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Everything posted by benn

  1. Seriously, Fuck Hogan. He had the perfect opportunity there to put over a young guy who really needed his help. Fuck him.
  2. My cable just died. Awesome.
  3. So I lied about WWE not getting my money. A few friends wanted to order it so we all chipped in.
  4. benn

    WWE Observer Notes

    X-Factor sucked.
  5. benn

    WWE Observer Notes

    James Beard is an idiot ref they had working an ECW show who posted a whole bunch of shit on a forum last week about how awful Shannon Moore and his opponent were and that he had to walk them through the match. The guy is clearly a new level of moron to have done this and not expected WWE to tell him to get fucked.
  6. Mr. Spoontoaster, I feel your pain. People like this seem to be the bane of my existence when I'm trying to learn about shit like the Rescorla-Wagner model.
  7. My problem with the card has more to do with the 2 SD matches. Oh, and the fact that none of the IC, US, either of the Tag Titles, Women's, and Cruiserweight titles are being defended on the show.
  8. Scotty 2 Hotty is a jobber on SD. And I'm all for a return of Too Cool if its leading to a tag division revival.
  9. My picks: Cena Batista Big Show Hogan DX Flair Chavo
  10. Yeah I suggested that a week or two ago. They could use Lita/Foley/Nitro/Melina for it.
  11. I was all set to order this PPV, but seeing the final matches, WWE isn't getting my money this month.
  12. benn

    The OAO 8/18 Smackdown! Thread

    You're right, my bad.
  13. benn

    The OAO 8/18 Smackdown! Thread

    Tatanka has been pinned two weeks in a row because of refs not seeing his opponent pulling his tights and has been pissed off after both matches. Maybe a heel turn is on the cards?
  14. benn

    The OAO 8/18 Smackdown! Thread

    Its like Vince is going out of his way to talk me out of ordering the PPV.
  15. benn

    The OAO 8/18 Smackdown! Thread

    A tag division with half a dozen teams would be great. Booker is probably going to lose the title but at least he held it in the first place. I'm looking forward to the trainwreck that will be the LMS match.
  16. benn

    WWE Diva Search

    Layla at least has the athletic background of being a cheerleader. If she tries hard then I won't bitch too much. The rest of them can pretty much stay the fuck off my tv.
  17. West Texas Rednecks 2006. Only without someone like Hennig to carry the team.
  18. There's a group of us that watch and enjoy Smackdown every week.
  19. benn

    WWE News and Notes - 8/14

    Benoit coming back is good news. Not much else is new, but thanks all the same HTQ.
  20. benn

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    For all the Cena/Orton hate that crops up on this board, a few people seem to want to see them feud. Of course that could be purely for the trainwreck potential of it all I suppose.