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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik


    As for Holloway being on the View this week, I don't see that as a sign of him getting offed tonight. A) Charlie is probably going bye bye tonight B) They would save that shit for the final, I think. I'll be perfectly willing to call myself an idiot in 2 hours if I'm wrong.
  2. Mik

    UFC 71

    Yeah and the weighins are going to be live on ESPN. I can hear Jim Lampley softly sobbing somewhere...
  3. Mik


    He didn't say I can't save you this time. He said this time you have to die.
  4. Mik

    24 - Season 6

    I'm definitely the thread bumper around here. Meh episode. Hard to believe the finale is next week, though. I don't care if Jack kills his dad or not. I just hope saves a very heinous death for Cheng.
  5. Mik

    The Sopranos

    At first I thought he was resetting his nose. But then once I realized he was, in effect, suffocating him on his own blood... jesus. Finally something happened, but damn, that came out of nowhere. That girl in Vegas was smoking HOT.
  6. Mik


    VICTOOOOOOORRRRRYYYYYYY!!!! Great ending to a great episode. Vince owns Mediian, he's back w/ Ari, and Johnny Drama is on a hit TV show. I was digging the end totally and the Victory just sealed it.
  7. Mik


    I think it's to tease his UPCOMING LEADERSHIP OF THE OTHERS. Wooooooooo. That's what I want to see at least.
  8. Mik

    Whats the best p2p programs out there?

    Just download bit torrent and use torrent sites.
  9. Mik

    This Week in Baseball 5/7 - 5/13

    The greatest reliever in Marlins history, gone like that. For shame. Not one single successful appearance... and someone actually wanted him. Not like Kim is treasure, but whatever. I bet he can get 3 outs once every few outings.
  10. Mik


    I think he's an editor or something. i remember him saying something similar about seeing Blades of Glory early. Sneak Peak for Wednesday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxXdkOnUaic
  11. Mik

    Pictures I Like

    A-Rod likes what he sees.
  12. Mik

    This Week in Baseball 5/7 - 5/13

    With another blister flareup I think it's safe to say that the trade advantage is firmly back in the hands of the Marlins. Beckett won't be the same the rest of the season. I've been this happen a million times.
  13. Mik

    Pictures I Like

  14. Mik

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Probably talking to myself but "It Won't Be Soon Before Long" leaked and it's pretty decent. It's an interesting situation because I can't remember a band going from absolute nothing to one of the biggest and simultaneously most hated bands in between their first and second albums. Songs About Jane came out so long ago that I had an entire 3 year relationship between the CDs and I broke up with that girlfriend over a year ago. It's been awhile. Needless to say, it's a big more peppy... Jamirqui-esque, but there are some definite stand out tracks. There is a song called "Nothing Lasts Forever" and it uses the exact same hook as a previous song he sung. It took me forever to figure it out and I was wondering how they could get so lazy but it's just his verse from the Kanye West song made into a whole song. It's actually a good song. Overall, it's better than I expected. I expected a major let down and I actually kind of like it. But the people who want to kill these guys will want to even more so, I think.
  15. Mik


    If I ran Lost I would deliver the biggest holy shit moment ever in the finale. I'd have there be a mini-skirmish between the Losties and the Others and then out of nowhere I'd just have Jack turn and blast Kate in the face with a death shot at close range. That would generate the buzz to carry over until February. Too bad they don't have the balls to do something like that.
  16. Mik

    Thread for those over the age of 25.

    What about if you are 25? Am I allowed to post here?
  17. Mik

    Pictures I Like

    That trailer park picture is so photoshopped.
  18. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Koscheck vs. GSP is ON for August. Same card as Randy vs. Gonzaga. Two knockout cards in a row.
  19. Mik

    TUF V: The Thread

    1) Don't fuck w/ Lauzon 2) Someone needs to explain to Corey what a "lose-lose" situation is. I don't think I've ever heard someone use that more incorrectly. 3) Emerson got jobbed. Corey didn't do ANYTHING. It shouldn't have even gone to sudden victory. Those leg kicks trumped anything Corey did.
  20. Mik


    I thought it was volcanic ash from the volcano that was on the island. If you remember the school house scene where they were making fake volcanos... one of the children asked about "is that what happens with our volcano."
  21. Mik

    This Week in Baseball 5/7 - 5/13

    that almost sounds like it could have some logic behind it...
  22. Mik


    I don't think this is the first time Ben has pulled the whole..."These are my people" speech. Bullet hole to skull = not from purge.
  23. Mik

    Baseball Prospectus

    One team already has #4 and #6 and both will be gone within the six year period this covers. Sigh. But Hanley at #6!!!
  24. Mik


    how'd you guess? anyways, i'll stop - they ain't going anywhere. I just hope that we get more of the Charlie/Hurley/Jin awesome-ness next season. I also hope they don't pussy out on the big fight they've been teasing between the Losties and the Others After next week it will probably be Hurley/Jin awesomeness. They're not going to pussy out. The only real question in my mind is what side Jack is going to come down on. I'm with Curry - Jacob is the smoke monster. Or more specifically, the smoke monster is a manifestation of Jacob. For my money I hope it shakes down as Losties (lead by Sayid/Sawyer) vs. Others (lead by Jack/Ben) vs. Island (lead by Jacob/Locke). That will make me very happy.