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Everything posted by Timmy8271

  1. Timmy8271

    Fall Programming

    I'm looking foward most to Cane. I hope it does good cause it sounds intriguing. Other than that, Raw, ECW, 24(it better be better than last year), Shield, ECW, Smackdown and probably the Caveman show for shits and giggles.
  2. I remember when Mr. Aguila came out to DX music a couple years ago. X-Pac should come out to his X-factor theme and have Justin Credible with him.
  3. Timmy8271

    Comments that don't warrant a thread.

    E machines t3612 Desktop. It's weird, it hasn't happened since.
  4. Timmy8271

    The Old School questions thread

    No and No. It was probably Vince that told them to say it. Especially number 1.
  5. Timmy8271


    Drunk girls, There were lots of them in my school.
  6. Timmy8271

    This is why I don't like Religion

    I don't like Jehovah's witness people because they harass me when i'm at the grocery store to give that booklet out. And it's not even in English. What the fuck? Hate is too strong over a word. You don't bother me, I won't bother your with my anti religous views.
  7. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CW8uUJJJcI...;watch_response This is better.
  8. Timmy8271

    Top 5 and Bottom 5 Moments

    Booker T 1. Becoming King BOOKAH 2. Winning the WCW title 3. Bookdust 4. The feud with the Rock 5. Vs Benoit the best of 7 series Worst: 1. GI Bro 2. Losing T to fucking Ahmed johnson 3. The shampoo feud 4. 2005 Booker T 5. Booker and RVD tag team
  9. Timmy8271


    Seth was really only a prick to Mclovin and the Michael Cera character. I liked him but I like prick character in movies.
  10. Timmy8271

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    Cena should win but get destroyed in the process. Then the next night on raw, He loses his smile and forfits to Orton.
  11. Timmy8271

    The Youtube Thread

    It's also his last match in WWE before getting canned.
  12. Timmy8271

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    No I'm talking about "Rockstar". It has a whole bunch of people like Billy Gibbons and Hef's whores in it lip synching.
  13. Timmy8271

    Ask Milky.

    So when are you going to bang Ashley Blue? And When you do, Are you going to let her go all "Girlvert" on you?
  14. Timmy8271

    Top 5 and Bottom 5 Moments

    HBK 1. The Original DX 2. Vs Razor Ramon WM X 3. The Short shorts interview with Jim Ross 4. The feud with Bret Hart 5. Having Diesel as his bodyguard Bottom: 1. Born Again Christian HBK 2. Feud with Vince Mcmahon 3. Reformation of DX 4. 2nd Angle match after the good one at Mania 5. Jobbing to Davari.
  15. Timmy8271

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I like the new nickelback song. It's catchy.
  16. Timmy8271

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Was it really necessary to have Michael Vick coverage on both ESPN and ESPN2 this afternoon?
  17. Timmy8271

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    High school people that yell on the bus when they get on the bus. Listen, I'm just trying to get home. I don't care who your fucking or how big of a whore you are. People that diss the WWE because it has "too much stereotypical comedy". Seriously, What the fuck?
  18. Timmy8271


    Loved it. Everything about it was just right on the ball about kids that age. I hope they don't make a Superbadder because this was just right.
  19. Timmy8271


    I say boycott the sports section.
  20. Timmy8271

    Really crazy, screwed up musicians.

    Mick Fleetwood. Apparently, he couldn't get by without doing Cocaine before every show. Plus he fucked Stevie Nicks who's crazy as it is in her coke state.
  21. Timmy8271

    Girls gets arrested for filming...

    She better watch her ass in prison. They will eat her alive.
  22. Timmy8271

    Comments that don't warrant a thread.

    So I was on my computer and all of the sudden the Screen goes into a static type state and the computer goes off. The Power is still on. I unplug it and turn it back on and it beeps 3 times. I unplug it again and leave it for 20 minutes before I plug it back in. I turn it on and it works fine. What's up with that?
  23. Timmy8271

    What are you watching?

    I think JT left sometime in 97. He got replaced by an even better person, Tracy Smothers. From Nashville Italy.
  24. Timmy8271


    I guess that means TNA: Total Nonstop Angle? When will he bring in Eric? He should change his name to Bollywood Angle not to confuse himself with Hollywood Hogan.
  25. Timmy8271


    I haven't been to one in about a year. I usually go with my family to Holiday House. Good stuff there but it's expensive. Nothing and i mean nothing beats Quincy's. I don't think they are around anymore. Best steak I ever ate was at that place. Golden Corral sucks. I got food posioning there and never went back.