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The Flamboyance

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Everything posted by The Flamboyance

  1. The Flamboyance

    ROH to hit PPV

    I'll be there this Saturday. Can't fucking wait!
  2. The Flamboyance

    ROH DVD's

    Just finished watching Dedicated & Battle Of The Icons. I enjoyed both DVDs. Nothing super great but they were fun. BOTI comes off much better on DVD than it did live. The crowd was pretty horrible that night. I also marked when I saw myself on it. My only beef with BOTI was that even the cameramen focused a minute or two on those stupid old ladies that were dogging on Julis Smokes. I never want to see those ladies again. Those same hags cut the line all the way to the front at last Saturdays show. Man, I hate them. Next up is 5YF @ NYC and Philly. Still need to pick up the 3rd and 4th week of the 5yF but I might just download them :'( because I'm low on cash. The production quality on these DVDs have really improved a ton. Finally being able to hear promos clearly is nice and the picture is also a lot better.
  3. The Flamboyance

    ROH 4/13 and 4/14 Weekend Shows

    At first he was getting a "Who gives a shit, we only care about Hero" reaction, but as the match went on, he started winning fans over with his cocky heel antics. He is starting to get comfortable with ROH, I think. I enjoyed his performance a lot and I know a lot of others did too. He was really funny, but brutal at the same time.
  4. The Flamboyance

    ROH 4/13 and 4/14 Weekend Shows

    Edison show was AWESOME. Even the top of the class trophy match delivered. Too lazy to write results though. Nige/Shima killed it. Cary Silkin, the owner of ROH, drove me to the train station after my phone had died trying to call a cab. I didnt even ask him to, he just overheard and offered. Fucking amazing man. He was so nice to me and talked about how crazy the Briscoes were in real life, how he hates Long Island crowds and advised me to never go to a LI show. He also talked about WWF in the 80's and how he felt about the business now. He even asked where I was from and where I go to school, and things like that. It was just an incredible conversation because he is just soooo down to earth and appreciative of ROH fans. I always had respect for ROH but that respect has increased ten fold tonight.
  5. The Flamboyance

    ROH 4/13 and 4/14 Weekend Shows

    I'll be at the Jersey show. Athough I hate that venue, it should be fun. Cant wait. I'm skipping my second class to make sure I get there on time from Manhattan. Fucking hate going to school on Saturdays.
  6. The Flamboyance

    Tomb Raider Anniversary

    Seems pretty interesting. I liked the first two games a lot but I was really young and too impatient and never beat any of them without cheat codes. I think I'll check this out. I remember wasting so many hours just jumping around in her mansion.
  7. The Flamboyance

    First Person Cameraman~

    Didnt they do the first person camera view when The McMahon/Helmsley faction removed Kane's mask? I remember Steph cringing looking straight to the camera.
  8. The Flamboyance

    Best PPV Theme Song....

    I'm not sure what the song is called and I don't know which Wrestlemania it was, but I'm pretty positive it was from the Wrestlemania with Foley vs Rock vs HHH vs Big Show. Anyway...the song went something like "Ooooooooooo California" It was sung by a group of females. It was just a fun song. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  9. The Flamboyance

    Ron and Fez...

    Radiochick is beyond horrible and probably the most awful. Leslie Gold is the least talented bitch I've ever heard. She just goes "Yeah?","Hmmmm" and "Hey man!" for 3 hours. Chuck Nice is awesome though. Definitely. He fucking CARRIES that show on his back.
  10. The Flamboyance

    Ron and Fez...

    Midnight Rider was always Eastside Dave on the radio. Doring was revealed to be the fake midnight rider in the actual match. Ah gotcha. I remember hearing a recap of that event they had two weeks ago and hearing something about Doring wearing a mask or something like that. Thanks.
  11. The Flamboyance

    Ron and Fez...

    The Midnight rider was Danny Doring right? Or was that something else?
  12. The Flamboyance

    Ron and Fez...

    I think Tazz sucks on Free FM as well as Nick Di Paulo.....especially Nick D. All Nick does is laugh at his own horrible jokes. I don't understand how you can say R&F don't have radio voices to then say Nick D is awesome. But whatever floats your boat I guess. R&F are pretty funny. It took me a few days to get into them but Im definitely a fan. I just love their sarcasm. To me, R&F and the Doghouse are the only 92.3 Free FM shows that are actually fun to listen to. That station is for the most part, pretty crappy.
  13. The Flamboyance

    Pizza in NYC

    A lot of tourists make the mistake of getting pizza in Manhattan when they want to have the best stuff out there. Dont do it. You're going to get charged like $3.00 for a crappy slice. Like someone said before, you need to go to Brooklyn or even Queens for the GREAT stuff. Deninos in Staten Island is supposed to rank really high up there also. I havent been there but it's somewhat close to my house...maybe I should check it out.
  14. The Flamboyance

