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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Mecca

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    Cena's promos bore me......I think it's because they are cut for 8 year olds or people on the same brain level.
  2. That's pretty much what I think too, and like I said if he really does feel that way then put out the MMA Observer and let someone else who really wants to and has some passion for it cover wrestling. I doubt he'd do it though seeing as most of his readers are wrestling fans and not MMA fans....
  3. I do realize that I'm sure there has to be some sort of privacy policy in effect keeping some of the workers coming on and saying what's really going down. It could ruin lives etc. Just like the whole baseball scandal. Doesn't that pretty much nullify the entire paragraph you typed above it? Everyone is whining that Meltzer must have some agenda since he "hates" wrestling (yeah right, he hates wrestling, you fucking idiots). So, like, a guy UNDER CONTRACT wouldn't have any agenda? They're the guys we're supposed to put our faith in to be 100% honest about the goings on in the company? Have you actually read an observer lately....... Look I've thought of Dave for a long time really has nothing to do with this story. I was talking of Dave in general more than Dave and this story. I do however think it's kinda funny for someone to get that mad that I have an opinion of Dave Meltzer though. Calling someone a "fucking idiot" for having an opinion is high class though let me tell ya. Read an observer if you think this man really loves wrestling I'd beg to differ. He probably did once but it's obvious anything WWE related he hates, hell you can read stuff from 20 years ago and see that it was still there then. I think Dave has grown jaded to wrestling, which is fine he has a right to do that. That his opinion, Vince ruined wrestling for him he's not the only guy who thinks that. I think he still covers wrestling because most people that still read the observer and pay his bills are wrestling fans reading that, his MMA fixation by itself wouldn't sell as many copies. I don't dislike the guy personally I just like what his coverage turned into over the past few years. I'm pretty sure everyone knows Bischoff doesn't like him or well any of those guys seeing as he says dirtsheet in his book about 500 times. He says mostly good things but throws in his jabs, Bischoff would make a hell of a cable news show host though he seems skilled in speaking that way. My opinion of Dave is simple this story or not, he's a guy that is into MMA now and jaded to wrestling. He doesn't like McMahon and never has......so when it comes to Vince I won't always take what he says at face value. Just like when every time he'd have a news story about a smark darling like I pointed out. Those guys could never do any wrong and were always the underdogs being held down...Dave's a smart guy like I said, he knows how to sell papers even if he throws in his jaded view these days.
  4. Meltzer's wrong for pointing out that wrestling has a scary amount of deaths and a bad drug problem? No.......he's wrong for acting like he hates something he covers but continues to do so for money reasons I'm guessing. He seriously acts like MMA is the end all be all and he hates and is embarassed by wrestling. I stopped getting the Observer because of this, like I said if he really feels that way quit covering wrestling. I didn't pay money to read a wrestling newsletter that was half full of MMA shit. Or read opinions from a guy who acted jaded about anything American wrestling related then would relate shit to MMA. I also don't enjoy his condescending speak...."You're a fan I use to be, you're stupid I'm not" that is how he comes off to me a lot of the time. Dave's a lot smarter than I think people realize at times.....sure he can't write for shit, has terrible grammar and spelling skills but hey. This is a guy who managed to take something called the WRESTLING OBSERVER and put more MMA in it than wrestling numerous times. When he would talk about wrestling, especially WWE. No matter what the story was if it involved a smart mark darling..knowing his audience that man was always painted as the underdog being held down by the man.
  5. I agree with him for the most part........I'm a bit tired of the people who act like Meltzer is this beacon of all knowledge and hope and would never lie or do anything for personal gain uh huh. These days all Dave does is talk about how MMA rules and act as though he's embarassed to be a wrestling fan or even associated with it. If he really feels that way maybe he should move on and do his dream of MMA Observer. If Bischoff really wanted to get his attention all he'd have to do is make fun of MMA........
  6. Cause see.......he's bigger than an average Japanese man.
  7. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    That either they are liars or they like trannys based on their comments, maybe both, not that there's anything wrong with that...
  8. Mecca

