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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    Impact Spoilers for 5/22

    At leat this tournament is just a straight ahead tournament. So they are going with Tomko vs AJ at the PPV. That's what I was telling my friends at the PPV. I was saying they should do Tomko vs AJ where Tomoko is pissed that AJ went along with the Tag Title tournament without him. I don't mind that as now AJ is back to being a face and Tomko can be a bad ass heel. I like that. I'm interested to see where this Kong angle goes. Are they going to have one of the established Knockouts beat her, or are they bringing in a new Knockout?
  2. cd213

    Lets ask Google images questions

    Why is WWE boring? Are there any gay pro wrestlers?
  3. cd213

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    Wow, that is some awful theme music! Can he get any worse?
  4. cd213

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    It would have been funny if Michaels would have gotten injured after flipping over the top rope.
  5. cd213

    Impact Spoilers for 5/15

    If Joe had his say, I would bet it would be EY, Kaz and Homicide. That being said, it will be Steiner, Nash and Booker T. Maybe Sting instead of one of them though.
  6. cd213

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    Because she's copying what Victoria did when she was crazy.
  7. cd213

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    I haven't watched RAW in a LOOONG time, so this is the first time in a while I've seen Snitsky, but you can tell he used to be on the juice. He looks horrible now. Wouldn't be surprised if he's on the unemployment line soon.
  8. cd213

    Smackdown Spoilers for 05-09-2008

    Reason? There really is no reason per-se. I've followed him from ROH to TNA to WWECW and I just don't like him. For some reason I always had a feeling that he thought he was better then everyone else with his whole "straight edge lifestyle." He just annoyed me, and I love me some indy wrestling, in fact guys like Homicide, Chris Daniels and Bryan Danielson are a few of my favorites (mind you I've been following Homicide for about 7 years from his days of shitty indy wrestling in NY, the shitty part being the fed, not 'Cide.)
  9. cd213

    Smackdown Spoilers for 05-09-2008

    I'm hoping he loses. I am not a fan of his at all. He annoys me when he is in the ring.
  10. cd213

    Smackdown Spoilers for 05-09-2008

    I don't think it matters how Punk is being used right now. WWE has shown that when they try, a wrestler can be built up pretty fast. Punk has the MITB which means at anytime it can be used. He's jobbed right now, in May, he has until next April to use it, that 11 months to build his storyline. Plus, since Punk is a face, they will probably do the whole "I'm usuing my chance at this PPV" story, instead of him just jumping the current champion story.
  11. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 5/1

    That was a great part of the show. That is Steiner at his best, when he makes no sense, but knows he's not.
  12. cd213

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    If they were going to do that, he needs to have a great build-up. They should air videos of him and bring him in that way. I think if they just throw him out there, he will get no heat. I would also love to see him come out and do his father's old "everyone has a price" act. You never know, by doing that we can see a future world champion who isn't even old enough to wrestle (see RVD).
  13. cd213

    Impact spoilers for 5/1

    I know this isn't getting a lot of talk this week, but Cheerleader Melissa just used Homicide's finisher to defeat Daisy Haze. That can't be good.
  14. cd213

    Man, Remember That Bomb Ass Time On RAW

    I didn't like Maven. He didn't bring anything to the ring. Funny side note. I went to Hunter College in NY, and during the Smackdown the Vote time WWE had wrestlers go to various schools. The Hurricane and Maven came to my school. I was talking to Hurricane about various stuff. Really nice, down to Earth guy. Maven, on the other hand had no one around him. I felt kind of bad, everyone wanted to see Shane. I found a piece of paper and asked for his autograph. It was kind of funny to see him there while there had to be at least 100 students there for Shane.
  15. cd213

    WWE Raw (4/28/2008)

    The only question I have for people that liked that ending was, if TNA pulled the same thing would we be hearing "that was great", or would we hear "crappy Russo booking again?" I think the people that liked it would have hated TNA doing the same thing. I'm not saying that everything TNA does is great, far from it, but it was a crappy ending that doesn't get me interested in next week. It turns me off as a fan.
  16. cd213

    Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

    You are correct, this isn't a bad choice, this is a HORRIBLE choice!!!! The man has very little to no talent. He is just a bad wanna be Adam Sandler. I hate this guy so much. I turn off movies when and TV shows when I see that he has anything to do with it, unless it was a snuff movie where he is the one getting killed!
  17. cd213

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for 4/24

    I was thinking about it, and I think that what's going to happen is, TNA is doing a Cornette has gone crazy angle, and they will bring in someone else and then start to go in a more serious direction.
  18. cd213

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for 4/24

    I don't really mind the tournament they put together for the Tag Titles. I'm a sucker for tournaments though. It's one of my favorite things in wrestling, or in sports for that matter.
  19. cd213

    Low Carb Dieting....what are rules?

    I joined Weight Watchers on January 8, and up until now I've lost 40 pounds. I know what you are going through with the weight loss. I haven't been able to get to the gym, but it certainly helps A LOT. Matt Young is correct about doing cardio all 4 days. I would usually go 3-4 times a week and do cardio all those days for an hour then do weights. Abs everyday, pushing muscles one day, pulling muscles another day and throw in some leg work. It's a long process. Good luck with everything Mike.
  20. cd213

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for 4/24

    Because Steiner is not a chicken shit heel. He thinks he can take on anyone at anytime. Not just that, but it's been done to death already.
  21. cd213

    TSM Profile: Samoa Joe

    I agree up until the Shark Boy comment. Have you ever seen Sharky outside of TNA, or even before this Stone Cold Shark Boy crap? There was a WWE show a few years ago that he wrestled in a dark match, and the fans were chanting his name during the main event. Every time he was on TV the fans went nuts. At all the indys he wrestles at, he is one of the most over guys there is. He can and has gotten over without this stupid new gimmick. Eric has the tools to be a good serious lower card wrestler, but he is stuck in this dumb gimmick right now, and he gets some credit for getting it over so far. The fans outside of the Impact Zone were chanting for him at the PPV, and when he debuted, the place went nuts.
  22. cd213

    Ongoing Impact spoilers for Thursday

    I'm going to wait to see where this goes before I pass judgment about the tag title situation. I'm as big a fan of Tomko as anyone on here, but I don't find anything wrong with this as long as the payoff is worth it. Petey winning the X-Title had me marking out as I read it. As people have said, the feud between Lethal and Dutt doesn't need a title.
  23. cd213

    Post here if you dislike Will Ferrell...

    I've grown bored of Adam Sandler recently. The only good things he does are the movies he produces but doesn't show up in (ex: GRANDMA'S BOY). Will Ferrell, I can take in small doses, but he is quickly growing into another Adam Sandler, the overexposed ex-SNL cast member that doesn't make funny movies anymore.
  24. cd213

    Flair's 16 title reigns

    It Ric Flairs' 16 times World Champion a record. I could have sworn that I heard that the record was something in the 20's.
  25. cd213

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    This is DVD quality PPV right here. I must own this now.