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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Well 10-1 would be extremely high like hey something bad may happen to you level. I think the WWE's drug testing policy is just to make sure no one has an extreme level where they may kill themselves. I mean after all it isn't a real sport where you gain an advantage like the MLB even though some people try to make that comparison. I think they should look into the prescription things like I mentioned before but of course you can't please everyone some people don't think there's ever a valid use for steroids. And even if you have a legit reason you are using them that you should still fail.
  2. If there's room I'll play.......provided I don't have to contribute money which I don't believe it says LOL... If the USC guy doesn't resign up I want to represent them however if he does I'll uh think of another team.
  3. Not only is it 10:1, but if you first test at 15:1 and your follow up has you at 14:1, they consider that cycling down and your given a pass. Not only that, but if you have a doctor's not saying that you are on Testosterone replacement, which is usually for older guys to keep there testosterone at 1:1, you get a free pass. This is on top of "I have a prescription, so it's ok" EDIT: This comes from Bryan Alvarez on "Between the Ropes" That's bizarre I read a transcript of when he appeared on Nancy Grace and he said it was 6-1 on there.......he likes to contradict himself I guess.
  4. I was going on what Bryan Alvarez had said........so if you guys know more than he does about the WWE's drug testing by all means... Drinking alot, and doing a lot of other drugs can also lead to an enlarged heart. Not just roids and HGH make your heart bigger.
  5. Like it was explained the standard in WWE is 6-1 where as in say the Olympics is 4-1..... I really wish people would quit saying "in other sports" Wrestling is not a god damn sport. The only real major loop hole is the prescription from a Dr. one and frankly I think if you have a severe injury to be subscribed steroids which does happen, it happened to me personally. I think you should get a pass if it is legit but they should take a look into guys who have prescriptions when they shouldn't have however.
  6. If you have a major surgery like Nancy had they'll generally prescribe steroids for you......
  7. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    They show those on Smackdown.......every time I see one I think she's about to try to sell some douche or tampons.
  8. The O'Reilly thing looks like nothing more than a ploy by him and Fox seeing as Linda McMahon is in China right now.
  9. Matt Hardy raises alot of good points, its like that in all of the world, i mean how often do we actually hear good news in the media anymore I agree with a lot of what Matt Hardy said.......It is the old generation compared to the new generation and people are trying to come down on the new generation now for the old generation dying for living a hard lifestyle.
  10. They are in no way shape or form going to get rid of Mysterio, he moves way to much merch and makes them to much money. If when he appeared in Mexico is any indication he is much smaller and normal looking now....
  11. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Because in real life women think a guy who looks like Miz is better looking than just about everyone else on that roster........guys like him GET WOMEN in real life. That's why I fucking hate life For some reason this made me crack up.
  12. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    They go from Extreme Expose back to V.........they are jealous of his tits.
  13. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Because in real life women think a guy who looks like Miz is better looking than just about everyone else on that roster........guys like him GET WOMEN in real life.
  14. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Judging by the reaction of the crowd, I think he's a "Who gives a shit." There aren't alot of real world fans in the house.
  15. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Wait is the Miz a heel or a face?
  16. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Well Brooke Adams is hot I just thought I'd add that.
  17. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    he has a job in the office so I don't think he can do any sort of full time wrestling role.
  18. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Hey the tape library is good for something.
  19. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    NOT BALLS! Nah, doesn't work. I wonder how many women have uttered that phrase.
  20. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Bals Mahoney makes an appearance.
  21. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    They should have just called him his real name.......there's nothing to bad about Nelson frazier.
  22. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Vis has bigger boobs than most of the Diva's do.
  23. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Put a shirt on.........cmon.
  24. Mecca

    ECW 7.10.07

    Oh God Viscera without a shirt........ahhhhh I'm blind.
  25. Hold hearings for steroids in football while you're at it. And bodybuilding. May as well waste all of Congress's time instead of just some of it. 89 deaths + steroids>thousands of deaths of young people in a pointless war And people wonder why I think this country is stupid.