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Everything posted by benn

  1. benn

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    Well of course, because that's totally what I said or implied. How about some tag team main events (goods ones, as opposed to the DX/Spirit Squad tag matches on Raw), like Lashley & Rey/Finlay & Regal, or an against the odds match of Lashley & Rey/Booker, Finlay & Regal. When Batista returns, they can do a fun six-man tag, with Batista, Lashley, & Rey against The King's Court. I would really like a former World champ "big man" (Batista)/young rookie "big man" (Lashley) partnership/tag team for a while, leading to a match between the two at Survivor Series or WM 23. Sorry, I thought you meant that you were sick of seing them wrestling and wanted the feud to continue but be more dramatic and have more outside of the ring crap like the endless Vince/SS vs Michaels saga.
  2. benn

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    Well of course, because that's totally what I said or implied. How about some tag team main events (goods ones, as opposed to the DX/Spirit Squad tag matches on Raw), like Lashley & Rey/Finlay & Regal, or an against the odds match of Lashley & Rey/Booker, Finlay & Regal. When Batista returns, they can do a fun six-man tag, with Batista, Lashley, & Rey against The King's Court. I would really like a former World champ "big man" (Batista)/young rookie "big man" (Lashley) partnership/tag team for a while, leading to a match between the two at Survivor Series or WM 23. or add a fourth member to each team and have a standing feud waiting to finalize at the next Survivor series The obvious choices would be Rey, Batista, Lashley, Gunner Scott on one team and Booker, Finlay, Regal and Mark Henry on the other if you were to book that way I guess. It could make for some interesting combinations of matches.
  3. benn

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    You'd rather Booker started his own Kiss My Ass Club or something? As long as they throw in some variation in the matches, I'm all for this feud lasting a while longer. Every minute Lashley gets in the ring with veterans like Booker, Finlay and Regal will help him develop into a real main eventer in the near future.
  4. benn

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    It was decent. Apparently Henry is actually learning how to sell. The ending wasn't great though.
  5. Hah, I heard Hulk talking that up on Leno a few weeks ago. He was whinging about passing on the George Foreman grill and so he decided to release his own anyway.
  6. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Could be. Or unmasked Kane might go nuts at Vengeance and start calling himself the monster or something
  7. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    It doesn't hurt to speculate. I'm most intrigued by what it means by "The Monster" Kane
  8. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    The card for the Australian Summerslam tour shows on the 3/4/5 August has just been released, complete with potential Vengeance spoilers. http://www.wwe.com/schedules/events/eventdetail/?id=2616488
  9. benn

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    In terms of in-ring product, Smackdown is definately the A show IMO.
  10. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    I ordered it today just cause I'm on mid-year break and we get them cheaper here than in the US. I'm hoping it lives up to the promise of the card cause it has the potential to be one of the better PPVs in recent years.
  11. benn

    Luger Shoots on WWE and ECW

    Call me crazy but I don't think this was even Luger. He kinda strikes me as the kind of guy who either doesn't give two shits about his fans anymore or has no time for them anymore. Just a hunch...probably from the cocaine and pills and dead women and shit. Plus I'm not convinced he would go out of his way to turn a computer on, much less bitch about guys like Booker T being held back and a defunct promotion he is basically the complete antithesis of being relaunched as a third WWE brand.
  12. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    The crowds have been weird the past few weeks because Edge has been buddied up with Foley who they don't know whether to cheer or boo for. Give him the belt, book him properly as the smart cocky heel with Cena chasing it and both of them will more than likely get the reactions they're supposed to.
  13. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Here here. Cena held the title for way too god damn long, and Triple H is supposed to be working a program with Orton after this DX deal finishes up. Just watch Edge step up if they actually show some confidence in him and let him have a decent run with the belt. He and Cena will both get hugely over in the traditional heel/face sense of it too.
  14. benn

    Luger Shoots on WWE and ECW

    Only if you call him a murderer too.
  15. benn

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    It's a promising card, even Umaga vs Eugene has comedy potential. The only thing missing is Mickie James.
  16. benn

    Vote for Finlay's shirt design

    I like 3 the best
  17. benn

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Not bad. I can't decide if I like it more or less than before.
  18. The article said that Brooke would be moving with them. Ouch
  19. benn

    Smackdown spoilers 6/23

    Sounds like he just did the thing that Eddie used to do.
  20. benn

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Any pics of Lita's new hairstyle? I'm intrigued about this supposedly reducing her hotness.
  21. benn

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Also from Meltzer:
  22. benn

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    He is apparently going to debut on Smackdown soon. As he has been wrestling on the House Show circuit with the roster. I think he had a dark match tonight...and got beat, or beat someone. I'm not to sure, I just know he had a dark match tonight. He lost to Matt Hardy in the SD pre-taping dark match.
  23. I'd like to see Booker and his court move on to chasing the title with Lashley and Rey joining forces. Also if Finlay and Regal went after the tag titles and London and Kendrick could get involved that would be neat. Booker should take the title from Rey and hold it for a few months, eventually dropping it to Batista at Summerslam or even the following SD PPV. They should also build Kennedy up in a feud with Matt Hardy or Gunner Scott or something to prime him for a main event place towards the end of the year. SD is still more than capable of having a great main event scene, its just in major transition at the moment.
  24. Shelly Martinez from OVW is reporting on her MySpace blog that she's heading to ECW. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...32-914fc6f25e65