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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Like every girl I know would go totally apeshit on you for saying that.......Orton is one of the few wrestlers it seems almost all women think is good looking.
  2. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Even Britney isn't that desperate.
  3. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I think that's to many Val jokes.
  4. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    He actually went and got his teeth stained that color to show "commitment to the character" he wasn't even asked and did it anyway.
  5. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    2 Lindsay Lohans....bring the Coke and you got a porno.
  6. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Yep they're ALL going to say Cena is going to win....which points to Lashley.....I can't believe they are really going to do this. Hrm maybe not........the roided guy picked the other roided guy that was kinda funny.
  7. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Yep. Man...talk about a lose lose as far as I'm concerned. Cena as champ is about as stale as 20 year old bread. Bobby "the roid king" lashley is even worse. Just damn. I picture Vince walking around in Titan Towers going "you know what fuck the media, fuck Meltzer, fuck Mero, I'm gonna put my world title on the biggest roided motherfucker I got, that'll show em!"
  8. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    We're to busy whoring our post counts to go into any chat.
  9. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Oh no......they're all saying Cena is gonna win, Bobby Lashley is gonna be champion....Vince really is going to give an FU to every person in the media isn't he..
  10. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Haha Santino eats the first job in the match.........he's being burried like mad, just get him off the show and back to OVW.
  11. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    His hair is growing out it's like a huge quafing looking thing now.
  12. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I hope everyone just beats down Santino.
  13. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    What's with guys wearing those female looking tank tops these days? Hbk, Hoyt now Haas...cmon guys it just looks bad.
  14. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Now he can go months and possibly not win a match. I wouldn't be too sure about that I was being a bit over the top but there are several guys on Raw Booker won't be allowed to beat.
  15. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Now he can go months and possibly not win a match.
  16. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Oh lovely.......I think they're going a bit far with this Cena Lashley hype thing now.
  17. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Man the entire front row there looked like Mexicans, I didn't realize the WWE had that big of a minority fan base. Oh wait it's Texas I forgot nevermind....and why is Lawler so over in Texas?
  18. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Can Sid actually move normally now?
  19. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I just thought I'd inform you.....I'm not sure if that AV is just awesome or creepy.....probably both.
  20. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    It'll be nice to see Booker get made to look like ass again........I wonder if he remembers Mania.
  21. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    HAHA, ok that was great....Booker T coming out to H's King of Kings song.
  22. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Oh look it's H.
  23. i think alot of us will be holding our breaths tommorow along with WWE Even if it comes back with nothing on it, the media has already chalked it up to steroids and will continue to say that with or without proof. If you think that will actually happen then I want to punch you in the face. They'll never let go of of the steroid thing.....you can think I'm wrong all you want. A good majority of the reporting so far has been wrong you really think they'd all of the sudden change?
  24. Mecca

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    For that angle to play out properly Cody would have to go over Orton and well that just isn't going to happen....not with how H is pining for Orton to get the strap.
  25. i think alot of us will be holding our breaths tommorow along with WWE Even if it comes back with nothing on it, the media has already chalked it up to steroids and will continue to say that with or without proof.