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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Ok, thank you Jim, a count out would have SUCKED!
  2. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Few pages back, he went to the hospital with a staph infection, legit from the Japan tour. Or at least it's legit according to the news sites.
  3. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    At least it isn't a one on one with Kip.
  4. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Wow, what a reaction, this sucks.
  5. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    I really like the MEM's music.
  6. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Yes and Yes
  7. cd213

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    I really liked the ending. It was ambiguis (sp?), but that's what made it good. Basically saying, .
  8. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    So, who's Nash's replacement?
  9. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    After such a hard fought match, and going through a table and everything he went through, he couldn't put tons of pressure on him. I agree that it could have been a better ending, but that's some rationale on how it wasn't the worst ending ever.
  10. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    That is how a match is supposed to be built.
  11. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    The only excuse I can think of, is that it came out of nowhere and Teney didn't want to throw out the name that it is known by, and just threw anything out there instead.
  12. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    I was thinking the same thing, but I guess he's not allowed to and had to throw something out there.
  13. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    The feud has been up and down, but holy shit are they pulling out the stops. Big match after big match, Angle just show he can still bring it.
  14. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    I wonder if Jarrett is hurt so bad?
  15. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Can Angle hit West next?
  16. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Jarrett taking a page out of Hernandez' play book.
  17. cd213

    Cuts are a comin!

    I'm such a mark for Kaentai that I would still love that today, no matter how bad it would come off. TAKA was always one of my favorites.
  18. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    I think the Feast or Fired match was mainly to get Daniels back, and both members of LAX to get over rather than getting Lethal more over.
  19. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    IIRC, Snow was backstage at the tapings, but he wasn't used. Nothing since the PPV.
  20. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    She's got the ass for it.
  21. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Wow, didn't expect to see ODB win, that's cool though.
  22. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Why would you buy tickets for a PPV and just sit on your hands. The crowd needs to make some noise.
  23. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    Lots of love for Roxxi. I know she gets love on here, but DCH gave love to the others on her team, but none to Roxxi.
  24. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    A) To see how it would get over with the crowd? That is done sometimes. B) Yes, I ODB C) Yes, again. D) No love for Roxxi?
  25. cd213

    TNA Genesis 2009

    The Kongtourage, that's not bad.