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Everything posted by Timmy8271

  1. Timmy8271

    Country Draft

  2. Timmy8271

    Websites you check every day

    Thebiglead.com TMZ.com Christiansingstheblues Wrestlingobserver.com Youtube
  3. Timmy8271

    TV Character Draft

    Since you took my pick EHME, I take: Lt. Jon Kavanaugh
  4. Timmy8271

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Phil Ken-Sebben
  5. Timmy8271

    TV Character Draft

    Are talk show hosts allowed?
  6. Timmy8271

    Stand up Comic Draft

    I"m in.
  7. Timmy8271


    Kevin O'shea
  8. Timmy8271

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Sorry I'm late: Harvey Birdman
  9. Timmy8271

    Country Draft

  10. Timmy8271

    TV Character Draft

    Steve Sanders
  11. Timmy8271

    You can't hold a good drafter down

    TSM Member Draft. I wonder who would pick Leena?
  12. Timmy8271


    I pick Richard Thomas's character in the TV movie Stalking Laura: Richard Farley:
  13. Timmy8271

    Burning DVDs to my CPU.

  14. Timmy8271

    The Great TSM Wrestling Survey

    General Interest Questions 1. Who are you and what's your business here? I found this board thanks to the shoot interview reviews Brandon did. 2. When did you discover an interest in wrestling? 1995 while watching something on the preview channel for Bret Hart vs Diesel. 3. The Company Line: A. Which companies have you actively followed in your tenure as a wrestling fan? - WWE, WCW, ECW, CMLL, AAA, TNA, Memphis, etc. You name it I followed it. B. What have some of your favourite companies been? Your least favourite? Favorite: Probably WWE and ECW. I liked WCW but that could change week from week. I'm also a huge Lucha Libre fan but that has changed over the past year C. What is your favourite company right now? Any reason why? - WWE, It's just a tradition for me. 4. (Not So) Favourites: A. Who were your favourite wrestlers (or gimmicks) growing up / when you first started watching wrestling? - Steve Austin, Rock, DX, Al Snow, Goldberg, DDP and Sandman. B. Who were some guys you couldn't stand? - Hulk Hogan, Marc Mero, Shane Douglas, Raven C. Who are your current favourites (if applicable / different from A.) - Santino, Randy Orton, John Cena, Evan Bourne, Most of the Divas not named Michelle Mccool, Miz/Morrison Specific Questions about your Interest 5. How would you gauge your current interest level in the product? I don't have cable anymore but I still watch Raw every Monday(Thank you Justin.tv) and Smackdown. I watch ECW sometimes and sometimes TNA. 6. At what point in wrestling history (if it's not now) would you consider your interest to have been at it's peak? 1999. Most of this was thanks to the Monday night Wars but I Loved 1999 at the time. 7. At what point could you tell your interest was dipping and why do you think this happened, or what specific event(s) triggered the decrease? Probably after Austin left in 02. I lost Cable the first time in 03 so I missed Raw and stuff. 8. Have you ALWAYS stuck with wrestling even during times of low interest, or are there any lengths of time you stopped watching for a period only to come back at a later date? Nah I still watched. I stopped watching TNA in about May but just came back recentley. Interesting Questions of a Somewhat Random Nature 10. What style of pro wrestling best resonates with your personal tastes? I like the Technical style mixed with Lucha libre. Also the Memphis/NWA style, Old school wrestling. Not a big fan of the Spot/Spot no selling style or Hardcore/Deathmatch style. 11. Where do you "draw the line" with the whole "suspended disbelief" deal? Do you tell critics to "relax because it's just wrestling and you should enjoy the matches" (aka TNA fans about everything that happens on Impact!), do you come up with solutions that the writing team didn't bother to think about but you figure "it's there if you read between the lines" (aka "WWE Apologists"), somewhere inbetween, or do you take your greatest joy in watching wrestling to deconstruct everything that makes no sense? Probably somewhere in between. I'm probably too critical on TNA and a WWE Apologist but on everything else I'm pretty relaxed 12. Do you attend live events? I use to go to Raw everytime it came here but stopped in 03. I went to Wrestlemania and ROH this year. 14. What are your favourite matches, moments, or events? Austin vs Mcmahon, The Beer bath, Goldberg winning the World Title from Hogan. 15. Freestyle I"ll probably always be a wrestling fan. It's in my blood now. Add any closing remarks you feel are absolutely necessary to letting TSM know your thoughts on wrestling. Again, just have fun with it. If it comes off as lame, I apologize, but I'm hoping it brings the "wrestling sections" of the board closer together instead of further apart.
  15. Timmy8271

    What did/do your parents think of wrestling?

    My mother was alright with it. I use to get PPV's all the time and she'd watch sometimes. She was way into the Undertaker and Kevin Nash too. I actually made my dad a fan when we went to my first raw ever. He stopped watching in like 04/05.
  16. Timmy8271

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    The only one that really looks bad in the Frontline is Joe. I mean he's a former champion and now he's pushed to 5th in line behind AJ, Rhino and Team 3d. Plus they book him so horribly that he looks like a cry baby. If TNA really wants to push Eric Young, they should have given him the X division title and not stripped him the next week. Bashir means nothing now and it would help the Frontline.
  17. Timmy8271


    Travis Bickle Quick question, Can it be a made for TV movie?
  18. Timmy8271

    The bodyguard angle

    I think he had health problems around that time.
  19. Timmy8271

    The bodyguard angle

    No he's a trainer at Sargent Buddy Lee Parker's school.
  20. Timmy8271

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Homer Simpson without a doubt. He started of stupid but has really got stupid for about 6 years now. Urkel from Family Matters.
  21. Timmy8271

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Space Ghost
  22. Sure they have bob, Just go to the ROH boards and you can see lots of people like that.
  23. Timmy8271

    The College Football Thread 11/25 - 11/29

    Oh I can't wait for the UF/FSU game. I hope UF beats them good so they can be above Texas in the BCS like they should be. Oh and go A&M.
  24. Nigel did a couple matches in TNA didn't he?
  25. Timmy8271

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for this Thursday

    Hopefully it leads to Shelly beating Foley clean. Knowing TNA I doubt that happens. And TNA Frontline? Seriously that's the name? Sure it's better than "TNA Originals" but almost anything is.