    NFL Star headed to TNA

    - Mike Johnson has confirmed that suspended Tennessee Titan, Adam “Pacman” Jones, has signed a deal with TNA. He will be performing as a professional wrestler. The deal was signed late last week. Details are sketchy at this point, we should know more tomorrow. I'm going to watch this just for the train wreck moments.
  9. Mecca

    NFL Star headed to TNA

    Is this really a good idea.........I mean cmon.
  10. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    You guys would hit it.........
  11. I said to my friend...you know that's Juvi's dad right? And not a minute later did he whack him in the nuts and my friend goes "holy shit it looked like he really hit him in the nuts" My friend enjoyed the 3 ring girls more than just about anything on the show....
  12. I went over to my friends to check out AAA.....I don't speak spanish so it's not easy to figure out who's a heel and a face..... So um Cibernetico, Chessman and Charly Manson are faces while basically everyone else is a heel? Am I reading that properly?
  13. Mecca

    a Q related to Raw Is Owen

    I was actually at that show......I can speak to many thing about the crowd. It was a very surreal thing, he fell and you wouldn't believe the number of people saying things like "scrape his ass out of the ring I wanna see Austin" "it's fake anyway hurry up" things like that..... If they had ended the show right there and most of this crowd, which was heavily trailer/white trash infested on that night hadn't gotten to see Austin. There may have been a riot, there was unrest that these people thought they may not see Austin people were starting to flip out that they wouldn't get to see their hero. Then the show went on and everyone calmed down.
  14. That's Angles story......I honestly don't buy it. He tested positive for numerous things more than once and was told he needed to go to rehab he refused and was fired....that's my take.
  15. From her MySpace Bulletin I can't believe my luck over the last few days with making it to Maxim's Hometown Hotties top 10 and then today my email from Playboy! You guys ready for this one?..........I just made cover of the September issue of the Sexy Girls Next Door! I will have a spread and interview (incase you buy the mag. for reading) as well as the freeking COVER??!!!! This is so crazy! Thanks again for everything you guys have done for me along the way. I have worked very hard to get where I have gotten but it's because of you all that I keep moving foward! So check it out this September! Hope you like! XOXOX Leticia her myspace blog You all are gonna run out and buy this....
  16. Oh yea? Where can you watch it at online? I'm interested now.
  17. If it was because of Pillman, Guerrero whatever reason it is still a positive step. Jeff Hardy was also fired for refusing to go t rehab for his issues. He was quickly snapped up by TNA..I understand people want to blame them because they are the face but they are still more proactive than any other wrestling company is about this sort of thing. That's what I meant when I said you don't get it both ways, when a guy is fired because he needs serious help that he won't get and other promotions hire him that is not the WWE's fault, they tried. Now Jeff Hardy is supposedly clean now, I don't know for sure obviously I'm not there but seeing as how they've been with street drugs he'd have been fired or sent to rehab if he wasn't.
  18. Kurt Angle is being described by some within TNA as "the Triple H of TNA", talking about how he has complete control over his character, and is putting himself before everything else. One source says that these politics are what is keeping Rob Van Dam from joining TNA.
  19. Mecca

