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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. It's probably something stupid like since they work with Hogan they don't work with Savage since they hate each other.... And I want a Savage DVD god damn it.
  2. I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him....
  3. They tried to punish Sabu by jobbing him to Umaga on Raw and he proceded to fuck up again right after it........he's probably on the verge of being fired. RVD wasn't taken out of this match early for discipline reasons, he didn't win for that reason but it isn't the reason he went out early. He and Punk both had to be gone when Lashley came in so the fans wouldn't shit on Lashley in the match. The show was about Lashley being the man. They still shit on him to an extent but if RVD and Punk had been in the match it would have been much worse.
  4. They actually changed that now.....now you just don't get paid for 30 days but still work.....you don't get suspended till a 2nd violation, but at the time a suspension was mandatory.
  5. Say what you will but what he did gave Vince and everyone that was ever against him all the ammo they needed now Vince has no trust in him. Gimmick or not he picked the absolute worst time he could to get arrested.......
  6. It's going to be hard most everyone watching WWE right now is a loyal WWE fan that is not going to give another product a chance..... And there are always "unwritten rules" like that, like it's some sort of test. Like someone tells you it's ok to do something but if you do it they'll look down on you for it......
  7. Ok that makes sense.....now I'll defend him for this one. I don't think you should have to go to Iraq if you don't want to. Think that has something to do with why Lashley won? What looks better on your tour of Iraq....former Military officer Bobby Lashley or weed smoker RVD who refuses to go.....hrm
  8. Not if they keep paying out big contracts to take WWE talent.....and if I'm a guy like Samoa Joe and I see RVD getting what he makes in WWE then I sure as fuck want some more money..... You have to remember, on some of these big contracts, Spike TV is paying a considerable amount of them. Yet tons of people still have no idea what TNA is.......Kurt Angle didn't even jump their ratings.......they have alot more problems than just the wrestlers on their show.
  9. i've always liked RVD and generally defended the guy but I will not defend him on that issue. He got his shot he had the WWE and ECW title at the same time and fucked it up worse than anyone could have ever thought.....what reason do they have to put him in a prominent position again? He already showed them he can't be trusted enough to not get arrested....... Sabu thing doesn't surprise me at all if he had been in the match they'd have jobbed him out first because if his behaviour that's how WWE operates.
  10. Not if they keep paying out big contracts to take WWE talent.....and if I'm a guy like Samoa Joe and I see RVD getting what he makes in WWE then I sure as fuck want some more money.....
  11. RVD would be champion and maineventing right now if his dumbass wouldn't keep weed in the car, or smoke it when he drives.....or speed when he's doing it.....
  12. I wanna know how TNA can pay out all this money without making any......eventually don't you fold when you are paying out more than you are making? If they ever do want to be a real competitor they will have to tour essentially making one of their big selling points not available anymore because guys would have to travel and work more..... I still think when push comes to shove it's going to be difficult for some of those guys to say "ok I'm leaving" Christian lives 40 minutes from where TNA tapes so I'm sure it's great for him in every way RVD lives in California....
  13. DX is a nostalgic act with established veteran STARS. Name a nostalgic act that doesn't get pops? Just like it's hard to judge with RVD because he will always get pops......he's not doing a nostalgia act but no matter what they do with him he always gets pops regardless.
  14. Ah alright......I think Benoit was the one who just reupped who had the TNA rumor must have confused them...... Either way we'll see if he has the balls to turn down a contract because during his last contract he was said to be mad about shit and complaining and when they plopped a deal down in front of him he resigned despite tons of reports about him wanting out..... We'll see, still to this day Christian is the only one that had a deal put down in front of him and said no to go to TNA.
  15. By the way for the whole "Vince isn't deaf" thing and listening to the fans....you do realize that means you think acts like DX rule because they get great pops right? One of the biggest problems WCW had was listening to the crowd and thinking an act was over....not everything that's good live translates to TV.
  16. Yea and RVD has been pissed 52 other times to and everytime his contract was up he resigned.......the wrestlers bitch and moan but the only one who didn't take a contract that was offered and went to TNA was Christian..... Also I'd almost bet money his contract isn't up in July that's just when his contract has a rollover clause that they'll pick up....
