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Posts posted by uhftv

  1. If only Vince and the writers would put this much effort and time into OTHERS WRESTLERS angles and characters as well, it might be a little better to watch.




    this is an AWESOME picture of a guy in a suit looking sternly at a stack of papers. I BELIEVE he is a federal guy!!



    Elsewhere on the site it appears they canceled, i mean POSTPONED the supplemental draft until SUNDAY. Meaning they are so obsessed on working on the storyline that everyone outside and in wrestling fandom is ridiculing them for and will NOT draw money, that they dont have time for planning on the future of, what do you call them? oh yeah, the employees that people pay to see.

  2. Was an AWESOME fight althought too short



    Both guys looked nervous as hell but Chuck much more.


    Randy usually gets it right, foreshadowing Chuck leaving his left hand out there to stare at it and catch guys with a looping left, then at at that split second Jackson tags him with a looping right. Any other dude and it wouldve been a one punch knockout.





    The last 20 seconds are playing all OVER ESPN. I wouldve thought that would kill replay buys.I cant believe they would allow that.


    Im all for competitive fights but i'd also to see a champ win on their first title defense. Seems like ages since i've seen that. Hopefully both Rampage and Randy win their next fights.

  3. They should have done the HBK angle where he collapsed in the middle of a match and it was attributed to too many headshots from the night before against Owen Hart at an awesome match at In Your House. Nobody would remember anyway since it's over 10 years old.


    Sucks that they cant even bury Orton cause there are so many guys injured or working through injuries. Same thing happened last time they tried to punish Orton and he ended up beating Angle clean. That's what happens when you disregard 90% of the roster: no one there to take up spots, especially in the midst of mass firings.


    I liked the 2/3 falls stip cause they could have done the deal where titles dont change on dq or countout but you can win 2 straight falls like that and have to win the title that way. Odd that this got less time than the Punk match but at least it's not on the level of the current IC champ.


    And with no more pure SD ppvs does that mean the SD tag belts and CW title are even more useless than before?


    Next ppv is One Night Stand, is it another tri-brander? That's as ridiculous as still calling it ONS, but not as ridiculous as calling it ECW.


    If RVD is still around he can give Cena his win back from last year. Awesome right?


    This show felt like a backlash from Backlash. I can see alot more rematches, and with a better undercard and less Khali, ONS may end up being pretty stacked. And the only match I wouldnt want to see would be whatever they do involving the ECW title.


    Flair had a ppv match and didnt do one interview?

    Lashley still sucks.

  4. Out of the many departures of guys, I'd say one for the record books is: getting beat up by Snitsky. That was actually the first match in months I was actually interested in cause I thought for sure he'd lose to Snitsky clean.


    I dont see the point of him sticking around till ONS if he's still there just to put over whoever. Even wwe defenders can see that problems with talent are resulting in everyone being held back instead of letting someone step up and run with the ball. With all these injuries they still give a top spot to guys who are already working through injuries anyway or are already top guys instead of trying someone new who doesnt look cosmetically like everyone else. You could show a casual fan hey he's getting pushed and he's not that built or that tall so he must be good right? Who can you say that about anymore?

    Lashley and Snitsky are the only guys getting pushed. In the old Ecw's last 5 years even they were not hit with this many roster shakeups than the scifi show, and it hasnt even been a full year yet, and i'd say the majority is self-inflicted by vince himself. despite being less insulting than past years, alot of decisions are shrinking the amount of spots on tv and ppv. I dont think there will be a real bidding war for anyone between wwe and tna for many years. WWE hasnt pushed anyone they wouldnt normally push, and no one jumping to TNA is utilized as a big star correctly maybe ever in it's history.

    And if there are any fans that actually masturbate thinking about classic matches then i dont want to know about them.

    TNA has always had the talent and potential but never capitalize on the ability to eclipse the wwe quality cause of the weird booking and inconsistency.

    i always hear about wwe not wanting guys to go to tna but what 's the big deal? They do more damage to themselves than they could possibly do to the wwe's product. If there came a point where tna stopped sucking and actually made money for once and started cutting into wwe's ppv buys, then i could see them signing a dozen guys and putting them out of their misery. they havent protected their x division in years so why keep any of them under contract at all?