    Mike Awesome dies

    Back when I was in the 7th grade, he was probably the biggest reason why I became an ECW fan. He was just a monster that destroyed everything in his path. To this day he still remains one of my all time favorites. Who could forget that mullet. I was always so dissapointed that the WWE never really did anything with him.
  15. I really like Davey. He has shown a lot of personality at the last few shows. I dig his style too. The only thing I dislike about him is the fact that he uses the stretch muffler as one of his finishers. I just hate that move. Call me crazy but I can definitely see him hold the title next year. If not that, then perhaps the FIP title.
  16. Yeah. Sad news and good news for me. I've been a huge Cide fan for maybe 6 or 7 years and him winning the ROH title was just amazing for me. I definitely wasnt expecting him to have a long reign but I did think he'd have it for a few more months. However, I kind of had a slight feeling Morishima would beat Cide when Joe beat him on Friday. I'm glad Morishima is the champion though. To me, he is a much more believable champ than Rave or Nigel. I can see Rave taking the belt sometime this year but I think he is only starting to come across as a legit threat. These months have been good for him. I like Nigel but there is something about him that makes him dull for me. Morishima is probably the future of NOAH and it's just a good angle. He's a monster that almost beat Joe so him carrying the title is good stuff. I'm also glad that I didnt go to this show because although I like the idea of Morishima with the belt, I'd probably be pissed off seeing him actually beat Homicide for it. I would have gone from being the happiest dude in NYC after seeing Cide beat Rave on Friday to then Cide losing the belt in 15 minutes to a guy that only first wrestled for the company the night before. I am torn. Also, I think I read Morishima is facing KENTA at the Budokan Hall on 3/4, and the ROH title might be on the line. That would be pretty darn cool.
  17. I'll be there tomorrow. I can't wait. The last show in Edison was dissapointing for a bunch of reasons. I'm sure this will be a lot better. I'm hyped the most for Joe vs Morishima, Cide vs Rave and Albright vs Whitmer. The whole card looks very appealing though. Also, I'm looking forward to pick up Final Battle, International Challenge and the last 2 FIP shows.
  18. The Flamboyance

    Van Roth or Van Hagar?

    I like both! But Roth just had so much charisma and energy and I feel that his songs were just better. However, it was almost hard to listen to old Van Halen stuff when he Roth hired to do talk radio in NY last year. It was awful. I'll never get tired of Van Halen though. Way too much fun.
  19. The Flamboyance

    Joy Division vs New Order

    Pot Kettle Black, dude. You just think I'm hipster and indie bashing. I suggest you read carefully. Pitchfork is actually a cool site. I like Allmusic too.
  20. The Flamboyance

    Joy Division vs New Order

    I find Joy Division to be plenty danceable, but then again, I also like to dance to The Slits, so what do I know, eh. How is it irrelevant? Many hipsters idolize Joy Division and sometimes, for the wrong reasons. Not every JD fan is a hipster but a lot of the new wave JD fans are hipsters. And it's not like being a hipster is a bad thing. There. I used the word 4 more times. I don't see the big deal in using it. Hipster. Oh, dang, I used it again. Also, for New Order fans, check out the DVD with one New Order concert from 1981 and another concert from 1999? It is a must have for New Order fans. The 1981 set isnt perfect but it's great to see them starting out after Ian's death.
  21. The Flamboyance

    Joy Division vs New Order

    Joy Division is alright. Definitely incredibly overrated though. Some Joy Division stuff is just really hard to listen to and a lot of hipsters just pretend to like them because it's the cool thing to do when you're a hipster. New Order is one of my favorite bands of all time. I can listen to them any day. Theyre just a fun band. I agree that Waiting For The Sirens Call is horrible but whatever, their old stuff is great, especially Technique. Also, disc 1 of Substance and their best of album from the nineties are the best "best of" cds ever.
  22. The Flamboyance

    Goodbye Samoa Joe

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EWId_gX0_Q Damn, this sucks.
  23. The Flamboyance

    Are these bands any good?

    You'd be making a mistake to not see Comets On Fire. Melvins should be fun live too, as well as Modest Mouse.
  24. The Flamboyance

    Jake Roberts being Jake Roberts

    Damn. I was really hoping to see his match with Sweeney just for the novelty. I guess I never will. What a joke. That guy can never just get it right.
  25. The Flamboyance

    Goodbye Samoa Joe

    Yeah. I'm not at all suprised. I agree that Joe has done alot for ROH but it's still sad. I was really hoping he'd be the first Triple Crown champ but oh well. I'm grateful that I was able to see him live in ROH. I'm glad I'll be able to see him face Morishima next month. That's all I could ask for really. I just hope that TNA comes to NY and NJ so I can see him again. Hopefully, he'll come back to ROH for special appearances in NY or NJ also in the future. I would rather him stay and do more, but it's not up to me and I can understand why this decision was made. It still sucks though :-/