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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    I thought I was the only one on Earth that liked JASON X. Then again, with Jason being my favorite horror icon, next to the zombie/ghoul, I would go to see a movie with Jason just sitting there knitting a sweater.
  2. cd213

    NFL Week 15

    Hate to break it to you, but ESPN is reporting that the bills signed Jauron to a 3-year extention.
  3. cd213

    Homicide and Dan Maff

    It was cool seeing Maff's former tag team partner Steve Mack on the Rough Cuts segments with Homicide. When I saw him, I also wondered what had happened to Maff after the incident. Da Hit Squad was a fun team to watch.
  4. When I was younger, and I watched Shawn Michaels turn on Marty Jeanetty (sp?), I hated Michaels and didn't want to see him do well. I was huge Rockers fan back in the day.
  5. cd213

    Impact Spoilers for December 11th

    Lucky, I agree with you as far as Teney and West always being ON. I think people might be able to tolerate them more if they didn't yell at EVERYTHING. Teney is better than this, and he should know better. West is just not very good, and I agree with the statement that they need a heel announcer to play against Teney.
  6. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    That is an awesome shot. The light coming off of Morrison's belt makes it that much cooler.
  7. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    It's too bad that someone like Nigel McGuinness doesn't get TV time, because he had a great year, and is one of the best heels around, that's who go my vote.
  8. cd213

    The Dark Knight

    I still think that if they are going to have The Riddler, it shouldn't be Johnny Depp, but should be Crispin Clover.
  9. cd213

    2009 Golden Globes Nominations

    Downey, Jr. getting the supporting nod is one of two tjings. 1) they looled at the film as an ensamble and thus couldn't decide who was the lead. Screan time doesn't equal lead. 2) they wanted to give someone else the Best Lead nod over him.
  10. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    It's the type of role that can actually help them as a team. He works well opposite Nash. He can use them to get back at the Frontline, and in return help them win the tag titles.
  11. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    I actually wouldn't mind seeing MCMG with MEM. Not really as members, but more like lackys to Nash.
  12. cd213

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Doesn't Best Buy have other wrestling DVDs on sale as well. I think I read recently that they have the Michaels and Cena special edition DVDs on sale for like $12.
  13. cd213

    Victoria Retires

    I wonder if she is going to have a backstage job now? Maybe she can help train up and coming female wrestlers.
  14. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    Venkman, around here it's sometimes difficult to know when some are kidding. No harm no foul. About the cage matches, I believe that when they were part of NWA they only did the pin to wim, bi once they dropped NWA, or vice versa, they went with the escape. They onl used to do the escape for the Lockdown PPV with th XDivision guys in the Escape Match.
  15. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    I never once said that I was Canadian. And I'm not allowed to be a fan of a someone, and I didn't praise him, just stated that I'm happy that he's still around, if he is and this isn't a one time showing like Tomko.
  16. cd213

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I never heard about the books until I started seeing posters and shirt about being on Team Edward and shit like that.
  17. cd213

    Jay Leno to remain with NBC

    Basically it's Jericho becoming Champion, but the big feud is HHH vs. Angle. I have liked Leno for a while, and I'm happy he is still around. He seemed to make enough noise about it though. I remember hearing that he didn't want to leave the TONIGHT SHOW, but was almost forced out so Conan could do the show, and that he would have gone anywhere else to have another show. I think NBC didn't want someone like FOX picking up Leno to go head to head with Conan.
  18. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    Remember bps, when it comes to TNA, people around here will complain about anything. Even on a show, that on paper, looks pretty good. Pot meet kettle. I don't praise everything that TNA does. When something sucks, I call them out for it. I do that a lot in the IMPACT! threads. And I don't shit on everything that the WWE does. I don't like everything they do, but I don't shit on it without explaining why I don't like it.
  19. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    Remember bps, when it comes to TNA, people around here will complain about anything. Even on a show, that on paper, looks pretty good.
  20. cd213

    Victoria Retires

    This sucks. I loved Victoria. She was hot, and she could wrestle!
  21. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 12/18

    Wait, I thought Scott D'Amore was gone? That is awesome! I've always been a fan of his and didn't understand why he left.
  22. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    IIRC, Davari wasn't forced to do them, he wanted to do them.
  23. cd213


    Or, you can just watch it here: I'm getting more excited for this movie the more I see.
  24. cd213

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I laugh every time someone mentions that TWILIGHT is the next HARRY POTTER. There really is no comparing outside of the fact that both are fantasies and both have teen actors. Outside of that, there is no way this is the next HP. HARRY POTTER is watched by all different kinds of people; young, old, male, female, etc. I have not heard many older men, or any man for that matter, saying they have seen TWILIGHT without going with their girlfriends.
  25. cd213

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    Joey really needs to be brought back to TV.