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About Mecca

  • Birthday 10/17/1980

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    Kansas City Missouri
  1. Mecca

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Now I'm a Chiefs fan so I must chime in here, tell me please when the last time a LB was drafted in the top 5...the answer is Lavar Arrington nearly a decade ago and he brought pass rush talent Curry doesn't, just looking at history the pick makes no sense. LB's really aren't valuable enough to be top 5 picks. Crabtree isn't an elite prospect either, he's slow, he's not going to run in workouts because of it. This isn't Calvin Johnson or Andre Johnson here, he should call Fitzgerald and thank him because without what he did this talk wouldn't be going on...a WR with speed issues from the spread, I pass. And as someone who watched Tyler Thigpens every snap the Chiefs absolutely do need a QB, the Chiefs were running a college gimmick spread and pistol offense because he couldn't even take a under center snap. Thigpens career with the Chiefs as a starter likely ended the day Edwards was fired and he knew it because he did an interview basically ripping the organization for firing Edwards. The Chiefs are starting over with very few pieces, there are 3 positions worthy of a top 5 pick QB, LT, DE...the Chiefs already got their LT last year so no reason to overkill that, these DE's aren't worth the picks no one in their right mind can tell me Brian Orakpo is worth a top 5 pick. So then you go to the QB's... Personally I feel Stafford and Sanchez are the best 2 prospects of this year and next year, unless of course you are a big fan of the spread monkeys who never pan out.
  2. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    According to the BBC the votes in the north are all the uncounted votes in that state, Fairfax is only 35% reported...looks like Obama will win it if that's true.
  3. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    Probably Alabama and Georgia....I think one network called Arkansas.
  4. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    CNN finally calls PA.
  5. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    CNN is just being stubborn even Fox news called PA.
  6. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    MSNBC just called Pennsylvania for Obama. They have Obama at 103.
  7. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    You could have saved alot of time if you had just posted "I think Obama sucks" And you know why your scenario is a bit far fetched? He'd probably like to be able to be re-elected in 4 years.
  8. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    Good news for Obama in Indiana since none of the Dem counties haven't even reported yet Look at some of the 2004 red counties Steuben: Kerry 34%, Obama 42% DeKalb: Kerry 31%, Obama 38% Knox: Kerry 36%, Obama 54% Marshall: Kerry 31%, Obama 50% from 538.com
  9. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    Vermont is about as much of a tossup as California..just like Texas will be given to McCain as soon as it closes.
  10. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    I went out and voted this morning, it was by far the most people I've ever seen at that time of morning in my KC suburb.. Lots of old people, I'm guessing that's because I went so early it was funny 2 other young people came in a man and a woman and they sat down next to me as if to say "we'll sit by you since you aren't 500 years old"
  11. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    I want to know why it matters that anyone opposes gay marriage, it should not in any circumstance be ok to deny any person their rights. I personally think it's really really fucked up to put it on a ballot to be voted on, would anyone else like if they had their rights voted on? I'm sure back many years ago it was popular to say that minorities shouldn't have equal rights or that bi-racial marriage is wrong. Even of a majority of people appose something does not make it right. Secondly to bruisers fear here, you'd think the gun people would get over this fear of government coming to take their guns after you know 200 years. He has gun control on his record because he's from the south side of fucking Chicago. Do you realize how violent that city is? The high level of gun crime there, if you want to die in a hail of gun fire it's probably your best bet...it doesn't mean he wants to take your guns it means he represented an extremely violent city and tried to do something about that.
  12. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    That was more in reference to the part after not before in turning people into sheep that follow orders.
  13. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    Think about this, some of the poorest states in the union are states that consistently go Republican, tell me how that makes sense when they are the big business party..have there have been some books written on it like What happened to Kansas? I'll sum it up because it explains what has happened in some areas of the country. In the early 20th century the midwest was the most politically liberal part of the country. They elected socialist congressmen, and advocated very radical causes, and favored an aggressive form of populism. Kansas was one of the most progressive states. Flash forward to today where it is among the reddest of red states, deeply culturally as well as economically conservative, despite the fact that conservative policies have crushed the average person in these areas. Republicans have been many things, but have always been the party of big business. In order for them to win elections, they had to appeal to something other than business elites. Therefore, the Republican think tanks concocted a strategy to play to the cultural conservatism of people in the midwest, cloaking nearly everything with a religious rhetoric, and placing the importance of those issues above all else. What they reaped was an incredibly active and secure voter bloc that will continually vote for them, despite the fact that Republican pro-business policies have absolutely destroyed the livelihoods of these same people. From the individual running the mom and pop to the single farmer, these people can't subsist in these professions any more, don't benefit from their economic plans, and yet continually vote for R's because of the cultural issues--when nothing is ever done about them. This has been written about extensively by Noam Chomsky and Reinhold Niebuhr. Basically, 80% of the people exist to simply follow orders from the upper 20%. They are given orders, and because they are indoctrinated to be ignorant sheep, they follow them. To make their acquiescence easier they use "emotionally potent oversimplifications" of issues--basically boiling down complex and nuanced ideas into reductive soundbytes that the low information voter of the world can digest, all the while they have no concept what the framework of the actual issue is. These same people, who don't understand the issues, will then become the most vociferous supporters of the status quo, precisely because they have been indoctrinated their entire lives to follow orders, not to ask questions, not to think. The real brilliance of the system is that you are rewarded for being stupid by being part of the group. If you speak out, you are ostracized as a radical, or a communist, or whatever the current scare word is. So not only do you have intellectual constraints, you also have social controls that keep people from speaking out. Being smart means you think you're better than the common man, which is something to be frowned upon.
  14. Mecca

    Campaign 2008

    My opinion on that is that it's kind of like high school they see the rich people as the cool club and they so badly want to believe they are in that club when in reality they aren't. Of course some will argue just because someone makes more money doesn't mean they should get taxed more which is actually an asinine argument because if you don't tax them who are you gonna tax the people with less money? So then you get what we have now rich people get even richer while everyone else becomes poorer. This is why a flat tax is a horrendous idea, in this country the only conceivable way to make the economy work properly is to tax the rich more because any sort of flat tax or rich people tax breaks idea basically causes everyone but the people who already have money to be poorer.
  15. Mecca

    Bored's College Football Pick 'Em - Week 9

    and picks are in.