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Everything posted by sfaJack

  1. sfaJack

    It's Over.

    I have no idea. I'm probably the least qualified person to answer that question, as I tend to stay out of the loop on such gossip. I'm just a fan of the movies. I don't need to hate him. It's Sean F'n Connery. Seeing him as a Bond villian is good enough for me. Oh, I'll watch the new Bond film whenever it comes out, simply to satisfy my Bond appetite. Perhaps ending the franchise IS a bit much, but I really don't know what else they can do with the series, aside from seriously altering the character or Bond's age or some other major change. And I honestly don't think that'd be a good thing. We don't need "XXX version 2.0."
  2. sfaJack

    It's Over.

    I love almost all of the Bond movies and thought Brosnan did well as Bond. But to me, this seems like the perfect time to end the Bond franchise, for good. They did 21 (yes, I count Never Say Never Again) movies in 40 years and, to me, have exhausted just about every possibility for stories. Plus, given the way the movies have veered very much towards simple slam-bang action movies as opposed to the story-driven, espionage early Bond films, they just aren't that much fun anymore. Die Another Day was awful. Now with Brosnan not coming back, it just seems time to let it go. At the very least, they need to get Connery to play the villian in the next one. That'd rock the house.
  3. sfaJack

    A good reason to own guns in the home

    Isn't the black market, by definition, "underground?" How does guns being more scarce decrease the likelihood that they will be used? Some dude who has a gun and wants to use it is going to use it. Uh, you can't exactly be sure that your victim doesn't have a gun now. How does disarming the innocents and, by your admission, NOT disarming the criminals reduce the impetus to commit a crime? Your logic makes no sense. That's because you aren't an American. Too bad you'll never get the chance to see how far-reaching the effects would be.
  4. sfaJack

    Bush sets up WMD Intel Panel

    How much more could they do to "get it right?" How much detailed information do you require in order to be satisfied? What other procedures do you recommend they follow? How many more layers of diplomatic red tape do they need to cut through? How many more years of inspections do you require? What is your impossible standard? Newsflash, you ignorant asshole: every intelligence agency in the world said that Iraq had (or was capable of producting) WMD's. All of them. The U.N. searched for 12 years, and their evidence indicated that the weapons existed. How in the hell can you blame Bush or Blair for relying on that information? Why wouldn't they believe it? Fuckin' troll.
  5. sfaJack

    SUVs -- will it last?

    Damn right, Choken. I wouldn't know what to do without my truck.
  6. sfaJack

    Bush approval: 48%

    Yeah, because Iraq having oil has really been beneficial to us. Have you bought a tank of gas lately?
  7. sfaJack

    Clinton Portis fails to understand

    What, you mean without all the questionable chop-blocking?
  8. sfaJack

    Clarett Wins NFL Draft Challenge

    I'm still hoping he blows out his knee beyond any hope of repair before he even steps on a game field. Fuck Maurice Clarett.
  9. sfaJack

    More kids killing each other

    You know, I used to hate my high school. Little bitty podunk town, only 300 students, several drunk redneck cowboys...but now, it doesn't seem so bad. We had our share of idiots, sure, but no one ever got attacked in this way, much less killed. I hope this kid gets locked away for a very, very long time. Normally, I'd say give him the chair, but he is only 14.
  10. sfaJack

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Success? Guthrie pitched limited innings last year for the Cubs and was AWFUL down the stretch and in the playoffs. Good riddance.
  11. sfaJack

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    If you think Steve Bartman was THE major story of the playoffs last year or that they weren't exciting, well, I don't know what I can say other than you're wrong. A pretty good number of others on this board agree with me. Go back to watching the NBA or whatever other "exciting" sport it is you follow.
  12. sfaJack

    Your most hated sport or sports league.....

    I guess you missed this last year's playoffs then. As for me, if the WNBA, golf, and boxing were eradicated from the face of existence, then I don't think I'd complain. The WNBA just sucks, golf isn't even a sport, and boxing is about as real as pro wrestling.
  13. sfaJack

    Job bitching

    Oh, waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Welcome to the real world. I work 7-5 every day (with a "working lunch" just like your better half), and overtime at least one week every month (unpaid, as I am salaried); it's just part of the job. If it's a big problem, she could always switch jobs. I hear places like McDonald's only require 32 hours a week or so.
  14. sfaJack

    Try outs for the Sooners! WHOO!

