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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

    This ref is horrible, he won't shut up.
  2. cd213

    WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

    I wouldn't mind Shane as GM, as long as they get rid of the whole evil GM BS. If they have him being equal, then I'm all for it.
  3. cd213

    The Dark Knight

    I can actually see Poison Ivy working, if they really wanted to add her in. I'm not a fan of that character, but with everyone so environmentally conscience now-a-days, that is a chracter that might be able to work.
  4. cd213

    JR and Lawler to reunite on Monday...

    Plus, last time they also taped Heat before RAW. Now you can have SNME take the time before the show tat Heat would have been.
  5. cd213

    Impact Spoilers for 7/24

    I haven't really cared for Dutt/Lethal so far, but I think it might be interesting if instead of Val turning heel, since that's what everyone thinks is going to happen, that if she looks like she's going to turn heel and then helps Lethal. I agree, Chazz, with you on that being the ending of the storyline.
  6. I bought it over a year ago from Flesh Wound video. Very funny show, and I agree with Edgar Wright, there should not be an American version as it wouldn't have the same feel to it.
  7. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    I've never seen her before, but to me she was a typical cootie cutter blonde that WWE loves.
  8. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    You expect that from WWE? It would have been a nice storyline to add to the feud, but this is WWE.
  9. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    "Evan from heaven" nice one Mike.
  10. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    Morrison wasn't very good there. Just seemed like he was reading his lines.
  11. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    I like the belt, but it's so stiff that it looks like a replica belt.
  12. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    Maybe they should have gotten Henry a manager that could talk.
  13. cd213

    This Week in Baseball 7/21 - 7/27

    Smith got the ground ball he needed, blame that on Reyes, as he made a STUPID play. And no it's tied. Gotta love the Mets.
  14. cd213

    The Dark Knight

    How did they tease Catwoman? I must have missed that...
  15. cd213

    The Dark Knight

    I think if anyone is going to be in the next movie, then it might be Catwman since they did tease her. Writing off Joker isn't that hard. Have a doctor, or someone, walking through the psych ward and they look into a room. We see from the back or side that it is Joker and hear Heath's laugh as Joker. We see he is still there, but not part of the rest of the story. I think besides Catwoman, maybe have Harley Quinn taking revenge for Joker. Maybe even bring out Riddler.
  16. Good news for us SLEEPAWAY CAMP fans. From Fangoria: The original had a great ending, one of the best in horror. The rest of the series has been great 80's cheesy fun. Basically this new movie is going to forget about parts 2 and 3 and be a direct sequel of the first film. I'm looking forward to this!
  17. cd213

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Maybe he'll disappear for a while and come back under a mask and team with Christopher Danie....I mean Curry Man.
  18. cd213

    WWE Raw (7/21/2008)

    How do people feel American Dragon can be brought it. It seems like they are almost teasing that someone is going to come to Micheals' aide, and the obvious choice would be Danielson. Is he over enough with the casual fans that they know who he is? Does he just do a run in and then explain his actions the next week? Bring him in while they are in an ROH area? Videos of Michaels talking to him?
  19. cd213

    Random Thoughts

    Eugene didn't have Autism, he was just slow. There is a difference. Oh I know that fully. Do you expect WWE writers to make that distinction though? Maybe I just have really low expectations lately. The sad thing is, you are correct about the writers. WWE writers would go out of their way to make sure they do something like that.
  20. cd213

    The Mike Levy Incident

    That's the thought that came to mind when I finished watching it. Real professionals there. "Let's beat up the guy that did his job and fought our star in a match he was booked in." Also, great turn out there. IWA really knows how to draw.
  21. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    It's not something I want to see, as I am a big fan of Tag Team wrestling, but with WWE history of breaking up good teams, I don't think it's a long shot.
  22. cd213

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    I think this is the beginning for a Miz vs Morrison feud. One is going to cause the other not to win and get angry. I think it would be good if they did do that, that it would be a slow burn to a full blown feud.
  23. cd213

    Random Thoughts

    Eugene didn't have Autism, he was just slow. There is a difference.
  24. cd213

    News You Can (barely) Use

    Not everything has to be a conspiracy, I dont think Vince gives a rats ass about TNA. Lets keep the focus on Harris' lack of focus in that he probably blew one of the best opportunities of his career. Looking at it now, TNA might have done the right thing in letting him walk. Storm has does a damn fine job without him as his partner, and all he did was gain a lot of weight and look pretty bad in his WWE TV debut.
  25. cd213

    Box Office Report...

    Titanic. Not TITANIC. TDK will have legs, but is not breaking the record. That's how I type movie/show titles. Being an intern for an entertianment magazine/website, we put titles in caps, and after 4 years, I still do it that way.