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Everything posted by cd213

  1. cd213

    WWE classics on msg

    I have a lot of fun watching these shows. It debut two weeks ago, but wasn't on last week due to a NY Red Bulls game. Good to have it back today. They are so much fun to watch and remember the good old days.
  2. cd213

    Horror Update

    It airs on or about Halloween (perfect timing). From what I know it's going to be legit. About the same time though Spike TV is going to air their own horror awards. They can be voted on on Spike's website. I'm looking forward to Saw III. I really liked Saw and Saw II. The synopsis sounds really good.
  3. cd213

    "Lady in the Water" reviews & thoughts

    It seems that people are juding on preconcieved notions. Like I stated, if you like Night's previeous stuff, you'll like this, if you hate him, skip it.
  4. Actually, outside of Cena, Flair, Hacksaw and Eugene, I only remember him squashing nothing but jobbers in the 10:40 timeslot. Don't forget Kamala and Big Vis. As sad as it sounds I think that Vince is trying to be the first one with the Samoan World Champion. He seems like he is trying to do this to step on TNA's feet. He did this with Edge originally when Christian was getting his TNA Title push. Edge won the title a couple of weeks before Christina. Vince can then say he had the "brother" that won the title first.
  5. cd213

    "Lady in the Water" reviews & thoughts

    I saw an advanced screening last night of Lady in the Water. I am a HUGE Night fan. I have enjoyed everything he has done, including The Village. Just because a movie is slow and based on dialouge doesn't make it bad. God forbid someone actually comes up with an original idea instead of remaking a movie, people get hissy about it. I really enjoyed Lady in the Water. It was a fun movie. Night is the kind of person in movies that you either love his stuff or you hate his stuff. Paul Giamatti was great as Cleveland Heep and the rest of the cast equally good. I hope he doesn't stop writing because I find his work to be very thought provoking and entertaining. You don't have to go to the movies to see things getting blown up all the time. He makes movies that make you think, which isn't a bad thing. The film is very wordy and feels longer then the 1 hour and 45 minute running time, but the payoff was a good one, at leat for a Night fan. If you don't like Night, don't see the film, if you are fan, go see it now!
  6. cd213

    Horror Update

    -Day of the Dead is my favorite installment in the Dead series. I am so upset about this remake. The cast looks horrible. Anyone going to see this film, no matter how many times people call him Rhodes, people will always think of Ving as the same character as Dawn of the Dead. Horrible casting. In regards to Dawn II, that I believe is in talks right now. -Don't know much about this, but I will give it a chance. -Big fan of Eli Roth. Loved Cabin Fever, Hostel and 2001 Maniacs (which he produced), can't wait for Hostel 2. Cell should be really intereesting. -Really looking forward to Hellboy 2. -MoH season 2 should be good. Some returning directors, some new ones. Should be good as long as Showtime stops removing episodes, see Miike's episode. -Can't wait to pick up Slither. I heard very good things about this. Plus I am a huge James Gunn fan since Tromeo and Julliet. -Night of the Living Dead 3-D, only reason to see it...Sid Haig. -Hate American remakes of Japanese films, hate Jessica Alba (not impressed at all with anything she has ever done, was HORRIBLE as host of the MTV Movie Awards), so I will skip this piece of shit. Especially since it is being produced by Tom Cruise, someone else I can't stand.
  7. cd213

    Smackdown Spoilers for the 7/21

    The main event was announced well in advance. King Booker won the battle royal a few weeks ago to become the #1 contender.
  8. -Sting© vs Joe vs Jarrett For the World Title This is where Joe wins the title and he chokes out JJ to do while Sting is being destracted by Christian who just won the #1 Contender -AJ/Daniels© vs Homicide/Hernandez in a final battle LAX gets the win here with the help of Konnan and become the new Tag Team Chamions -Senshi© vs Jay Letal for the X-Division Title Senshi takes the win with The Warriors Way. Jay Lethal gets a rematch on Impact and wins there -Bently/Kazarian vs The James Gang Bently and Kazarian go over here -Brother Runt vs Abyss in a Full Metal Mayhem Match Brother Runt takes the beating and he looses due to a returning 3D turning on him -Raven vs Killings vs Rhino vs Steiner vs Christian Cage for the #1 Contender for the World Title Christian gets the win here and it leads to his turn on Sting...finally in the main event -X-Division Gaulntlet for the Gold #1 Contender match This is really up in the air. It depends who is brought in and who is being used but I will say Sunjay Dutt gets the win -Bobby Roode vs Eric Young Grude match with EY picking up the win due to a mixup in communication between Roode and his new manager -The Paparazzi vs Chris Sabin and Jerry Lynn Keven NAsh isn't there due to health resons and Sabin/Lynn pick up the win so each man can move on to a new feud Pre-show match: -A-1/Random Partner vs The Naturals Their push goes nowhere and they win here and still are getting browbeat by Shane Douglas
  9. cd213

    7/20 & 7/27 Impact Spoilers

    There is a reason that in ROH the fans cheered for Paul London over "Michael Shane." They fought for a contract and Shane won the match but ROH kept London because the fans went crazy for him. They didn't care for Shane. Did they have good matches together, yes, but that can be attributed to London. There was always something a little off with Shane (Bently, whatever) that I didn't like about him. The only, ONLY reason he was over in TNA was Traci.
  10. cd213

    7/20 & 7/27 Impact Spoilers

    It's about time they busted out the most devistating moves. The fact that Homicide used The Cop Killa on one of the most over players in TNA makes it that much cooler. I am a huge AJ fan but I would root for Homicide over almost everyone else, except maybe Jerry Lynn. Homicide should be world champion. He has been overlooked for so many years. He's the reason I am a fan of LAX, it sure ain't that no talent Konnan. I hope LAX wins the tag titles.
  11. cd213

