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Everything posted by Timmy8271

  1. Timmy8271

    Frozen Foods

    I like the Tortino's and Digorno's pizzas. I use to eat hungryman but I just can't anymore. Don't know why. And Stoffer's is the shit.
  2. Timmy8271

    Pizza Hut

    I still like Pizza Hut. I love the Pepperoni lovers. I remember Papa John's use to have a deal with my high school. I haven't had it since at least 2004. It's just bland.
  3. Timmy8271

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 26-28

    It's better than Saw 3 was. I especially liked the scene of the naked chick bathing in blood.
  4. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    I've been down on Ja Adande lately as he's been pretty awful on PTI but him name dropping Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie today on Around The horn was gold.
  5. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    I'm begging Mike Golic to stop saying "Gang". No i'm not your gang Golic.
  6. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    Well DDP had heat with alot of people in WCW cause they thought he was just a Bischoff/Nash Kissup. Of course that was the only way to survive in WCW at the time.
  7. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    And the way they did it was just not right. I really don't like horse racing. Anyone watch Around the Horn on Thursday? Woody and Jay were in the same room for showdown and it ended with Woddy attacking Jay and trying to kiss him. Funny as hell.
  8. Timmy8271

    Strangest place you've met a wrestler

    My Grandfather met Raven and Saturn at a IHOP. That's the best I got besides meeting Jerry Lawler at a Autograph signing by Victoria Secret.
  9. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    Luger attacked Savage and Hogan at the end of the Havoc Match. I know he teamed with Meng at the next night's Nitro vs Sting/Savage.
  10. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    So I watched E:60 again last night and it came off even more scripted than last weeks. Especially the Lisa Saulter/Michael Smith "argument" about Chad Johnson's parenting skills. And anyone see Steve Young just go off on Mike Greenberg on Monday about Manning vs Brady?
  11. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    I just watched the infamous Halloween Havoc 95. Besides the end of the main event and Macho/Zodiac, I didn't think the show was that bad. Especially for mainstream wrestling at the time. I got some questions though: 1. Why the monster truck battle? Did WCW have a deal with the Monster truck people and to plug the Hogan truck? 2. Was Kamala fired or did he quit before Halloween Havoc? He was scheduled to face Luger but Meng got the spot. 3. If Hall and Nash hadn't left WWF, Was the plan all along for Savage/Hogan in 96 for Hogan to go heel and we get a Luger/Hogan vs Savage/Sting tag team match at Bash at the beach? 4. How Long was Luger in the Dungeon of Doom?
  12. Matt Hardy attacking Edge for the first time on Raw after being fired Hogan joining the NWO Sandman's return to ECW
  13. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    Wasn't it during the "Outsiders run Steiners off the road" angle and he just left the NWO in disgust?
  14. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    So I'm watching some of the first Nitros and i'm wondering: 1. Who's idea was it to put Mongo in the booth? He was god awful. Was this just because Vince had him in the booth for that one Raw? 2. Speaking of Vince, I know it's ok to poke fun at your opponents but god damn Bischoff did it every 5 minutes. When was the first time Vince Acknowledged WCW on commentary? 3. Did Bischoff take over WCW in 1993 after Watts left or was there someone else?
  15. Timmy8271

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    I just listened to that Souljia boy song for the first time. I can't believe i'm saying this but I like it. It's catchy.
  16. Timmy8271

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    372: The fire alarm sketch followed by the real fire alarm going off in the studio.
  17. Timmy8271

    The What If Topic...

    What if Goldberg and Lesner had stayed in the WWE after Mania 20? Would we have gotten Austin/Goldberg/Lesner for Backlash?
  18. Timmy8271

    Pictures I Like

    Great timing.
  19. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    So did anyone watch the new ESPN Dateline type show E:60? I tried watching it but I couldn't get past the shitty opening and Michael Smith talking about statutory rape.
  20. Timmy8271

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    I like Nickleback so I'm not picking them. The answer is Gimme More and Beautiful girls. I want to punch that Kingston dude right back to whatever country he came from. God he's fucking annoying and the video makes me angry.
  21. Timmy8271

    Stupid telemarketers

    I know people that work as telemarketers. The "Do Not Call" List is such a sack of shit. Companies call anyways. Especially Non Profits and Police.
  22. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Sage Steel also looks like a broomstick.
  23. Timmy8271

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Sting should win and Job to Angle on Impact. I would say there's no way Angle wins but knowing this is TNA and he's in Dixie's ear, he'll probably win. What I want to know about the PPV Sunday is if Banderas shows up. He's been appearing on AAA shows the past couple weeks in a non wrestling role. I wonder if they dropped the angle with him and Abyss?
  24. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    He got injured. I think he had a bad back before even becomign Waylon Mercy and it was only a matter of time.
  25. Timmy8271

    WWE 24/7 October Discussion

    That's the Clash match right? If so it's awesome just for cracked out of his mind Buzz Sawyer and his crazy bumps. And the crowd was great for it.