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Everything posted by luke-o

  1. luke-o

    Faith No More Are Back!

    From NME: No Jim Martin is bad, but I'm well happy they're doing a tour. Although I read on another website that there are no plans for a US tour.
  2. luke-o

    Wrestling Quirks

    And in some cases, chest hair. See AJ Styles and Chritstian Cage
  3. luke-o

    Lockdown Talk

    As long as he shouts "PAY-LAY! PAY-LAY!" after he does it.
  4. I've finally gotten round to watching the trailer to the new Street Fighter movie. Good lord what a pile of toss.
  5. luke-o

    Nintendo 1st half 2009 releases

    What games do you own? I'll suggest you some good ones. Animal Crossings, Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Wii Fit Disaster: Day of Crisis WarioLand De Blob All of those games are sweet, as well as the ones already mentioned.
  6. luke-o

    Nintendo 1st half 2009 releases

    What games do you own? I'll suggest you some good ones.
  7. luke-o

    Impact spoilers for Feb. 26 and March 5, 2009

    No it was "GO RED GO". And that was awsome >_> I just watched some of the replay clips on TNA's website and legit LOL'd at the "Fallen Angel" chants during Suicides run-in. I also laughed at the obvious piped in cheers from the crowd.
  8. luke-o

    Faith No More Are Back!

    Hasn't the delay of a reuion and the spilt in the first place been because of Mike's constant mocking of Roddy for being gay?
  9. luke-o

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    That's because people didn't buy PS3s. And if they did, they probably only own Fifa and Pro Evo. I own a PS3 and I've never even considered getting a soccer game, I bought it for stuff like Uncharted, Little Big Planet, MGS4, and free internet gaming. And also so I could have a reliable system that wouldn't have a good chance of fucking up everytime I tried to play it like 360's do. I was just making a broad generalisation. When the PS3 first came out when I was working in Gamestation, about 90% of the people who bought one asked when FIFA or any football game was coming out. They didn't care about any of the other titles.
  10. luke-o

    Nintendo 1st half 2009 releases

    From all accounts it's great and fun to play. And as long as it's fun to play then thats all that matters. There is quite a few Wii games I#m excited for this year so far. Mushroom Men, Madworld, Conduit, Ghostbusters, Cursed Mountain, Deadly Creatures and Little Kings Story to name a few. I'm even excited about the TMNT Smash Bros rip off.
  11. luke-o

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    That's because people didn't buy PS3s. And if they did, they probably only own Fifa and Pro Evo.
  12. luke-o


    Told you it was a rental only.
  13. luke-o

    Faith No More Are Back!

    Couldn't be more wrong if you tried. RE: Angel Dust. It might just be me, but I'm not the biggest lover of that album. Real Thing and King For A Day are better albums IMO. Album of the Year is not their best effort though. Having said that, Last Cup of Sorrow is fucking incredible.
  14. luke-o

    Impact spoilers for March 12th

    Good christ it's hard to keep up with the spoliers when you read them. So.. many... run ins!
  15. luke-o

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    No, but after a sucessful run as colour on FCW, you'd have thought they'd have some thing for him in a similar role.
  16. luke-o


    I really don't like any version of the song.
  17. luke-o

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    This is a bit old (15/2), but here is Low-Ki's first match in FCW. And it's really, really good. - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqpQ2lx81lA...feature=related - Part 2 It's also a great example of how great Colt Cabana was as a colour commentator.
  18. luke-o

    Faith No More Are Back!

    Well I know there was a report that Billy disputed, but apperantly this is from Mike Patton's spokesperson.
  19. luke-o

    Faith No More Are Back!

    It was posted up on NME 2 hours ago
  20. luke-o

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    Well I would dude, but you're PS3 bound. I'm a Wii man myself.
  21. luke-o


    Here's hoping.
  22. luke-o


    He's not a dick. He's just sick of his hard work being turned into crap films.
  23. luke-o

    ODB's Boyfriend
