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Everything posted by Timmy8271

  1. Timmy8271

    The YouTube comments thread.

    DorianGabriello (2 months ago) Show Hide 0 Poor comment Good comment Marked as spam Reply | Spam I have big dimples or wholes on my lower back to and im a guy and its weird..Megan is definitely the sexiest non nude girl out there... also she is beautiful
  2. Timmy8271

    TNA Impact Discussion 11/20/08

    They have to have someone in authority to turn heel and it will probably be Cornette. Speaking of Cornette, that segment with Shane and Young pissed me off. Shane is not only more charistmatic but a better wrestler than Eric Young, Why isn't he a wrestler in TNA? Shane/Bashir could be good. As much as I loathe ODB, I liked ODB's Angle. Mostly for Sharmell though who was great.
  3. Timmy8271

    Annoying tv characters

    Casidey and Julian on the Shield: One is the daughter of Michael Chiklas so you know that's how she got on the show. She can't act worth beans. And Julian has annoyed me ever since they dropped the gay storyline for him because the actor didn't like it. Lucky on King of The Hill: That was the main reason I stopped watching the show.
  4. Timmy8271

    Explain to me some ROH storylines

    Lynn is still good. I'll try to help you with the storylines. Lynn is trying to prove himself. He's been on a few cards the past couple months. If my memory is right, a couple weeks ago he challenge Nigel to a match and that's how that started. Kenny King turned on Omega during a tag match I believe with the Briscoes. He's now aligned with Rhett Titus and he's in YRR with Sal in FIP, ROH's sister promotion in Florida. As for the other guys, Brent Albright is in a feud with Sweeney's group, Sweet and Sour Inc. He used to be a member but left. Aries/Age of the Fall have been feuding for about a year or so. I think the feud might end this weekend but it could go on I guess. Necro Butcher use to be a member of the Age of the Fall until he left. Jimmy and Tyler Black have been having problems lately so I think they might be breaking up. Claudio recently turned heel and I think is feuding with Danielson. Danielson has a title shot on Saturday so he might be facing Lynn on this card.
  5. Timmy8271

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    Is it TNA's mission to make Joe look like the biggest whiny unlikeable bitch in the company? Maybe it's just me but it seems like he's booked that way. How can I cheer for a guy like that. I can get behind Styles and the others but not him.
  6. Timmy8271

    The Shield

    That ending was some of the best television I've ever seen. I don't know how this show is going to end anymore. I didn't think Vic would sell Ronnie out like that. I still expect Claudette and Shane to die. As for what happens to Acevada, I think he'll win the Mayor seat and if anyone has a happy ending, It will be him. Now watch me be wrong.
  7. Timmy8271

    Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline

    What exactly is the definition of a TNA Original? Why would Tomko join the originals if he was originally for the WWE. I don't see how Creed is a Original since he hasn't even been in TNA a year?
  8. Timmy8271

    Comments that don't warrant a thread.

    So everytime I go to Youtube on Firefox, it keeps freezing Firefox. Anyone else have this problem? I'm wondering if I should upgrade to the new Firefox?
  9. Timmy8271

    Covering Coverage

    So did Fox cancel Red Eye and replace it with that Shit?
  10. Timmy8271

    I hope Frank Caliendo dies soon

    Caliendo does a good Jim Rome. Other than that, Fuck the guy.
  11. Timmy8271

    Let's Talk About...

    I'd call him a decent work, especially in Memphis and when he first did the Honky Tonk man gimmick in Vancouver. He's not the best worker but he got a good match out of Brutis Beefcake at wrestlemania and I liked the feud with Jake Roberts.
  12. Timmy8271

    The College Football Thread 11/11 - 11/15

    Whoever is in charge of Norte Dame's onside kick defense should be fired. That was embarrassing. Florida's offense is just scary right now. I can't wait for the FSU game. Of course it will probably not happen given how FSU players just love to get suspended.
  13. Timmy8271

    Burning DVDs to my CPU.

    AutoGK is the best. It's also free.
  14. Timmy8271

    Best WWE Entrance themes

    1. Voices- Randy Orton 2. Vince Mcmahon's 3. Biscuts and Gravy 4. Santino 5. Maria
  15. Timmy8271

    Burning DVDs to my CPU.

    For DVD Shrink, You open it up. You will see a ReAuthor Tab. Click it and under it choose your DVD drive. When you do that you will see a "Title 1" link. Drag the link to where it says DVD, Right click the Title 1 link and it will say something like "Start/End Frames" Click that and you can edit what you want there.
  16. Timmy8271

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Luchador Golf Jack Evans smoking Antonio Pena's ashes.
  17. Timmy8271

    The Shield

    If Anyone's going to run the barn, it's going to be Billings. Earlier I said that Cassidey was going to be the one that shot Vic. Now I think IF Vic dies, the one that shoots him will be Ronnie and he admits he knew about Terry all along. Acevada won't do it because he'll probably be dead in the next couple episodes. Whatever happens, I know it will be big and this season has been outstanding. God I'm going to miss this show.
  18. Timmy8271

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    Promos in Puro? HA. Everytime Misawa talks it sounds like he has marbles in his mouth. I'm guessing it's because they beat the ever living hell out of each other. And the crowds. And the fact that it took years for Kawada to finally beat Misawa for the TC.
  19. Timmy8271

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    Are you on crack? How can you possibly look at Misawa's career and not consider him great? He was on top of AJPW when they were putting on some of the best matches of all time, week in and week out. He had great matches, he was in what is probably the greatest feud of all time, he drew a ton of money...in what category is he NOT great? I agree with him a little bit. Misawa reminds me of HHH. He'sgood wrestler who's in there with guys like Kobashi, Kawada, Taue, Jumbo and the others but still he wasn't the best wrestler in the world. I guess it all depends on who you are a fan of. Personally I like Kobashi and Kawada better.
  20. Timmy8271

    Your five favourite guys/teams right now.

    1. Miz/Morrison 2. Bourne 3. Santino 4. Eddie Kingston 5. Zorro
  21. Timmy8271

    workers who get called great but you disagree

    Watch some of Henning's AWA work and early WWF matches, He was great till he got injured back in 90 or so. And about Dibiase, He was probably the best wrestler in the world in the mid 80's. Way better than Flair was at the time. Watch some of his Mid south matches vs Dick Murdoch, Flair, Magnum TA and his great feud with Hacksaw Duggan. My pick is Bryan Danielson. He's a good wrestler but in no way is he the best Wrestler in the world.
  22. Timmy8271

    What Wrestling Shirts Did You Own?

    I had a Austin shirt, the one with his face on it. I remember wearing that shirt to School Picture day and my grandmother getting the picture. She damn near had a heart attack. I also had a "Will You Please Shut The hell up" Jericho T shirt, a Bam Bam Bigelow WCW shirt and a Kevin Nash shirt. All bought from QVC.
  23. Timmy8271

    Campaign 2008

    I voted mostly democrat except for 2 republicans. I voted against Gary Siplin cause he's a criminal and just a dumbass and against the Democrat for Sherrif because his wife is the Police Chief. That just doesn't seem right.
  24. Timmy8271

    Let's Talk About... The Apter Mags

    I think I still have my first PWI 500 from 1997 somewhere in my house. That to me was my bible. It's what got me into ECW and I couldn't believe there was a world outside WWF/WCW. I was a huge mark for WWF magazine. I had a subscription all the way till I was about 16. My favorite Apter mag had to be WOW Magazine. I mean you had wrestling, video games and hot chicks. What teenager wouldn't like that?
  25. Timmy8271

    Campaign 2008

    That's why i'm wearing a helmet when I work at the polls.