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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    TNA Impact (4/3/2008)

    The show does indeed look pretty good. I have one question though. Why is it when WWE has MitB, people hardly complain about the person using their title shot, but when TNA tries the same thing people are all over them about "when is (so-and-so) going to use the shot?" I know it's a "rip-off" of what WWE has done, but don't complain about one and not the other.
  2. cd213

    Shawn Michaels/Batista Program

    A slow burn, as some have said can work if done right. After this week, and Batista calling out Michaels for retiring his mentor, don't have them interact for a while. Batista can continue his feud with Umaga, and Michaels can do his thing. Meanwhile, Michaels can have it in the back of his mind that he retired Flair. Michaels goes on a losing streak. After a month or so, have Batista re-confront Michaels and taunt him some more about retiring Flair and about the losing streak. During a Batista match Michael can interfere setting up their feud after Michaels has had enough of Batista talking smack about him. If there is going to be a Flair interaction, it can be a good time to bring up Reid Flair (although, I don't know how far along he is in his training).
  3. cd213

    Announcing Team Discussion

    No, you're not the only one. I have never been a fan of JR, or for King for that matter.
  4. cd213

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    A set like that would sell, but it be a ton of money as well.
  5. cd213

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    That is a pretty cool shirt. If I cared about Flair (not a fan), I might pick that up.
  6. cd213

    The return?...debut?...redebut? of Consequences Creed

    The ONLY way I can see Hernandez holding the X-Division title is if they decide to split up LAX. They can have Homicide hold the title and Hernandez is jealous that he has a singles title. He then slowing turns on Homicide setting up Homicide vs Hernandez in Ultimate X or a Steal Cage for the title. I wouldn't want that to happen as there are TOO MANY tag teams that don't like each other today, plus they are the best team going today.
  7. cd213

    News that's as positive as it is shocking

    HTQ, I agree with what you said about doing well inspite of, not because of the booking. Being the TNA mark that I am, even I realize that somethings they do are rediculous, and they need to get more serious. That being said, I think they can still do some comedy (see: Eric Young). If they are going to have anyone book the X Cup, it should be D'Amore.
  8. cd213

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Didn't see this thread, and had put this in the other DVD thread, but I'm moving it here. I bought the Triple H DVD, and thought it was okay. The matches chosen were pretty good, but the documentary part of it was a little bit of a let down. It was a total of maybe an hour, and most of it was okay at best. It was all Triple H talking about different parts of his career for 5 minutes before each match. Could have been better.
  9. cd213

    The return?...debut?...redebut? of Consequences Creed

    "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits." The catch phrase for the X-Division. Hernandez, if pushed in that direction, can pull it off. He can't be worse then Siaki as the X-Division champion.
  10. cd213

    Box Office Report 3/28-3/30

    I'm glad STOP-LOSS didn't do well.
  11. cd213

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    I picked it up and thought it was okay. The matches chosen were pretty good, but the documentary part of it was a little bit of a let down. It was a total of maybe an hour, and most of it was okay at best. It was all Triple H talking about different parts of his career for 5 minutes before each match. Could have been better.
  12. cd213

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    From what I read (I don't remember which site but I only go on Gerweck.net, lordsofpain.net and wrestlview.com) TNA officials told their wrestlers not to go to the HOF ceremony for fear that they might end up on TV.
  13. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    That's not bad, and I wouldn't mind that at all.
  14. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    Didn't expect James Storm to come out there. I'm interested to actually see where this goes as I am a Storm fan.
  15. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    I missed the women's match, what happened?
  16. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    From Gerweck.net
  17. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    What an f'n pop he just got. I don't think I've seen an ovation like that in a LONG time!
  18. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    I just voted. I'm surprised that Roxy is in second place.
  19. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    I liked that they just showed one of the Highlanders, yet no mention was made of it.
  20. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    As much as I love ODB, Kim gets my vote. I think that Kim has the best matches with Kong, and if they decide to put the strap back on Kim, she can have a great feud with ODB of the title. Kong is the only female wrestler (in TNA) that I would like to see wrestle men in TNA, especially Kurt Angle.
  21. cd213

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    Actually at Lockdown it's LAX vs Rock and Rave vs MMG again for the #1 contender spot. LAX are "putting up their shot." Also, last week they said it was Kim and ODB that the fans are to vote for.
  22. cd213

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    I don't know about that. I always thought he had good in ring ability, but is mic skills left something to be desired. I found it hard to understand what he was saying sometimes with his accent. I'm not saying that just because you have an accent you can't get a push, but it's hard to understand him sometimes.
  23. cd213


    Great find. This should kill some time.
  24. cd213

    Grand Slams in the WWE

    I don't know... I thought in the 1st few years of the title excistence it was a very good lower-midcard title. Similar to WCW's TV Title... There were some very good feuds over the title... The X-Pac/D-Lo Brown feud was awesome, as was HHH/Owen, X-Pac/Shane McMahon, and D-Lo/Venis... But after Shane McMahon retired the belt, and Mideon came back with it, it just wasn't the same, Greatest gimmick of the Euro title was Al Snow, when he came to the ring each week dressed from a different European country. Greece was the best, as he dressed up like a character from the movie and not the country.
  25. cd213

    The Youtube Thread

    Holy Shit, that guy's like Jack Evans on crack. Can he actually wrestle though or does he just do these insane spots? In either case, he's entertaining as hell! He's pretty awesome. Here's his wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takuya_Sugi. He goes by the names Yoshitsune and El Blazer the most often, but has, like, 12 different gimmicks. He's currently getting a pretty big push in Michinoku Pro, and just beat Great Sasuke a few days ago. WOW...That's all I can say. I would love to see what this guy can do against someone like AJ Styles. That would be one sick match.