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Everything posted by luke-o

  1. Just what we need, another pointless action film with big expolosions, lots of guns, fast cars and Jason Statham.
  2. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Well I have done before. The script never looses it's edge.
  3. luke-o

    News You Can (barely) Use

    Could he have given a more obvious clue other than, "It's Harry Smith".
  4. luke-o

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    That's not really the point I was making, I was saying that I hate makeshift tag teams that are just two wrestlers thrown together for no reason other than they are both faces/heels.
  5. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Ninentdo Gameboy Advance (2001), Nintendo DS (2006) Before 2006, Final Fantasy VII was the be all and end all of games for me. Then, I picked up a second hand copy of PW:AA for 15 quid and I've never looked back. This is the game that makes text based games look awesome. A wonderful script, great charaters, superb story arches and the best soundtrack Capcom has made since Mega Man 2. Without a shadow of a doubt, my favourite game of all time.
  6. Raven. And no. But I would like to. But I'd rather meet him under an interview type situation just so we could bullshit about the buisness.
  7. luke-o

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm the same as Ravenbomb, I was 14 when Slipknot released Wait and Bleed so I'm allowed to like them. And to this day I still like a lot of their stuff. I wouldn't say they we're awesome (I'm not 14 anymore), but I like some stuff. Iowa for the most part is good and Vol. 3 has some great tracks on it. I'll be seeing them live for the 3rd time this year at Reading Festival.
  8. luke-o

    Spoilhaz for next Thursday

    Sorry, I was meant to put that in my Bad points. The tournament seems to be a bit one sided so far.
  9. luke-o

    We Have Us An Iron Man

    So, for now, Iron Man 2 has: No Favaru No Downey Jr. No Story. and No Script. But it does have a release date of April 2010. Oh dear.
  10. luke-o

    Impact Spoilers for 6/5/08

    I've never been a big fan of womens wrestling. But that's because I've only ever been exposed to WWE's Women's Wrestling. Having seen most of the stuff the TNA girls bring to the table, I'm more for it.
  11. luke-o

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    This is the dumbest arguement I've seen on this board for a while now. I'm more pissed they're doing Lethal vs Dutt next week on Impact. EDIT: It appears they didn't.
  12. luke-o

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    For example, take Petey and Steiner. Sure they were just two singles wrestlers, but now they have a matching look, matching attire, the same gimmick and one entrance. All they need is a team name and a tag team finisher and they're set to go.
  13. luke-o

    Anti-Emo Riots in Mexico

    Oh for fucks sake.
  14. luke-o

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    Why are they awesome? Because they are two midcard heels? They have nothing in common, other than that they are both heels. It's pointless. You know who should be fueding with LAX? A proper tag team.
  15. luke-o

    Mario Kart Wii

    So that's why people keep picking Snowboard Cross. And here's me thinking it's because people liked the track!
  16. luke-o


    Sounds like a typical TNA show, the matches we're good, the segments we're bad. I'll try and check the PPV out.
  17. luke-o

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    To be honest, I'm not sure how one does. I'm a fan of ICP. I own several CD's and listen to them quite a bit. But I wouldn't consider myself a juggalo. My friend on the other hand does. He owns every CD (including the rare ones) and their films and has a tattoo of the Hatchet Man from Psychopathic Records. So maybe that's what it takes. I'm not sure. I've never really got the hate for ICP. I've heard much worse bands in music. Some songs are better than others but it's like that with a lot of bands.
  18. luke-o

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    It's even funnier when some Juggalos told ICP to go fuck themselevs for leading them to follow God.
  19. luke-o

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    In. Wait, I've not taken part in any drafts before and urgo, don't know the rules.
  20. luke-o

    Best victory celebrations

    Christian's first title win in TNA. Mankind winning the title on RAW.
  21. luke-o

    The Compendium of Bad

    No ones mentioned Scouting For Girls. A band that I will hail as the worst band of all time. I mean just fucking listen to them! They're beyond awful.
  22. luke-o

    Where Amazing Happens

    Where drafts happen.
  23. luke-o

    Pictures I Like

    The game is fuckin' awesome.
  24. luke-o

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    No, I like them and as far as I'm aware, I'm not a twat. That song is awesome, in fact that whole album is awesome.