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Everything posted by luke-o

  1. It's Matchstick Men and Con Air for me. I love Con Air.
  2. luke-o

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    Great Milenko is a better album than Jeckel Brothers. But that ODB track is awesome.
  3. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I was considering that, but I'm still not 100% convinced on the line up of songs.
  4. From WO: The Good: Joe vs Booker Joe standing up to Nash MCMG winning a match Karen getting laid out by Kong The Bad: Roode and Storm as a tag team. I hate makeshift tag teams. I also hate they now seem to be the number on contenders. Kurt vs AJ in a lumberjack match. One of the worst gimmick matches in wrestling bar the strecher match. The fact that the Kurt/Karen storyline is still going on.
  5. luke-o

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    That's because it feels like your playing Mega Man. Which is definatly a good thing.
  6. luke-o

    Guitar Hero.

    That comment I made about GH: Clutch was a joke. It's a game I would love to play but I know it'll never happen. The fact of the matter is, people have heard of them. Including one song isn't going to hurt anyone. I mean I'd love to see Electric Eel Shock, Guano Apes and Scum of The Earth to be on the game too. But at least people know who Clutch are. Oh, and 10001110101 is an awesome song.
  7. luke-o

    Zero Punctuation Reviews

    It does look pretty shit. And to make matters worse, it looks like every other FPS you can buy on 360 nad PS3.
  8. luke-o

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    I also think people like it because it's easier to watch than any of his other films excluding JASBSB.
  9. I liked 300, but Sin City was much better. But that's probably because Sin City had better source material.
  10. luke-o

    Spoilhaz for next Thursday

    From WO: Good: More wins for MCMG. Awesome Kong kicking the shit out of "fans" It appears there is no Lethal vs Dutt Bad: Lumberjack match with fans for the tag titles. Boo-urns. Robert Roode and James Storm getting a tag title shot. Double Boo-urns. No Joe. It sounds like a really medicore show. Like they weren't even trying. I imagine it will be a lot of backstage stuff, but still.
  11. luke-o

    Guitar Hero.

    And STILL no Clucth tracks. That's a damn shame.
  12. luke-o

    The Youtube Thread

  13. luke-o

    Zero Punctuation Reviews

    Haze An awesome review for those that still care.
  14. luke-o

    Guitar Hero.

    Is there any news on the line up of songs for GH4? I only know there's going to be a Linkin Park song
  15. luke-o

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    Does anyone else remember anything about Ducktales other than the theme tune, the fact he had a money pit and a pilot called Launchpad that crashed a lot? I mean I can say a lot about the film, but I don't remember anything about the series.
  16. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Resident Evil 2 (Playstation, 1998) For me, this is the best game Resident Evil has had to offer. Great story, great atompshere, great plot and 2 versions of the game to play. Plenty to see and do.
  17. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    In all honesty, when I picked PW:AA, I still didn't really understand the rules of how drafts work (ie, once someone else has picked it, you can't.) but I still stand by my decision. If someone else had picked it I would have been really pissed. Plus the only game I've really missed out on has been Mega Man II. And I truly believed that would last another couple of rounds.
  18. luke-o

    luke-o's look at...

    That's probably because Chase Stevens wasn't all the great as a singles competitor or as a tag team wrestkler. Doing one spot isn't going to stop that. The only time I ever found The Naturals interseting was when they paired up with Shane Douglas. But even then it wasn't that good.
  19. I just watched That Thing You Do for the first time in like 6 years. God that's a great film.
  20. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Sonic 2 was a good game to pick.
  21. luke-o

    The Youtube Thread

    Wrestlers talk about Benoit: Featuring: Part 1 New Jack Iron Shiek Part 2 Honky Tonk Man Billy Graham Part 3 Scott Hall Cryme Time Nick Dinsmore
  22. Man, I puked on a bus a couple of weeks ago. And a couple of times the night before. Apperantly, red wine doesn't agree with me.
  23. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Fuck you, Phoenix Wright is awesome. And it's my desert Island.
  24. luke-o

    The one (and only!) Raw thread for 16/6/2008

    Also, wasn't he in a bad thowaway angle last week that bombed?