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Everything posted by cd213

  1. I agree with you on the show. MY friends and I enjoyed the show. It was worth the money we had paid for it. I ordered the PPV to be entertained, and I was. Are there things that could have been better, yes, but EVERY PPV even the classics have things that could be better. On Joe vs Angle, I agree with what some people here are saying. You don't want to have that "classic" because you can only go down from there. I know it was being billed as the "Match of the Century" or whatever, but everyone knows that there was going to be at least 1 maybe 2 more matches and you want to be able to pull out all the stops in the final match of the feud, not to start it out.
  2. cd213

    OAO 11/23 Impact Thread

    I can see AMW/Petey vs LAX (with Sen-shi as the newest member) at the PPV.
  3. cd213

    'Get Smart' Movie gets cast.

    That's true but I have to be disappointed in anything Carell has done. Everything he has touched has turned to gold in my opinion.
  4. cd213

    'Get Smart' Movie gets cast.

    I'm really high on this film. I love Steve Carell and think this is perfect casting! I'll be there opening night.
  5. cd213


    I've heard bad things about the ablum, but I'm not surprised since I'm not a fan of American Idol, in fact I think the joke sucks and is lame anyway.
  6. cd213

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    I'm going to have to pull out as well seeing as I don't have much time to get onto the site and pick a team. I forget since I have to get to work, and then remember once Raw starts.
  7. cd213

    Box Office Report...

    Saw III was a very good movie. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it sucks. That statement sounds like EVERY movie critic out there. There is a difference between films you like and good films, and bad films and films you don't like. Saw III was well written and tied up the entire series. It would have been a great ending if that's where they wanted to end it.
  8. cd213

    Mel Gibson... Now Kramer??!!

    In reguards to everyone that says hecklers are part of their job, fuck that. My friend does stand up and it's disrespectful to the person on stage. Once or twice is bad enough, but those assholes were going at Richards the entire show. I'd like to see him go to their job and rag on them the entire time and see if they don't flip out. He went too far in the things he said (although some were pretty funny), but they got what was coming! In reguards to Dane Cook, he's about as funny as getting root canal. He horrible and so unfunny. I thought his character was funny in Waiting, but everything after that sucked. When he was on Comic Relief on Saturday I had to turn him on mute he was so unfunny.
  9. The thing I was thinking was that Angle would go after Abyss since he made him tap at the 2 hour special. Abyss can go over this time due to Joe distracting Angle. This then leads to King of the Mountain, Abyss vs Christian (the real #1 Contender?) vs Angle vs Joe vs Rhino vs Styles. This then then lead to a feud between Angle vs Joe over the title when one of them wins it. I really hate how there are some people that take this stuff so seriously. I was reading what some people thought of the PPV. People have to remember, Genesis is one of the "throwaway" PPVs. And saying that, it was an entertaining PPV. Remember wrestling is not real, it's scripted. To be pissed off because someone loses a match is stupid. The matches, no matter who won were entertaining. And each one set up a storyline with one of both of the competetors in each match. They all did their job. If the show makes you want know where they go from here with certain people, then it did it's job. Pre-Show Match: Young vs Roode: Set up something for both guys. It got Young more over with the fans and makes you want to know already what the announcement is from Young. It also set up the idea of what is Roode doing now? Where does he go from here (most people would say get him of tv, but I like him). VKM vs The Movement: Raven starting a new flock. Not a bad idea. The guys in the group are talented, but I HATE Bentley's look. It just doesn't go with the group. VKM, as much as I don't care, it sets up more bashing from them. Also thought it was interesting that Gunn would do the HHH and Michaels moves to Bentley, Michaels cousin. The Naturals vs Dutt/Lethal: Further the feud with Team 3D if you watched the promo before the match. The Naturals are a team no one seams to care about though, and that's not a good thing. Chris Daniels vs Chris Sabin: Sets up Lynn vs Sabin, which could be a really GREAT match. I miss seeing Lynn in the ring as he rules all! Killings/Hoyt vs Team AS: More heat between Shelley and his mentor and Starr. I'm actually liking Hoyt with Killings. Tag Team wrestling for a guy like him. He's got a good partner to cover up his shortcomings in the ring. Cage vs Styles: Obviously set up Styles heel turn, which I have no problem with. He needs something new and an edge will work. LAX vs AMW: Obviously this sets up, what happens next with LAX? Also, what's goign on with Petey? Is he going to bring in a partner and get a run for the titles? Abyss vs Sting: What does Sting do now that he lost the title? Who goes up against Abyss? Angle vs Joe: What happens here? Does Joe get a rematch, does Angle go for the title? All this makes me want to tune in and find out what next!
  10. It's about time Abyss won the title. I have no problem with the title change. Still don't know if Sting signed a contract extention, so it's not bad.
  11. cd213