    NFL Discussion Forumtable: 2007

    Are the Packers still offering that 1st round pick....if so they can have Larry Johnson. The Chiefs signed Will Poole today I'm sure that's a huge step in the run, note my sarcasm.
  20. Hrm where is CMLL shown....maybe I have that station or my friend does...
  21. Not nearly as well as it used to, unless over the past six months or so things have went back to how they used to be. The Japanese wrestling has been going through something of a down period as well unless I'm mistaken. I hate, hate, hate WWE's response to that list, by saying that only five guys or whatever were signed to WWE contracts at the time of their death. That doesn't mean shit at all, other than to sound like some sort of defense. How many of them were in WWE at the highest point of their careers? Most of the people on the list had a run in WWE at one point or another, most peaked in WWE, and for most of the guys I'd say that many of the problems that eventually led to many of their deaths started once they were in WWE. I know that WWE has to say something in defense, but still, it just sounds so stupid to me. I don't think WWE is going to just get away this time without major changes. They got away in the early 90's, this isn't the first round of this bullshit. Then again, I could be wrong and in a year from now Vince could be back on TV bragging about how he beat the United States government, again. The WWE has fired people for drug issues and they're then allowed to work for another promotion, if Kurt Angle or Joey Mercury turned up dead tomorrow that would some how be blamed on the WWE when they released those guys for refusing to get a handle on their problems.......that's why I said you can't have it both ways. If it's only about the WWE then when they release guys for drug problems if that guy dies it isn't their fault they tried he didn't comply he got released. It's not like Vince is going down here, he isn't distributing. They may get a list of Doctors to go after though. The most that happens is some guys get fired and the testing policy is more strict.
  22. If you say the WWE is the face of wrestling and the only one that matters in this....when that list of dead wrestlers is brought up then you should accept their answer when they say 5. You can't have that both ways....
  23. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    "See, we take our drug policy very serious!" Dupree has to be a complete moron, that's the 3rd one he's failed.
  24. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    Credit Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com: The WWE website has an article up about Edge's pectoral tear surgery under famed surgeon Dr. James Andrews, which took place over the weekend. Andrews noted that the tear was much more than originally believed, with the surgical team discovering that the tendon had completely torn from the bone once they opened him up. Andrews commented that the injury could have been a career-threatening situation if it wasn't correctly repaired. Given the wording of the article, it appears that Edge's return would most likely be towards the end of 2007, although that would all depend on a number of factors including healing, physical therapy and training time needed to return to the ring. Andrews would only comment that the return time was "to be determined", noting that it could take 3-4 months once they are a month out of surgery. Five months (including the four weeks of surgerical recovery) would be late December. Ugh....
  25. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    Elijah Burke in his blog reflects on Dusty Rhodes and takes a shot at Mero...I found it kinda funny personally. “I’m back and better than ever.” - Eric Bischoff Theme Music 2003 Once again, YOUR Host of Hosts is here to be an inspiration to those without hope. No longer must you suffer. No longer must you linger without knowing, because YOUR Guiding Light shall guide you to a place and time where Dreams live on. The place and time was July 22, 2007 at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Calif. The dream was, well the Dream; the “American Dream” that is. Anybody who considers themselves to be a true fan of the sport had to feel like they were 6-years-old again when WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes appeared at The Great American Bash sporting his cowboy hat, same trusty black shirt from years past and the knee pads over his jeans. Man, I for one know that I was just in awe. Regardless of what you thought of the match itself (being that the rules to the Bull Rope Match had changed), to see such an icon at this stage in his career being able to compete on his brainchild (The Great American Bash) was just like Christmas for me. It was one of the best gifts that I could ask for. But more importantly, it wasn’t the match that sent shivers up and down my spine, it was Dusty’s promo. When I was 3-years-old and growing, Dusty to me was a Southern Baptist Preacher. Dusty had a way of making me (among millions of others) feel important. He made me feel like he was fighting the “good” fight for me. Dusty had, and still has obviously, the gift of rapping, if you will. There’s no one, and I absolutely mean no one, that did or can do it better. When this man speaks, you listen. You’re drawn to see where he’s going with his message. I gotta tell ya, when Dusty cut that promo, I felt like I was watching Florida Championship Wrestling with my pops all over again. What more could I expect. It was the Dweem baby! Dusty will make your back crack, your liver quiver, if you ain’t down with this mess then hell, you at the wrong address. It was truly an “Experience” for YOUR Paragon of Virtue who witnessed it live. So why did I reflect on Eric Bischoff’s theme music? It’s simple; the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes was truly back and better than ever! Well, almost I guess. It ended as soon as it began, or so it seems. Oh well, if we can actually find some jeans that fit, we could always dress up Balls Mahoney in a cowboy hat and jeans and send him to the ring. Nah, that wouldn’t work. That’ll be like putting make-up on a 240-pound man, dress him up like Little Richard with confetti launchers and having him hit his opponents with something called the “Tutti-Frutti!... Just Gawd Awful! Thanks Dusty! P.S. WTH? Have anyone seen or heard from my personal enforcer? (Insert Normal) Questions, Comments and/or concerns? Reach out to your Paragon of Virtue at [email protected]. YOUR Host of Hosts