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The Flamboyance

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Everything posted by The Flamboyance

  1. The Flamboyance

    Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: All Star Weekend 6 thread

    I'm definitely going to check these shows out once they are available. I don't watch PWG as much as I'd like to because of school and work, but I try to download the best shows. Last years All Star Weekend was great.
  2. The Flamboyance

    Worst promos ever

    That was hilarious.
  3. The Flamboyance

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    HD wrestling is such a dumb ass concept
  4. The Flamboyance

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Man, I feel for Matt. My appendix burst some years ago too and that was the worst pain ever and I had no idea what was happening to me, but I was too afraid to go to the hospital so I took the pain in for a few days. It got to the point where I couldnt walk or even stand up straight. The Doc said another day and I would have been toast. Glad Matt will be ok.
  5. The Flamboyance

    Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 6

    Overall, I thought this season had a few weak episodes but some of the funny parts were just funnier than ANYTHING ever before so I enjoyed it. I have never laughed so hard in my life before seeing the exterminator just stomp the shit out of that cat at the school play. And Leon was beyond hilarious. The end was just unexpected and I really liked that because the season started out with really predictable stuff. The scene with Larry just looking at Loretta and her smiling back was good stuff. It was also cool to me, that she actually laughed when Larry went on stage to address the gerbil rumor rather than scoff and shun him like everybody else.
  6. The Flamboyance

    CHIKARA releases first retail DVD

    Where did you get it? I went to the Virgin Megastore in Times Square during my class break a few days ago and THEY didn't have it and that place usually has all of the obscure wrestling DVD's. It's grating my skull. It's backordered on Bestbuy.com too. I'm very close to just downloading it but I might use tomorrow's Black Friday sale on the ROH site to get it from there if it's still in stock.
  7. The Flamboyance

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    Jon Secada speaks english. Maybe he wasnt paying attention from being nervous or his hearing is fucked. That segment was all sorts of messed up. As for Jericho. Fuck the haters. That shit was awesome. OMG BRO HE LOOKED GAY. Whatever. Actually, it doesn't really matter if you liked the promo or not, but the homophobia in this thread is crazy and stupid. I can't wait to see his new finisher. I will be watching Raw now again unless he gets buried by HHH or something like that. My fingers are crossed for a nice Jericho WWE Championship reign.
  8. The Flamboyance

    A Scary Moment Today At The CHIKARA Season Finale

    Damn, the positives of that message are good to hear. A fuckin seizure? Damn, that is no joke. MORE than glad that Lince is in good spirits now.
  9. The Flamboyance

    A Scary Moment Today At The CHIKARA Season Finale

    Oh no! I think Lince Dorado is great and I hope he's ok. That sounds pretty brutal. Hopefully, he just got shaken up a bit and will be ok. He is so young and even if he wasn't, shit like this should not happen to anyone. I can't imagine what his family is feeling right now after seeing such a scare.
  10. The Flamboyance


    The Cide/Punk brawl in the Strip Club was in FIP. It was just funny more than anything else. Like Ravenbomb said, his blood feud with Colt Cabana was great as well as his involvement in the ROH/CZW feud Also, his feud with Steve Corino is a must watch. It was one of those "is it a shoot or a work?" situations because they really hated eachother. Cide caused Steve to go half deaf with a stiff slap and Corino messed up Cide's shoulder pretty bad. The barbed wire match is great stuff. Cide vs Joe at Reborn Stage One is constantly talked about. The finish was pretty nuts. Also, the build up to Homicide's title shot against Danielson at Final Battle 2006 was pretty well done especially Him and Joe vs The Briscoes from Glory By Honor 5, his match against Adam Pearce in a cage, as well as, obviously, him vs Danielson at Final Battle for the title. The emotion that night was off the charts and I've never seen anything like that ever again. Although it might not feel that important if you haven't followed the promotion and the feud. Watching it on DVD or a computer is also just not the same. I always thought Homicide was a great wrestler because he mixed in technical wrestling with hardcore brawling. However, his best matches almost always involved some kind of no DQ stipulation. Homicide is loved for his character and the emotion he brings into his matches. That's where his popularity stems from...at least in my opinion. You can't see that stuff from him in TNA and that's the difference.
  11. The Flamboyance

