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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 9/25

    Could be they are leading toward Jarrett/Foley vs Angle or Angle and partner.
  2. cd213

    WWE Raw - September 15, 2008

    I'm starting to get used to Jericho in the short tights now.
  3. I think it's more cherished as being the first "gore" film. On the special edition DVD boxset (with 2000 MANIACS and COLOUR ME BLOOD RED), there is a great documentary about this very subject. I don't think the movie is very good, but I love it for being original and trying something new. That being said 2001 MANIACS is a great remake, and I'm watching THE WIZARD OF GORE right now and Crispin Glover , even after only like 10 minutes of the movie, is fucking brilliant!
  4. As I'm posting this on my blackberry, I'm not able to get the link right now, but a post on the Fangoria.com message board was started about another remake. According to either shocktillyoudrop.com or bloodydisgusting.com (I will get the like when I get home) CANDYMAN is in the works to get remade now. I don't mind this one on a couple of levels. First, I can always pop in my copy of the original. Second, the article says it's going to be more like the short story then the original film, which can make it interesting (key word there "can").
  5. cd213

    Weekend Box Office Report

    My mom worked on the payroll for RIGHTEOUS KILL (she did the crew's payroll), and she said it's going to be a pretty good movie. The appeal of seeing both DeNiro and Pacino together will draw well.
  6. I watched POSTAL last night and it was the most politically incorrect film I've seen in a long time, and I loved every minute of it. Very funny, and Zach Ward was awesome in it. Uwe Boll hit a home run with this one, certainly his best film to date.
  7. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    I always liked Scotty, but I was never a fan of Christopher or Rikishi, but they were good workers. I still remember the match Scotty had with Melenko for the Light Heavyweight title. I don't remember the PPV, but I remember the match was awesome. IIRC, Scotty won with a DDT off the top rope or something of that nature.
  8. cd213

    WWE Unforgiven 2008

    To me, Punks reign reminded a little of Orton's first. Give the guy a run to get his feet wet and see how the fans react. It's more then likely he will get another run with the belt once his feud with Orton is over.
  9. cd213

    Gail Kim gone from TNA

    What I'm thinking is that ODB beats Kong, but Kong beats down ODB after the match. As this is happening some of the face Knockouts run down but get taken out by Kong and Said (or however she spells it), and then a returning Gail Kim runs down and takes out Kong to continue their feud.
  10. cd213

    TNA Subliminal Message

    I think this can go one of two ways. Either this is going to work very well, mabe Kaz can something unique with this character and people to like it. Or this is going to bomb big time, Jackass storyline big time, and the fans will shit on it out of the gate. I'm hoping for the former, but I'm afraid of the latter.
  11. cd213

    Foley to TNA????

    I was at the show last night, and to say he got the pop of the night would be an understatement. The place went nuts for him and were chanting his name a few times at the start of the show. Sometime today or tomorrow I'm going to put up my review for the show.
  12. I am there with you. I'm not a big western fan either, but I have seen a lot of them. My favorite genres are horror and film noir.
  13. I consider UNFORGIVEN not just the best Eastwood movie, but just maybe the best western ever made, but that's just my opinion.
  14. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Either they were playing up the whole idea that she is cautious and didn't want to get hurt again (nice idea) or she was afraid she would fuck up again for about the 154rd time in the match.
  15. cd213

    Gail Kim gone from TNA

    I've said from the start of this whole thing between Kim and TNA that Kim was going to be returning. Seems like she realized that happiness is worth more then money in the long run. I think that if she returns, you will see TNA start giving more money to people, see: Christian, Kong and 3D contract coming up.
  16. cd213

    Fall TV Schedule

    Monday-Thursday: 6pm-7pm: M*A*S*H 7pm-8pm: Food Network Challenge 8pm-8:30: Good Eats Monday: 9pm-11pm: WWE Monday Night RAW Tuesday: 9pm-10pm: Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern 10pm-11pm: Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern 10pm-11pm: ECW 10pm-11pm: Law & Order: SVU Wednesday: 9pm-10pm: flip around 10pm-11pm: Sons of Anarchy Thursday: 9pm-11pm: TNA Impact!
  17. Yes that is BRAINSCAN, and it was a kick ass movie. Saw it for the first time the other day and loved it.
  18. cd213

    WWE Raw - September 1, 2008

    I'm surprised they even aired the match. The fact that they replayed the botched move is really sad.
  19. cd213

    WWE Raw - September 1, 2008

    See, the problem with a heel Cena, as much as some of us would like to see it, really is the kids. The older fans, including the IWC, like who we like, regardless of them being heel or face, and we would buy merch from them no matter what. Kids, on the other hand will not really want to buy a Cena shirt if he is heel, because he is supposed to be hated. I personally would like to see him go back to being the heel Cena that makes fun of everyone else.
  20. cd213

    WWE Raw - September 1, 2008

    The thing is, most of the people on this board have been here a long time, and they know how to push each other's buttons without making fun of them. It's like, you can make fun of a friend but when someone else does it they get angry at them but not you.
  21. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    I'm wondering if theywant MVP to study Shelton in the form of someone that has gone from seemingly not caring in the ring at times, to someone that is on fire. Not saying that MVP isn't doing a good job, but that might be the mentality.
  22. I watched both BRAINSCAN and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK on Fearnet on demand today. It was my first time seeing both of these films, and I loved both of them, with ESCAPE being just simply awesome.
  23. cd213

    WWE Raw - September 1, 2008

    For all the Orton fans, I read this on Gerweck:
  24. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Poster for Cyber Sunday.