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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Mecca

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    So do people really think Cena is funny?
  2. Mecca

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    I dig that sign "someone please beat Cena"
  3. Mecca

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    And it's Cena....
  4. Mecca

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    Kennedy is back and it looks like he's gonna wrestle....
  5. Mecca

    OAO Raw Thread - July 2, 2007

    The WWE ad here on USA is acting like this is basically the Monday after Vengeance.
  6. I still don't think you can pinpoint this on steroids, if you could then football and baseball players would be killing people too.
  7. The only people I've seen dispute the Fragile X are Nancy's parents........who as Jericho said probably didn't even know. Everyone (except her parents) when they heard about this syndrome and what it does immediatly said oh that fits him.....look at Jericho.
  8. I tihnk you're reading a bit to much into that......
  9. Here's my recap of the last hour and a half of Observer Live (missed the first half-hour due to another show) The show is all about Benoit, and both Bryan and Dave share storied about Benoit not thinking his matches were all that special, with Eddie having that same mentality. Dave shares a story about seeing a tag match with Benoit and Eddie facing Liger and Ohtani, seeing them blow the house down, hearing the following matches not even get 1/4 the heat, and then going out to dinner with them afterwards, praising their match, and each asking him why he felt it was so good. Both state that Benoit never projected an ego, even after winning at 'Mania XX, which felt like vindication to Benoit according to them. A caller says he's been a fan for 22 years and Dave says that you'll never see it again. He then knocks Nancy Grace for the "Horsemen to Raw" comment, which Dave says what ignorant, and due to them having a fact-checker who hadn't watched wrestling in forever. He thinks they did a far better job when Jericho was on, and Dave praises Jericho as being the best, with Brian Lawler being an embarrassment. The caller tells Debra's story when she argued with DeMott, and Dave says that questioning the timing is odd, as the time to do it is now, as they won't care about it later, unfortunately. The caller asks how WWE can erase Benoit from the history books, and Dave says that we're about to find out how they do it, as Benoit is in so many PPVs from 2000-onwards. Dave says that they'll probably just do a normal show on Raw, and they'll never mention Benoit again. Bryan was told that the show will be very light-hearted, without any really violent stuff. Dave says that it's sad that Nancy's contributions to wrestling have been ignored over the past week. The caller asks about what they can do with Benoit's brain, and says that his wife knew that Daniel had a problem just by looking at him. Dave says that WWE didn't know he had Fragile X, nor did his best friends and even Daniel's grandparents didn't know, and he then says that it still isn't 100% confirmed that he has it. Dave says that some of Benoit's friends feel that Daniel did have something wrong, while others are in complete denial. The caller then asks if brain damage shows up on Chris, could it have been hereditary, and Bryan says that it isn't likely at all, since Daniel couldn't inherit the damage caused by chairshots to the back of the head, diving headbutts, and God knows what else. Dave says that we'll never know exactly what happened, but we might just find out what they were doing at or around the deaths occurred, but that we'll never know exactly why. He says that, as a father, he can't imagine how Chris killed his son, since he knew for a fact that Chris loved his son. Dave says that he may never be able to watch another match of Benoit's but says that the whole thing is very confusing and he isn't really sure what he'll do. A new caller asked if he'll be erased from history, and Dave says that while they might do that, but they can't really erase him from history. They'll definitely try, but they can't erase him from history anymore than the NFL can erase O.J. Simpson from history. The caller says that he's still a fan of Benoit the wrestler, but isn't a fan of Benoit the man. He then thanks Bryan for his personal memories of Benoit, and says that they helped him get through this. The caller says that maybe the Bibles were used to show that he knew he was doing wrong, but wanted to use them for salvation, and Dave says that there's probably something to the Bibles. Superstar Billy Graham will be on for hour 2. A new caller starts off hour 2, saying that he's been a fan for 23 years and says this is very surreal. He asks if anyone thought that Nancy was leaving Chris, and if there could've been an intervention. Dave says that they'd had rough times throughout the