    Levels you hate in game you love

    That boss in Shadow Of The Colossus where you're swimming and there are about 4 platforms you can climb on. I think the boss was able to shoot some laser shit at you and you had to find a way to jump on its head, then get it near a platform so you could jump on the roof and attack his face or some shit. It took me forever to figure that out. I must have been fighting him for about 2 hours just on one try. The old guy sniper in Metal Gear Solid 3. That was just a pain. Any GTA racing level. The sewer level in Star Wars Dark Forces pissed me off. Well, a lot of levels in that game pissed me off as a kid. That game was just hard in general.
  12. The Flamboyance

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Saw Broken Social Scene last night. They played a 2.5 hour set and it was just a great show. Perfect venue, perfect sound and I haven't seen a band have so much fun on stage in a long time.
  13. The Flamboyance

    CHIKARA releases first retail DVD

    I couldnt find this anywhere last week, not even in the heart of NYC. I'll keep looking though because I love Chikara and the matchlist looks great. If I can't find it by the end of the week, I guess I'll just order it. Quack and Claudio had another good match in ROH's July at the Race To The Top tournament. Check it out if you haven't. I hope they start releasing full shows in the future. That'd be great because it's hard to keep up with Chikara unless you're willing to do constant online shopping and that's something I don't like to do. Anyway, do you have it yet? Have you seen the whole thing? I'm interested in knowing what Sweeney vs Kingston was like.
  14. The Flamboyance

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Almost picked this game up yesterday because it's only 30 bucks but I held out. I know it's gotten average reviews from most websites and magazines. Anyone here play it?
  15. The Flamboyance

    ROH Misawa Weekend (Glory By Honor VI Night 1 and 2)

    I agree that the impromptu shit has gotten out of hand and I really didnt like the beat down Claudio got after pinning Marufuji. That win that warranted some sort of respect/handshake/celebration segment IMO. Pinning Marufuji should have been treated as a big fucking deal. I also though bringing out Higuchi and Race was stupid right after the double dq. However, in the end, was it a HORRIBLE show? No way. It might look bad on paper but it was chock full of good matches that you'll only know about if you watch. Questionable booking aside, there were still loads of entertainment last night night that left people in a good mood after the show. There wasnt one match that sucked.
  16. The Flamboyance

    ROH Misawa Weekend (Glory By Honor VI Night 1 and 2)

    The show owned. Got front row tickets for the next NYC ppv AND Final Battle Misawa vs KENTA was soooo much better than expected. Incredible. The post above mine is pretty much spot on in regards to the matches.
  17. The Flamboyance

    ROH Misawa Weekend (Glory By Honor VI Night 1 and 2)

    I'll be there too. Besides that match, I'm really excited for Marufuji vs Castagnoli Obviously, I'm excited about Misawa vs KENTA but Maru vs Claudio is gonna be ridiculous
  18. The Flamboyance

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    there is a rockband demo drum set up at the bestbuy near my uni fucking amazing
  19. The Flamboyance

    Samoa Joe to debut in NOAH

    Thanks dude. Downloading ASAP
  20. The Flamboyance

    WrestleFanFest, Oct. 19th-Oct. 21st

    Sounds like a nice main event. The original 7 way whatever sounded like a cluster fuck so I'm glad they changed stuff around. Very cool that you got to ref it. Sounds like I'll be downloading the main event and Dragon vs Kidman when they're available or hopefully someone youtubes that shit.
  21. The Flamboyance

    WrestleFanFest, Oct. 19th-Oct. 21st

    Looking forward to seeing Nigel's first defense on DVD. The same goes for Roddy vs Claudio. And Human Tornado finally in ROH is going to be a lot of fun. West Coast ROH fans are lucky to see this show. That Malice In The Palace show sounds kinda bad except for the novelty of Muta vs Dragon.
  22. The Flamboyance

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I got tickets for Morrissey on Oct 22. I am sooo excited. Has anyone seen him during this tour?
  23. The Flamboyance

    Total Non-Stop Action

    There's gameplay in the second clip.
  24. The Flamboyance

    Let's start talking Best Album of 2007.

    Someone Great is an incredible song.
  25. The Flamboyance

    ROH Boston/Jersey Weekend (now with results)

    I'm pretty glad Nigel is champ but to be honest the match was a bit dissapointing and sloppy. I hope they edit it a bit so it looks better on ppv. I thought the booking was perfect because Nigel came so close to beating Shima at the same venue in April. He is over as fuck in Edison, and Edison crowds sit on their hands most of the time.