    Yeah, no shit, Damaramu. I think you may be a little ahead of yourself here. Not to rain on your parade, but just being a big guy doesn't guarantee you anything. Most teams will let most anyone with any sort of potential (i.e. size) have a tryout; they'd be stupid not to. But getting a tryout and actually getting a spot on the team are two entirely different things. I mean, come on dude, this is OU - one of the top three programs in the country. You think they got there by putting a bunch of guys right off the street in uniform? No. Having a 4.9 40 time is all well and good, but honestly, how many times does an OL need to run that fast? You should be more concerned with improving your agility and your lateral movement. Oh, and making the scout team isn't any big deal. All that means is that you'll be getting the shit beat out of you by the "real" team. You don't even get your picture taken with the team at the beginning of the year. Not to say you have no shot; I've obviously never met you or seen you on the field...but I don't think I'd be getting my hopes too high. You don't hear too many stories of walk-ons at places like OU. And most of the ones that are "walk-ons" really aren't - they're guys who are good enough to play there, were actively recruited by the coaching staff but didn't get a scholarship (often because the school simply didn't have any more to give), so they agreed to become a "walk-on" and "make" the team that way, even though their spot was all but guaranteed. Good luck, regardless.
  15. sfaJack

    Madden 2005 features

    That one made me laugh.
  16. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Are you serious? I might give you the O'Donnell thing, because without those picks the game would have been much more interesting. The second win over the Bills was inevitable. All Thomas' fumble did was give the Cowboys the win sooner rather than later.
  17. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Oh, so you just hate Irvin, then? Bah. If you'd listen to what he's actually saying, you'd know that he's quite often right, just as he is now. The Cowboys of that era WOULD beat any of the teams in the NFL today. Ignore Irvin's antics, and you'll get some good football thoughts. I don't remember which week it was, but on one of the ESPN countdown shows in the midpoint of the season, he said Carolina was going to go to the Super Bowl, and they hadn't even vanquished the Bucs yet.
  18. Have you ever even watched a football game? No flow? No scoring? WTF? You gotta be tough to play rugby (and I know...we had intramural rugby at college), but can you honestly tell me that guys like Ray Lewis, Roy Williams, or Rodney Harrison wouldn't whoop some serious ass if they played? Please.
  19. The Cowboys AND Niners of the early '90s, the Packers of '97/'98, and both of the Broncos' Super Bowl winning teams would have made Brady cry like a little bitch in the playoffs. As Banky said, Brady = good, not great. Brady's teams may win, but he hardly dominates anyone the way Aikman, Favre, Elway, Young, and Montana did. Brady does just enough to get by 90% of the time. His winning drive last night (against an exhausted defense) was pretty clutch, but he still had to have Vinatieri win it for him. And if he hadn't thrown that pick earlier, they'd have already had the game won.
  20. sfaJack

    gamble or play cards?

    You obviously dont know how a casino runs then. If Im a sucker for loosing $400 then so is 90% of the people at the casinos. Thats the trade in casinos. Casino's rank in $7 billion a year. Thats a fact. Im not a dumbass. I know what I got a free buffet. That was my first time playing in Vegas against pros. I'd like to see you do better. I was having fun with someone else's money. Theres's nothing wrong with that. I suggest you go to Vegas and see what its all about. Dont talk shit if you cant back it up with the truth and facts. You're a fucking idiot, and it's obvious YOU don't understand how casinos work. They reeled you in hook, line, and sinker and gave you some free food to celebrate taking your $400 from you, yet you think that you're not a sucker? Shit. What's it like to be you?
  21. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    No, 2. Delhomme's fumble, and Brady's interception. I call it now. Panthers don't make the playoffs next year.
  22. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Nah. The first quarter and a half had too much ugly football to make it the greatest Super Bowl of all-time. It's definitely in the Top 5, though. And I can't help but wonder if Mike Martz, in an effort to avenge their loss two years ago, possessed John Fox's body for a couple of brief moments and had the Panthers go for two twice. That's the only possible explanation for those bits of idiocy.
  23. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Or, if Carolina had nutted up on the Pats' final drive instead of sitting back in that pussy-ass zone, we'd be going to OT as well. Oh, well. Hell of a Super Bowl. I'll gladly admit that I was wrong about it being a boring game. Whew. Now, let's get ready for spring training.
  24. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    My guess would be two years ago when Vinatieri kicked a FG with 0:07 on hte clock when they spiked the ball to set him up.
  25. sfaJack

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    This Super Bowl is more exciting than it has any right to be. I'm glad I have no real rooting interest, as it's allowing me to mark out for every big play. The penalties are getting pretty excessive though.