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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    Horror Sale At Circuit City

    LOL. I ended up picking up Halloween 3 from e-bay. I watched the Halloween: 25 Years of Terror DVD and am very interested in watching it now.
  2. cd213

    Iron Maiden

    I can't stand Evanescence. I always thought that Amy was hot, but I've never been a fan of christian metal. Never got the point of it. Nightwish, on the otherhand , I LOVE! I got to see them when they played BB Kings in Manhattan and they rocked. I thought their last album was great, especially when the male vocalist got more time. I think he has a rockin' voice. I know that they kicked Tarja out of the band though for being too much of a diva and they are looking for a new lead singer. Funny postscript, I was reading a review for the new Evanescence album in the NY Daily News and the guy said that they were the first band to combine goth, metal, pop and opera. Now if he would have said they were the first to combine those and be successful he can make an argument, but he said first EVER. That got me really pissed off. I wrote to him letting him know that Nightwish had at least 3 albums out and Lacuna Coil had at least 2 out before Evanescence's first. I also told him if he was going to make a statement about someone being the first, he should get his facts straight especially since he is in the medai. Then again the truth never stopped anyone in the media before.
  3. cd213

    David Taylor Injured...

    That just sucks. I hope he is not out long. I thought they could have been a lethal team, and certainly could have won the Tag Titles.
  4. cd213

    HorrorFest 2006

    The fact that New York wasn't listed is kinda sad. This city can be great for something like horrorfest.
  5. cd213

    The Prestige

    I don't find her to be anything special. She hasn't impressed me acting wise, and I find her looks to be the generic look of today's young Hollywood. I tend to like celebs that have a little more meat on their bones. I don't like the "I haven' eaten in years" look. But that's just me. I loved Christina Ricci, but I'm getting turned off by her now that she lost all the weight, but that's a different conversation for a different post.
  6. cd213

    Chinese Democracy this year!

    Where can you find a track listing for the whole cd? You can't. It hasn't been released yet. I'm not saying that all the songs you downloaded will be on the CD. In fact, there are several of them that I'm sure won't (Oh My God, Silkworms, Rhiad). But those are all real GNR songs that have either been released, leaked, or played live. Ok, cool. I downloaded it from http://www.mp3sale.ru. It's listed under Guns 'n Roses bootleg, so you never know. I also got the new Meatloaf a week early, which by the way rocks!
  7. cd213

    Horror Sale At Circuit City

    yea and it has a surprising amount of special features (making of features and discussion with the writer/directors and great commentary) damn I didnt even know Christopher Titus was in this movie (he played the blond guy with glasses whose glasses are later found in the cotton candy filled car with the glasses) That is one of my all time favorite b-level horror films. I love how the Chiodo brothers say in the commentary that it wasn't a comedy, but the delivery made it that way (or something like that, I haven't listened to it in a while). I picked up Halloween 4, Halloween 5, Rosemary's Baby, Stephen King's Silver Bullet, and An American Warewolfe in London. I went to 4 different stores to find Halloween 3 to finish off the collection, but no one had it. They were sold out!?!?!? I also picked up the just released Slither and plan on watching it within the next few days.
  8. cd213

    The Prestige

    I don't have much to say about it. It was a great film and most people seem to be in agreement. I'm surprised Jackman hung as well with the other actors in this film as he did. I've seen nothing from him in the past to expect this kind of performance. He's quite the scumbag here. My parents got to see a preview screening of this and my mom said the same thing. She came home and said "Since when can Hugh Jackman act?" I've seen him in other things and knew he was good. I plan on seeing this next week after I see Saw 3. My girlfriend doesn't like horror, so this Sunday I'm seeing Saw and next week when she is off from work I'm going to see this film. Can't wait to see it since I'm a huge Bale fan, and have been since seeing Empire of the Sun when I was younger. Nolan is the best kept secret directing wise, and now he will break out. He is amazing.
  9. cd213

    Chinese Democracy this year!

    Where can you find a track listing for the whole cd?
  10. cd213

    Chinese Democracy this year!

    I downloaded a GnR album today called "Whenever It's Done." The track listing is: Better, IRS, There Was a Time, Catcher in the Rye, Chinese Democracy, The Blues, Madagascar, Rhiad and the Bedouins, Oh My God and Silkworm. Does anyone know which of these songs are on the new album, besides the obvious couple that I can pick out (CD, Catcher, Better)?
  11. cd213

    Iron Maiden

    I'm a big BG fan. I haven't picked up the new album as of yet, but I have heard nothing but good things about it. Next time I get the chance to I'm going to get it. Gamma Ray I haven't heard yet, but I have heard of them. I also can't wait for the new Sonata Arctica album. Should be coming out soon.
  12. cd213

    Smackdown Spoilers for 10/27

    Plus in the fantasy game, he's easy points since he'll be on tv almost every week now.
  13. So, RVD is the only man in ECW that can beat Show. Yeah, that's a good way of getting other people over.
  14. They're getting divorced.....keep in mind she also just had cancer. That Batista a real stand up guy.... I'm sure many wrestlers, like other spots stars, mess around on their wives/girlfriends/husbands/boyfriends. What makes it funny is Batista lost a ton of respect from the other wrestlers for dating Rebecca and the whole situation with his wife. You know what you are doing is fucked up when even the other wrestlers who have likely done fucked up shit look at you and go "what the fuck is wrong with that guy?" It would be more fucked up if Lita and Edge were two of those people to hate on him.
  15. They're getting divorced.....keep in mind she also just had cancer. That Batista a real stand up guy.... I'm sure many wrestlers, like other spots stars, mess around on their wives/girlfriends/husbands/boyfriends.
  16. Rebecca DiPietro, former Diva Search contestant. Thanks.
  17. I'm sorry, I just lost it watching Sandman, he was too funny! Haven't watched in a while, who's the hottie that interviewed him?
  18. As much of a fan as I am of Punk, I have not really enojyed his matches in ECW, save for the second Justin match. With a wrestler like him, you need time to develop a match. 3-5 minutes will not due. He is similar to RVD in that aspect.
  19. So the idea was to take the last two guys that RVD had good matches against go against each other. We know that neither is a good wrestler, but they had good matches against RVD so it couldn't be RVD that carried them, right?
  20. That Irish whip was awful!
  21. cd213

    Some Impact Spoilers

    I don't really mind AJ winning, if it leads to a Sabin heel turn. Sabin will lose and then there can be a backstage segment with AJ celebrating and he goes over to Sabin to say good match. Sabin blows him off and slaps Jerry Lynn. Sabin turns heel and at the 2 hour spectacular Sabin vs AJ in an ultimate X match. Sabin wins and it sets up Sabin vs Lynn at the PPV. Lynn comes out of retirement to put over Sabin. Meanwhile, AJ and Daniels get back together and have a tag match.
  22. cd213

    TNA entrance music

    Actually Daniel's is not Beautiful People. I used to make that mistake. It's Disposable Teens. They have a similar sound, but that's what it is. He used it in ROH. I'm really digging Angles theme as well. I love the beginning of the song and the rest is a remix of the WWE one with guitars. And it's great becasue there is no place for people to chant "You Suck." I really do'nt miss that at all.
  23. cd213

    Bound For GLory

    Or once they turn on him, they start to beat lower teams, and you can throw in a James Gang in there to lose to the Naturals. Then Douglas says he's proud that their intensity is back and he comes back to them. He then says it was all part of his plan to get them back to the winning side. They can stay heel since Douglas can play the heel well.