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Everything posted by benn

  1. It's amazing how the WWE writers seem to be incapable of progressing feuds without using DQs.
  2. benn

    Summer 06 Concerts

    Over the past 2 weeks I've been to see Kisschasy and Eskimo Joe. Also seeing The Living End in October. I'm planning to drive up to see the Gold Coast Big Day Out festival in January which has RCHP, Muse and possibly Tool headlining.
  3. benn

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Talk about a swerve. Wouldnt put it past Vince to hire a guy as an Eddy look a like to interfere in the Rey/Chavo match.. Look for the return of God at Sumerslam.
  4. benn

    Smackdown Spoilers

    London and Kendrick have been on SD only about 2 or 3 times since winning the tag titles.
  5. benn

    Smackdown Spoilers

  6. benn

    WWE News and Notes for 7/31

    Yeah, I was going to say that too.
  7. benn

    WWECW Report Fitchburg, MA

    ONS wasn't an atrociously booked or wrestled show though. The heat for Big Show as ECW champion ought to be surreal. Think of how they treated Orton and Cena, two guys who arguably have potential, and now imagine what's going to happen when Test comes to the ring.
  8. benn

    Favorite Beer...

    Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum is the king of Australian beer.
  9. Is that the one from Smackdown a couple of months ago or did somebody else copy it?
  10. benn

    WWECW Report Fitchburg, MA

    Dark matches from 9pm - 10pm, then the live ECW on Sci-Fi show at 10pm. The Sci-Fi censors are going to be working harder than they ever have before.
  11. benn

    WWECW Report Fitchburg, MA

    Is the Hammerstein show live or is it going to be taped?
  12. benn

    What college do you go to?

    Southern Cross University, Australia. Halfway through my first year in a Psychology undergrad degree.
  13. Yeah, I don't think it would have hurt to keep Kurt sidelined a bit longer and let him fully recover. Particularly if the guy is struggling with painkiller addiction, it'll take more than 30 days to knock that shit over properly. With only an hour per week I'd rather see them concentrating on a program with RVD and Sabu trying to take down Big Show, Sandman and Dreamer taking on Heyman's 'new ECW' guys, and making sure that Punk doesn't get a half-assed push while he's getting established with the crowd, than get a Kurt squash match every week. Bring him back when Punk is over as hell and feud them.
  14. benn

    The OAO 7/28 Smackdown! Thread

    Bring back Gunner Scott, I say.
  15. benn

    OAO WWE Wellness Policy Thread

    Good to hear he's not suspended. Smackdown missed him this week.
  16. benn

    The OAO 7/28 Smackdown! Thread

    I'm really liking JBL and Cole as a team more every week. JBL is hilarious and throws in all sorts of great references to old shit and how crap the gimmicks are now, and Cole is much more relaxed now that he's not around Tazz. You can even hear him trying not to laugh at some of JBL's jokes
  17. They should have Lita or Nitro or someone come in the ring and 'hit' Edge with the title and he takes a dive and pretends to be out cold. Edge wins by DQ and looks smart, while JR gets to keep bitching about Cena being screwed again. But of course, WWE probably will ruin the good thing they've got going on with Edge gaining more main event credibility purely by being somebody other than Cena holding the title and Cena getting over again because long-term booking is overrated.
  18. benn

    The OAO 7/28 Smackdown! Thread

    Decent show, not as good as the last few weeks but still miles better viewing than Raw. The absence of Lashley and Mark Henry hurt the show, and its going to get worse without Hardy and the Pitbulls. They need to do something with London and Kendrick, and they need to take the developing Batista/Kennedy and Finlay/Regal feuds to the next level because both of those matches tonight had basically the same outcome as the matches at the GAB and didn't advance the storylines at all. Sylvan and Terkay didn't impress me, I'd rather Gunner Scott be called back up from OVW. Sylvan's match with Tatanka looked particularly awkward. His finisher is cool though, I'll give him that. The main event was a great tv match. Rey and Booker both looked a lot more energised than they have recently (with the exception of those great couple of Booker/Lashley matches).
  19. benn

    SmackDown Spoilers for 7/28

    Yeah what's up with that?
  20. benn

    The OAO 7/28 Smackdown! Thread

    They're calling the title the World Heavyweight Championship on-air again now that Rey isn't the champ.
  21. benn

    The OAO 7/28 Smackdown! Thread

    JBL just called Michael Cole a fruit booty. Needless to say I almost fell over.
  22. When is RVD's suspension up? He could run in with the Ballroom being the place where he won the WWE title.