    Monty Brown's WWE debut

    He's the only wrestler I actually turned off whenever he showed up on my TV. Always thought he was worthless.
  12. cd213

    Monty Brown's WWE debut

    WOW, this is great, the greatest homegrown TNA wrestler is going to WWE. I can't wait, this is going to be the greatest thing EVER!!! TNA is DEAD!!! They lost Monty "Pounce" Brown. What are they going to do to get over losing such a great wrestler, worker and talker?....How about not care. If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. Monty Brown is a joke. The only reason Vince went after Brown was because he was a homegrown talent. Monty Brown is a HORRIBLE wrestler, and his promos are worthless. I never cared about him from day one and didn't know why he got such a big push at times. TNA tried with him and he failed. That being said, what should WWE do with him. The easy thing would be to bury him and then Vince can say, "See, homegrown TNA wrestlers can't make it on the big stage" and then he can go back to not worrying about them. How SHOULD he be used. He's Goldberg 2006. The washed up football player turned bad wrestler with less talking abilities. I'd stick him on Raw with a manager. He can run through The Spirit Squad and run through the competition and go for the IC title. He will be built up like Goldberg in the way of being undefeated. Then comes Wrestlemania 23, IC Title Match, the undefeated Monty Brown (IC Champion) vs the undefeated Samoan Bulldozer...UUUUUUUUUUmaga. Brown loses in a cheap way and UUUUUUUmaga and Brown feud for the next 3-5 months with both winning and losing.
  13. cd213


    I'm sorry, the correct answer was Groundhog Day That's exactly what I thought when I saw the commercial before Borat a couple of weeks ago. At first I said to my firend, "Oh no, now Groundhog's Day is being remade."
  14. cd213

    Tenacious D

    Dio rules all!
  15. cd213

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Don't think so. That would be cool if they could though.
  16. cd213

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Don't know if this was brought up yet, but does anyone know how to use the exp. points on your created character. I have like 20,000 so far from the seasons mode and whenever I try change attributes or the attributes in the locker room, it says that I have none.
  17. cd213

    Box Office Report...

    When was the last time the number one movie went UP?
  18. cd213

    Hot Fuzz...

    Ok, when is this coming out, I am so there on opening day!
  19. cd213

    Evan Almighty

    Plus Eugene Levy is much funnier then Jim Carey. And he's a nice guy to boot (met him this week).
  20. cd213

    Crispen Glovers New "Film"

    I thought it looked interesting. I would probably see it before I made a final comment on it though. I saw that it was playing in NY, too bad I work Fri-Sun or I would have gotten tickets. It couldn't have won the Best Narritive at the Ann Arbor Film Festial if it was horrible.
  21. cd213

    Kanye West Meltsdown

    When I watched it I couldn't belive what he had just done. I guess he's still upset with Bush so he's drinking himself stupid, not that he needed the drinks to be stupid. I hope his career goes down hill from this. What an asshole. The fact that he had that much disrespect for others in the same industry as he is pathetic.
  22. cd213


    Just got back from seeing this film today. My friend and I loved this film. I thought it was very, very funny. I don't think however, like some of the reviews have said., that this is the funniest movie ever. I thought it was very funny, but it also had some moments that made it seem like the film was dragging. I would have given this film 3 out of 4 stars.
  23. cd213

    Crispen Glovers New "Film"

    I read about this in Fangoria magazine over a year ago. It's a fantasy move and from the article it sounded interesting.
  24. cd213

    TNA entrance music

    Nash's theme has changed since then, to an almost decent instrumental of "Come With Me." You mean Casmere (sp?). Fuck "Come With Me" and fuck Puff P. Diddy Doppy or whatever the fuck he's calling his dumb ass this week.
  25. I'm still wondering if Vince Russo is working for TNA. It seems like he's back with WWE. We'll soon see "Your winner and NEW World Champion, K-Fed." That might be worse then David Arquette.