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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    Worst Band Names

    I am a fan of Mushroomhead, Motogrator and Mudvayne, but they are ridiculous names. Slipknot is kinda shitty as well.
  2. cd213

    Cryme Time... Opinions???

    I missed the video on Monday since I wasn't watching RAW and only read about it when I got home. The first thing that came to mind was "How can Vince get away with this?" I just got back from WWE.com where I watched the video and must say, I will mark out for these guys. This gimmick is soooo funny. I loved the video and just hope that these guys can work in the ring. The gimmik is so stupid it just might work. Just remember The Boogeyman got over and he can't wrestle and has an ever more stupid gimmick then Cryme Tyme, and I love horror films.
  3. cd213

    Worst Band Names

    jwest, I agree. I am a huge KoRn fan but their name doesn't have any meaning whatsoever. I know in interviews the members always say that when it comes to a band, it doesn't matter what the name is as long as they make music that people like. My friend's band is pretty good but out there at the same time, Cirkus from Hell.
  4. cd213

    Worst Band Names

    Boysetsfire, Alexisonfire, Boyhitscar...what the fuck is up with these!? Agree with Kajagoogoo and Oingo Boingo
  5. cd213

    Iron Maiden

    I picked that one up too I'm probably going to pick that one up next week when I have more cash.
  6. cd213

    Box Office Report...

    I've been saying that to my friends for about 2 weeks now, lol. I can't wait to see the Protector. I am a big fan of Jaa and LOVED Ong Bak. Does anyone know if Pirates reached 1 billion dollars world wide yet? I think Titanic has the record and I would love to see it beat.
  7. cd213

    New Evanescence Song

    Evenesence is a Christian rock band. They are on Scott Stapps record label (Whindup Records, or something like that). As far as the band goes, they are not very good. Lacuna Coil blows them out of the water, and forget about comparing them to Nightwish (before Tarja left). Nightwish would play circles around them. That being said, Amy Lee is hot.
  8. cd213

    Are DELL computers any good?

    The last 3 computers my family has bought have been Dell (my parents last two and myh new laptop). I like Dell. They have good servie, but like people say you can't upgrade them. I would say do some foot work when looking into a Dell and compare with other companies. But like I said I have no complaints and I've had the last 3 computers from them.
  9. cd213

    How reliable is Amazon for ordering and shipping?

    Amazon is great. I would suggest that if you are offered the credit card while ordering to take it. The only reason I signed up for it was because I was ordering Crystal Lake Memories (book on the history of Friday the 13th) and it was a 20-something dollar book. After I signed up for the card it came out to $3 including shipping. After using it for a short time I got a $25 gift certificate. I plan on CA the card though since I already have 3 other cards. It's worth it for the first purchase alone. I've never had a problem with Amazon when ordering. They are really good.
  10. cd213

    ** 2006 WWE Televised Win-Loss Standings **

    Which match did OOOOOOmaga loose? WWE should then stop calling him the "Undefeated" Samoan Bulldozer then.
  11. cd213

    Jarrett to appear on Fox news

    I would be initerested in seeing this. I am always interested in seeing shows like this. Plus it give publicity to TNA. Remember any publicity is good publicity. Does anyone know when this will air?
  12. cd213

    WWE Fantasy Season 8

    I stayed with Candian Destroyer213 for this. I haven't done it in a few seasons. I just didn't ha ve the time since I used dial-up. I just got Road Runner and a new computer about 2 months ago so I decided to come back. Frogg, it can be fun. You make teams like you would in fantasy baseball or football, ecept you have the whole roster to choose from and you can change every week.
  13. cd213

    TNA News and notes - 8/21

    I don't see what the big deal about Monty Brown is. He's a wannabe Goldberg but worse, and Goldberg was shit. Brown is not very good at promos, in fact he's horrible and he's only got one move, and it's a bad move. He's overrated and I hope he goes to WWE so they can try to push him and he falls flat on his face. He was nothing in the NFL and he's nothing in wrestling. Killings on the other hand is a talented wrestler and needs to stay.
  14. cd213

    Best Tattoos in Music

    I always loved Jonathan Davis' tattoo on his right arm. It's a pope character pulling up his skin revealing muscle and Jesus on a cross. I may not follow religion but it's badass.
  15. Rock, Afa, Snuka, Rosey, Jamel, Rikishi, they are all related. I think there might be some more in there but that's what I remember. They are the largest family in wrestling, or so it seems.
  16. cd213

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    World Title Match Batista© vs Benoit: This happens because Benoit returns in Canada a month before the PPV. Batista and Benoit are in a tag match and Batista turns on Benoit setting this up and the heel turn that people want from Batista. WWE Title Match HHH© vs Umaga: Vince is still high on the undefeated Samoan Bulldozer. This is a throw-a-way match much like HHH vs Booker was. Umaga hurts HHH and is then not seen from again. ECW World Title Match Rob Van Dam© vs CM Punk: Punk wins the Rumble and this match is the result. SmackDown! Tag Team Championship The Teacher's Pets© vs The Hardy Boyz: TLC match Raw Tag Team Champtionship Harry Smith/Teddy Hart© vs Johnny Jeter/Nicky: This is the tag team they keep together once the Spirit Squad breaks up. ECW Tag Team Titles Test/Knox© vs Doring and Roadkill: They just keep feeding people to Test and Knox. Cruiserweight Title Match Shane Helms© vs Paul London vs Brian Kendrick vs Jimmy Yang vs Jamie Knoble vs Billy Kidman Woman's Title Match Micky James© vs Torrie Wilson: Thrown in at the last minute US Title Match Finley© vs William Regal: The match we have been waiting for. Fit finally turns face after a beat down from Regal after a tag team match. Intercontinental Title Match Chris Masters(s) vs Ric Flair: A match none of us have been waiting to see. Interpromotional Money in the Bank Ladder Match From Raw: Carlito, Shelton, Nitro From SmackDown!: Ken Kennedy, Booker T From ECW: Sabu John Cena vs Monty Brown Edge vs Rey Mysterio Kane/Undertaker vs Big Show/Sylvester Turkay I know some of the people aren't on the roster Like Monty Brown, Teddy Hart, Benoit and so forth. These are people I think might sign with WWE or return from injury.
  17. That was a pretty cool ending, although once he jumped onto Show I knew that was going to happen. Love how DEAD the crowd is.
  18. Much better this time. Like how Joey pointed out that Sabu used the chair this time.
  19. That was pretty funny actually. Sabu fucked up!
  20. Or Kurt can run down while both are out, climb the ladder take the contract and sign it. That still sets up Show/Angle and then RVD/Sabu. Bastard. You stole my idea. It happens, since it seems like the obvious thing to happen.
  21. Or Kurt can run down while both are out, climb the ladder take the contract and sign it. That still sets up Show/Angle and then RVD/Sabu.
  22. I've never minded when someone goes for a pin in a match like this. It's a habit since they have to pin in almost any other match. It makes them seem like they are just into the match so much that they forget about the stipulation. Sometimes it just comes off as fucked up though.