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Everything posted by Timmy8271

  1. Timmy8271

    Future Feuds

    JBL/Punk Cena/MVP Jericho/Kennedy HHH/Taker J. Hardy/Edge M.Hardy/Morrison Natalya/Beth Cherry/Layla and finally just for the hell of it: Finlay/Hornswoggle vs Jesse/Festus
  2. Timmy8271

    Tim Russert dead

    I would think David Gregory. I hope i'm wrong because he would be the wrong choice.
  3. I just watched Dodgeball. Man that movie was disappointing. I thought it would be funnier with guys like Stiller and Vaughn.
  4. Timmy8271

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Companies that go to Job Fairs just to tell you to apply at the website. Why are you even there if you just point people to the website? What happened to the good old day when you applied in person? And to add something driving related, The damn Orange County road authority and Construction. I know it has to be done but it seems like it's been going on for like 5 years. And then you have idiots that run into the cones and they land in the street and you have to swerve.
  5. Timmy8271

    What isn't stale in the WWE?

    Santino/Piper Singing Trevor Murdoch Jericho/Batista/HBK The teasing of Punk/Edge this past week Kofi/Evan Borne tag team The Smackdown Divas as a whole Melina/Beth Ted Dibiase Jr.
  6. Timmy8271

    NWA Weekly Programming Thread

    Well he was booker at the time and he pretty much killed the NWA because of the reasons you mentioned. But Dusty in Florida is a whole different beast. He was so awesome there.
  7. Timmy8271

    Pregnant "man" to give birth soon.

    Welcome to two months ago.
  8. Timmy8271

    Guys who you KNEW sucked

    Brakus and Reese. I remember hating those guys and they still suck.
  9. Timmy8271

    Pundits you love/hate

    So with Malkin's logic, What about this woman? John McCain's daughter, Meghan. She has the "terrorist scarf" too.
  10. Timmy8271

    Monday Night Wars

    He was in the Brawl for All and got his ass kicked by Savio Vega.
  11. Timmy8271

    The Youtube Thread

    Yeah Jamie Dundee. He books for the Springer show now.
  12. Timmy8271

    I'm the ice cream man. I'm a one man band.

    Ice cream man comes by the neighborhood every day here. Dude even comes by the house across the street.
  13. Timmy8271

    The Highschool Thread

    High School was pretty good for me except I have a lot of regrets about it. I was a pretty good student. Got good grades, all the teachers liked me, had some friends. But I wish I would have experienced it better. I wish I went to the parties and play sports. It was the first time and only time i've been in love. Of course that got shot down Senior year when she accused me of stalking and got another guy. Looking back at it now, I probably was but fuck it. Besides that, Senior year was my favortie. I met a lot of cool people, went to prom, helped people by cheating on tests and homework. You know If I was smart enough, I could have made some good money there. As for stories, Not too many I can remember right now. Had some teacher drop dead in the middle of class of a heart attack. I wasn't there though. Also saw some kid do a big ass line of coke and then pass out in the bathroom. I miss those years. Most of the people from my graduating class are either: Married with Kids, In Iraq, Druggies, complete losers like myself or dead. Oh I remember another story, Senior year I got good grades. A and B's in all my classes. Despite this, I almost didn't graduate. Why? Because of Florida's shitty standardized tests. I failed that bitch 5 times. I suck at tests and especially match. The reading part i passed on the first try no problem. Luckly I was in the SLD Freshmen year and that got me a pass. I had a lot of friends that were on the honor roll that didn't graduate because of that shitty rule.
  14. Timmy8271

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    A lot of the WWE guys have Myspace. I know Helms and Jimmy Yang do. About that stable, wasn't that rumored like a year ago with Gary Hart being the manager? Also I don't see T.J Wilson ever making the main roster. Is he even in FCW now?
  15. I'm in. Sound like a good idea.
  16. Timmy8271

    Pictures I Like

    Cowboy who is that in your sig? Looks familiar but I laugh everytime I see it.
  17. Timmy8271

    ECW tapings to take place before Raw; Heat canceled

    Raw midcarders? I'm sure Sci Fi and USA want Cena or HHH on ECW as much as possible to get ratings up. Not that that will happen
  18. Timmy8271

    TNA ratings drop

    I don't think Joe is horrible but he seems so unmotivated right now. His promos are lacking and seem to be the same thing every time. I don't blame him of course because no doubt Angle is getting the title back before the end of the year and he's been booked like a chump. I just can't believe someone thinks JBL is a better wrestler than Joe when Motivated. Maybe promo wise but wrestling wise?
  19. Timmy8271

    Campaign 2008

    Wait a minute, Isn't she the one that said Mccain would be a better president than Obama?
  20. Timmy8271

    Pictures I Like

  21. Timmy8271

    Middle School/Jr. High backtrack

    Yeah middle school was worthless. I'm pretty sure it was those years that this douche kid kept stealing my lunch money every day for about 6 months. I missed a lot of school but still got honor roll. These were the days when my Porn addiction started and I thought of all women as sexual objects. Eh who am I kidding, I still do but that's going off topic. High School was the best years of my life so far. 9th grade was a little rough where I got made fun of but people realised that I would just laugh it off or hold it in and they stopped. I got pretty good grades and helped tons of people with homework and tests. If I did it for money, I would probably have made thousands of dollars. I did have some bad times like the time that I fell in the mud and had to go to class with my pants ruined. But I got to go home for the rest of the day so it was all good. Another funny story that I really don't remember but my friend told me is junior year, We use to sit by a bunch of Senior Jocks. I guess they were playing and they threw a huge garbage pail and it landed on my head. I didn't feel a damn thing and kept eating my lunch.
  22. I've seen the match. He's alright and lost a lot of weight since his Akeem days. He can't even fit in the Akeem costume because it's too big for him. I don't think he's really active though. He's still a prison guard in Louisiana.
  23. Timmy8271

    Impact Spoilers for 5/15

    She could try to ugly up Love. Have a "Loser gets a makeover by the winner" match since Mantell loves the gimmick matches.
  24. Timmy8271


    Meltzer's wife is real sick.
  25. Skandar Akbar has his own school in Louisiana. He still manages on the indy's. Bobby Fulton of the Fantastics wrestles from time to time. Was Tommy Rich in World Class? You can put him on the list too. Chavo Guerrero wrestled at Rey De Reyes a couple weeks ago. Bill Dundee still wrestles in the south. Hector Guerrero was just on TNA tonight. Brickhouse Brown still does indy's. Kamala is also active. Butch from the Sheephearders is in ROH.