave and I didn't know there was anything after the credits. I'll check it out when I see it again.
  18. luke-o

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    "Makes sense to me!"
  19. luke-o

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    You're a TNA orginal if you're a face.
  20. luke-o

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    They can add as many members as they want, if they don't change the booking then it will go over like a fart in a church. Venk put best:
  21. luke-o

    Zack and Miri Make a Porno

    Saw the film on Friday, thought it was great. Not Smith's best film (Amy) but was a really, really good film. I laughed a hell of a lot during some of the dialogue (I've always laughed more at dialouge than set peices) and it was great seeing Jeff Anderson back up on the big screen. Thought the chemistry between Rogen and Banks was awesome and the support cast was also really funny. If I had one complaint, the film felt kind of rushed during the "idea through to casting through to getting ready to make the film" montage. But maybe it won't feel that way after I watch it again.
  22. luke-o

    Impact spoilers for next week

  23. luke-o

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    Bart: Guess who? Cecil: Merris?
  24. I don't think I need to type my opinions of this announcement. Everyone knows how I feel about "re-makes".
  25. luke-o

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    What a cop out. This on the Ladder Match DVD. Boo-urns.