    7/20 & 7/27 Impact Spoilers

    Sounds like a decent couple of shows. Good build up to the PPV. Love that LAX is going for the titles but is it only going to be one show of are they going to feud and ultimatly win? I hope that Homicide brings out the Cop Killa soon. It is a great move and TNA fans would pop big time for it!
  12. Overall I thought this was a good PPV. I liked Sharkboy vs. Devine. It was a good hot opener. I thought the matches were really well done. LAX vs. Dutt/Killings was great. Hernandez looked really good. I liked the fact that Konnan wasn't really involved. He's horrible. Did anyone else see "Brother Runt" take that spill from the crowd right on his head. Wow, and he continued. Good solid match. I liked that the Raven/Zybisco(sp?) match was short. It got the point across. Eric Young is gold. He was great. Loved the segment to put him over, I can't wait until Young vs. Petey. That will be good. Tag title match was good. Didn't feel it was great though. Was a little slow at the end, and I thought the spot fest midway through was good. The main event was good but flat at the end since I think most people expected Joe to win. I thought it worked since it wasn't what people thought. Nash/Shelly vs Sabin/Lethal was good. Nash stayed out of this match enough since he fucked up enough. I liked his promo before the moatch though. Liked Jerry Lynn making the save. Sets up a possible six man tag or Nash vs. Lynn for respect of the X-Division. Naturals vs. Diamonds wsa a good solid match. I like where this whole thing with the Franchise is going. I am interested to see where it heads. TNA needs to have less anti-ECW stuff on the show. It worked for Rhino since it put him over as full fledged TNA, but now it's enough. Don't acknowledge the competition.
  13. cd213

    Clerks II Offcial Thread

    I can't wait for this movie to come out. I've been counting down the days. I've seen all KS's movies, including Jersey Girl and I've loved them all, except Jersey Girl (I have to watch it again to get a better idea of if I like it or not). I hate when people say that they used to love his movies now hate them. Watch them for what they are, comedies you don't have to think about to enjoy. They are just there, no thinking, just watch and be entertained. I love Chasing Amy the most. I first saw Mallrats and then Clerks so Mallrats was number 1 for a time with me. The one thing that I really love about his movies in the Jersey Trilogy (yes it's still called that) is the fact that all the stories can be put in chronological order. They all have the same characters in them or named and talked about. It's a fun little bit of the story.
  14. I enjoyed last nights show. It was a good show to set up the final card for Sunday. Don't really care about 3D vs James Gang/Abyss because I don't care about James Gang. I liked AJ/Daniels vs Shelly/Devine. It was a solid match and I like the new team of Shelly/Devine. I still don't know where Kevin Nash falls into this. Is he going to end up just being their manager or what? I think that The Naturals will loose on Sunday and then Douglas will drop them and that will be the end of it, unless they come out with their hair cut. I've read that because of the refusal that the push might be dropped, and that's the way to do it. Loose and then Douglas drops them.
  15. A couple of years ago I told people that Vince should start up ECW again. The way I said it should be done is used a few established ECW names and since they are getting older bring in a few OVW or indy guys. I didn't think aboutbringing in the WWE guys, but they did that for name value. They went with that approach, which for me is fine. You can't live on Sandman and Balls all the time. As much as I love the old guys, they are becoming too old and you needed younger guys to help build a promotion.
  16. I was thinking this show would totally suck. I was wrong. It was a pretty good show. Test still sucks but the fact that he needed to cheat to beat Tommy made it ok, Tommy rules! Kelly segment was short and it was good to see Sandman taking it to someone besides a jobber. Does this mean an actual feud? Sabu looked ok, but I didn't think he was going to win, I thought it was going to do the job straight up though. The main event was actually entertaining. I HATE Flair and was worried that this was going to suck. It was pretty good. Flair took that tack throw like a champ. You could see him saying something to Show after the pin, and it proably was "Throw me into the tacks." I liked the promos as well. CM Punk is going to be huge. Introducing Balls to the casual non old ECW fans is a good thing and Shannon Moore seeems to be a good fit. Paul Heyman must have had more to do with this show then they wanted us to think. I would probably give this show a 3 out of 5 for not sucking as mucha as I thought and for being entertaining.
  17. cd213

    Attack of the Juggalos!

    I would have to say that I am a huge juggalo. I have been a fan since 1998 and buy all the albums from them and their label mates. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I am one of those stupid fans though. I enjoy the groups for what they are. Entertaining (at least for me) music acts that try not to take themselves seriously. I love their music and what they have to say but they are right, they aren't a very good group. They are a couple of guys in clown make-up that throw soda during their concerts. I HATE juggalos like the ones in the article. If they actually listened to the lyrics of the sings that would realize that they are the people that ICP talk about hating. True juggalos enjoy the group for the entertainment factor.
  18. I never thought I would say this but ECW sucks. I've been a fan since 1998 and was so excited when I heard that they were back, but it's horrible. It's the same show EVERY week. In no order te segments are Kelly "dancing," she CAN'T dance and it's the same horrible song everyweek. Then Mike Knox comes out to cover her up and he has a match with a former ECW title holder who is now a jobber. Then you have a returning/debuting wrestler beating another former title holder, then Sandman comes out to beat up a jobber, or a former ECW title holder dressed up (Tony DeVito), then you have some crappy backstage promos, then a 20-25 main event that is decent, and thrown in there some times is a Sabu match when he isn't out getting arrested. Same shit different day. I tought it would be fun to watch, but with Paul not running the ship what is there to look forward to? Former ECW title holders jobbing to wrestlers that Vince has a hard on for? Fuck this!