  17. In the end it is a WWE show.......the PPV was bad yes but to act like they just slap people in the face on purpose and things like that make me laugh to an extent. I'm sorry ECW originals can't carry a company......there's a reason ECW went out of business..not to mention most of those guys are old now and most fans don't buy any of them as credible maineventers Even RVD is borderline and he basically fucked himself...... You do understand when you say "look at them intentionally burrying ECW", why would they bring something back 5 years after the fact just to bury it? If that stuff was really true I'd like to know how Vince became a billionaire because this is the equivalent of beating yourself in the head with a hammer. And they had to get RVD and Punk out of the match before Lashley entered, that was why they went so fast. If they were still in when he entered the crowd would have probably shit on him more than they already did. This show was about establishing Lashley as the man that was why Punk and RVD had to be gone when he entered. Oh and for that other guy....Ariel ALWAYS brings something to the table just look at her..... No one said ECW originals can carry a company, but in case you forgot, ECW is not a company anymore, they are an weekly 60 minute show. Don't even begin to suggest that Lashley is better to carry it then RVD or CM Punk. Do you even LISTEN to the fans at all? Yeah I know, and this is exactly the problem. Bookers shouldn't establish stars, the WORKERS should establish who is going to be a star. This show was basically a message to the fans that Vince.Gerwitz and Stephy don't give a flying fuck who they want to see on top, and the only thing that matters is who Vince thinks makes a good main eventer. You can say what you want but RVD has done everything to fuck himself over and look unreliable and not tow the line. Now as a fan you may think that's cool but as an owner it's not and it's not someone you want to be building around....... As far as Punk goes, I love Punk as much as anyone he's one of my favorite guys, but it's to soon for him to be champion. The money is in the chase, if he wins the belt not even a year into his stint there I'm not gonna be into that. I thought they put the belt on Lesnar far to fast.........the money is in the chase.
  18. It's not the first time, and won't be the last time, that Vince brought something or someone just to bury them so he can 'prove' a point or fight a war that is over. I think it's one thing to do it to a wrestler, or to a company like WCW right after it happened........but to spend the money to start up a whole nother brand get TV for it, hire guys for it. Get bookers for it run a PPV for it, 5 years after it went out of business when at times the WWE was support it.......just makes no sense to me at all.
  19. In the end it is a WWE show.......the PPV was bad yes but to act like they just slap people in the face on purpose and things like that make me laugh to an extent. I'm sorry ECW originals can't carry a company......there's a reason ECW went out of business..not to mention most of those guys are old now and most fans don't buy any of them as credible maineventers Even RVD is borderline and he basically fucked himself...... You do understand when you say "look at them intentionally burrying ECW", why would they bring something back 5 years after the fact just to bury it? If that stuff was really true I'd like to know how Vince became a billionaire because this is the equivalent of beating yourself in the head with a hammer. And they had to get RVD and Punk out of the match before Lashley entered, that was why they went so fast. If they were still in when he entered the crowd would have probably shit on him more than they already did. This show was about establishing Lashley as the man that was why Punk and RVD had to be gone when he entered. Oh and for that other guy....Ariel ALWAYS brings something to the table just look at her.....
  20. Well going to bat for RVD with Vince would be pretty stupid at this point seeing as RVD already fucked himself over with the company......... I'm pretty sure Heyman worked with Punk in OVW and personally chose him for ECW.
  21. Will this be when they do the turn........as a Face Lashley doesn't exactly have anyone to work with other than Test and well....no one wants to see that.
  22. Kill it as in they just want it thought of as the 3rd part of WWE that is different than the other 2.......people have this highly romantisized view of ECW and obviously the WWE isn't going to do things that way.... Also Heyman probably does lobby hard for RVD seeing as that is his guy. Punk is Heyman's guy. RVD is old news for Heyman. He knows going to bat for RVD isn't worth the time. Problem is, while HHH and Vince like Punk, princess doesn't. This is the woman that thinks Daniel Rodimer is the next big star in wrestling....for growing up in the business she sure doesn't seem to know much.
  23. Kill it as in they just want it thought of as the 3rd part of WWE that is different than the other 2.......people have this highly romantisized view of ECW and obviously the WWE isn't going to do things that way.... Also Heyman probably does lobby hard for RVD seeing as that is his guy.
  24. I just watched the Shoot with The Hebner's. They said when Sid failed a drug test they still kept him in the main event of some PPV sorry I can't remember which one. They said that it wouldn't be fair to the fans to remove him from the PPV but they did suspend him for a few months after the PPV. I don't understand why they didn't do that with Sabu. Because it wasn't a 1-1 PPV......also Vince seems to think Sabu is a piece of shit right now and the WWE is all about punishing guys these days.
  25. He took the 5 star and RVD pinned him.