  5. If they were going to go this route it wouldve been nice to have a fresh guy up top since Taker was so protected with the win anyway . I like Edge but he was already a top guy so it wasnt as shocking as the 1st time he did it, and Smackdown needs more fresh heels and I see him showing up more on Raw even with the title win.


    Matt Hardy beat Kennedy clean last week, but he couldnt've gotten injured between then and Raw, so did he get injured before last week's Raw?


    Seems like good planning as they can rekindle the Hardy Edge feud and see how many times is it humanly possible can Edge beat Matt in the next 9 months straight.


    But the Dave vs Henry feud is not something I want to see again ever. They should just try to legit injure each other before they do it to themselves.

  6. Having to hold back an HBK match and


    holding back another Edge match and


    holding back Orton until they realize then need him again no matter what


    and holding back Kennedy until WM, which is against MITB rules but nobody cares


    I had NO CLUE they were going to pick a really TALL guy who sucks.


    No clue.


    So against the usual wwe style.


    Vince adds prestige to another title lineage, great. Him and Justin Credible.

    I wonder if they can hold off on the Lashley win till ONS. It's basically rehashing the Cena playbook from the last 2 years: Celebs and handicap matches.

  7. man that Edge vs Booker feud over a shampoo commercial was EPIC.


    I totally forgot Chavo was champ I thought Helms still had it. I dont even think he was at the last SD taping before Sunday so there may not be any cruiserweights on the show. I think they left out alot of gimmick/stipulation and title matches to have the 3 main champs mean more but it is a medium sized card. You always looks forward to the heatless matches for a bathroom break or just to kill the crowd, especially the huge arenas. There are actually enough guys off the show to fill 3 battle royals. Not even a midcard grudge match, if the Flair match is still off. Except for the Khali match, I think Vince always has some type of giant/monster match that stinks up a WM cause he thinks they actually draw.


    I think the ECW match is elimination instead of one fall but I still dont see that going long. Unless you tell Kane to wrestle for an hour draw and he doesnt run screaming for the building i think MITB will run pretty long, and the haircut will probably have 9 million video intros and replays that will run longer than the match itself.


    I did notice there are alot of poor workers spread out through the card and alot of good ones are off the show. HIT the gym you skinny freaks!!

  8. I think it was a mistake to put the IC title on Umaga. I've only seen it being carried by Estrada and he's constantly being blocked from the camera by Vince. They also have no Raw tagteam title match and it's unlikely London and Kendrick would defend as there arent any challengers either. They could have a battle royal for all undercard titles.


    They also scrapped the Flair Carlito match last I heard. I guess they were afraid it wouldnt live up to the great Christian/DDP feud of many years ago.


    So nothing for all mentioned above, in addition to Shelton, who stole the show last MITB, or Nitro, but they make room for a singles match with MV freakin P?


    Sorry Shelton no match for you this time, but we do have room for one with the Vampire and the Teacher


    Thank god it's with Benoit so they didnt bother to push it hard, but the US title is something I'd expect to not have a mention. I'm thinking that's a good curtain jerker, match time no more than 5 minutes.


    They'll probably put the 8 man after MITB to rub it in RVD's face and guarantee it will be even more heatless than it was going to be.


    The womens match, Khali and hair match should be all put together like a long intermission. I could skip the whole batch, right up to the haircutting.


    I wonder if they'll split up the world title matches or just have them back to back, and which one would go last since either winner will be a babyface?


    I'd hate to think a Batista match would be last since it will most likely be slow and boring.

  9. HBK has lost a shitload of "big matches" recently. He beat Vince, but c'mon, that's a 60 year old man.


    Vs. Benoit and HHH at WM 20

    Vs. Kurt Angle at WM 21

    Vs. Cena and Angle for the WWE Title at Taboo Tuesday

    Austin's "Career on the Line" at SSeries 2003

    Raw's Team at SSeries 2005

    Vs. Hogan at SSlam 2005

    Runner up in hometown Rumble at Rumble '07


    It's time he gets what he deserves, IMO.



    None of those are singles matches except for the Angle match. And he got his win BACK at Vengeance. And they did a time limit draw for the rubber match.


    He did lose to Umaga at a Raw, but in straight up singles he hasnt lost since that Hogan debacle.


    Are they really gonna have a WM without a tag title match? Any of the tag titles?


    How about any tag matches?


    No IC title match either?


    So the only secondary title match is with MV freakin P?

    Something tells me that wont live up to Steamboat/Savage.
