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Canadian Brandon

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Everything posted by Canadian Brandon

  1. Canadian Brandon

    2006 Fall TV...

    I'm looking forward to seeing "The Class" tonight. It kinda gives me a "Friends" feel with their characters. Hopefully it won't be a complete ripoff of "Friends" like sitcoms have been trying to do the last couple of years. I also just got a DVR so now I can finally catch the shows that everyone seems to love like "The Office".
  2. Canadian Brandon

    So I'm buying a laptop...

    I plan on buying a laptop in the very near future. Problem is I have no idea about specs and stuff of that nature. I have also been wanting to replace my old tube tv with something more up to date. While shopping online I ran across this little jem: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5078905 My question is if this is worth the money (I also get 10% off as a Walmart employee)? Any suggestions on a good priced laptop would be appriciated.
  3. Canadian Brandon


    Ok. So my friend and I recently got into a heated argument about the current state of wrestling. One of his arguments was that there will never be another Goldberg or Austin. For the most part I agree. The argument then shifted particularly to Goldberg. I fail to see what the big deal about the man is and he thinks that no one could pull off the gimmick as well as he did. I tend to think that an average generic big man(for my argument I used Jon Heidenreich) would have made just as much money if in the same situation. Unable to come to an agreement we decided to let the smarks give us their opinion. Here are our thoughts: My Thesis: Any big man would have been just as successful as Goldberg given his push and hype. His Thesis: Goldberg brought an intensity and charisma into the ring that made the push work in ways that wouldn't work with any other random big man. Thoughts?
  4. Canadian Brandon

    So I'm buying a laptop...

    Well normally I wouldn't buy from Wal-Mart but the 10% off is too good to pass up. And I deffinitely don't want to spend over 1000 bucks. I just need something that I can take to college and play a few movies or low end games on.
  5. Canadian Brandon

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Funny article about the WWE vs. NFL "monday night war" that is approaching. From ESPN: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...mp;lid=tab4pos1
  6. Canadian Brandon


    I have a hard time seeing what made him so special. I mean...anyone can grunt and snort like he did on the way to the ring. He had a generic big man move set. I just think that anyone else would have been just as successful in his place.
  7. Canadian Brandon

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    I'm in as Xian's Coalition.
  8. Canadian Brandon

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    Yeah...by the time of the main event the crowd was completely dead.
  9. Canadian Brandon

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Tekcop and I were at the show and it was very good. We got there late so we missed Taker/Khali and the dark match(damn mapquest). Anyways: Teacher's Pets beat London and Kendrick with a roll up in a non-title match. The Miz came out(to very annoying screaming girls) and the diva search thing happened...we went to get food during this. Backstage skit with Rey and Vickey...nothing special. Mr. Kennedy beat Rey by countout in a pretty good match. Chavo ran in and they brawled outside. Vickey came to ringside to break them up and Rey accidentaly hit her. Lots of Eddie chants. MVP and Long had a skit backstage. Turkay beat some jobber. Regal and Finlay are backstage trying to get along...nice promo. Vito defeated Sylvan with the tea-bag or whatever the fuck it is. Baaaad match. Boogeyman Return video. Booker backstage with Sharmell. Very funny promo. Booker is awesome. Main Event: Batista and Lashley defeated Finaly and Regal after a double spear and a Spinebuster from Tista. Booker and Sharmell were doing commentary for this and when the match was over Batista called Booker out. All and all it was very fun and i cant wait to see how it came across on TV. Our dark match was Booker vs. Batista. Tista won by DQ. Biggest Pops: Batista, Rey, The Miz Most Heat: Kennedy, Regal/Finlay
  10. Canadian Brandon

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    I was there tonight and I can say that it was worth it. Crowd was very hot for the beginning of the show but died after the loooooooonnnnng Sandman/Knox/Test stuff. Thorn was getting good heel heat. Everyone was disappointed that there was no CM Punk match. During the dark match there was a very loud "WE WANT PUNK!" chant. Show's promo was awesome as well as Rene returning. By the time RVD came back the crowd was just dead. Who the hell makes Sabu put on a mat-wrestling match anyways? Biggest Pops: 1.Sandman 2. Punk (promo) 3. Show Biggest heat: 1.Heyman 2.Thorn 3. The guy shooting the T-shirts.
  11. Canadian Brandon

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    Yeah...i will incidently also be at the show with a friend. So everyone look for Tekcop and I and our sign "Dub Dub ECDUB!".
  12. Canadian Brandon

    Mark Henry injured at SNME

    Too bad for Mizark. I have really warmed up to the guy since he came back earlier this year. I thought his match at Wrestlemania was entertaining also. Oh well...there goes my dream Mark Henry year long title run.