years, and that people who were friends of theirs locally knew of their problems, but that Dave didn't know of any problems recently. Her leaving him leading to this is one policy theory on this whole thing. The caller says that them erasing him from history is just P.R., and Dave says that it's all P.R. Dave says they've handled things very badly, although he did praise them for the show on Monday. The caller calls the press release damage control, and Dave says that it's poor damage control, as antagonizing the media was a horrible move. The caller asks if they're going to take signs away, and Bryan says that they have already started doing that. Graham is up, and he thanks Dave for having him on. Dave says that of all the people he knows, no one can relate to what Benoit went through more than Billy. He asks him how much, between all the drugs and everything else, do you lose control of your actions. Billy says that he went through a lot of depression due to drugs and horrible health, and that he was at the point of taking his own life, yes, but never got to the point of massacring Valerie. Billy says that it must've been a very deep issue, and relates Dean's story about Benoit mentally checking out of a conversation in the middle of it. He says that all of the deaths piling up around Benoit got to Chris, to the point of crying on the shoulders of Billy and Valerie, and that Chris took the death worse than anyone else who wasn't part of Eddie's family. Billy says that the placement of the Bibles is very significant, and represented great sorry, with Benoit's hope being to take his son to a better place. Dave says that there have only been a couple dozen people in our lifetimes that were the top guy in WWE, and that when the run at the top is over, they come dome dramatically. Austin told him this once about Brock, as he understood why Brock left, and didn't hold it against him. The come down was a killer for Billy, and it was almost unbearable according to Billy. He says that he (Billy) might've been too weak, taking it too seriously, and a defect about his own personality, and says that Nancy was telling Valerie that even though Nancy had fun in wrestling, that she didn't miss it at all, and that she loved being a "boring old housewife". Bryan says that Benoit loved wrestling, but hated everything else about the business. A new caller asks about if either Bryan or Dave have been asked about the wellness policy. Dave says that the testing was developed by Dr. David Black in Nashville, who also developed the NFL's testing. When Dave first learned about steroid testing in the early '90s, when he read everything he could about it. The WWE's key ratio policy is 10 to one, but if you're over 4 to one, you won't be suspended, but you will be watched. He says the situation that's really tough now is guys getting off of steroids who has been on them for a decade, he'll go through major depression and physical problems, which isn't good. That's one reason doctors do prescribe low levels of steroids to help maintain health so guys don't completely lose their minds. Billy's going to talk about it - after his liver transplant, he was told that he wasn't at the level he should have been, as his testosterone level was very low, at about 125, leading to now have to take 150 milligrams of testosterone to have a normal level. He says that if you don't cycle down intelligently, you're going to come down very hard. Bryan asks about the "roid rage" stuff, Billy says that that when they first mentioned that steroids were in the home, that's why it got national coverage, because they think that steroids triggered it. If they didn't find steroids in the home, the story would've been downplayed. Billy says that he feels steroids could've played a part, as Chris having a stockpile despite passing an April test tells him that he was keeping them to keep his testosterone up. He says that low testosterone could literally be a killer, and Dave says that looking at the last 18 months of his life, with him losing Eddie, and Bryan says that Chris told Bryan that he would write letters to Eddie every day in a journal given to him by Nancy. Bryan says that Chris said he wasn't crazy, it just helped him get through it. Billy says it seems like Benoit had some sort of mental illness, but he doesn't know if they saved his brain. Dave says that they might not be able to do, as Chris didn't have the AC on, leading to the tissue degenerating. Chris Nowinski and others are trying to get his brain preserved for medical testing. Billy says that they definitely need to do something, as Benoit was sending text messages while seeing his wife decompose before his eyes. Billy says that Benoit must've been living a personal Hell to do this, and go through such elaborate means to kill himself. A new caller is on, and Dave says that Benoit was the first guest in the history of the show, on October 9, 1999. Brian Hilebrand had just passed away, and Brian was one of Chris' best friends. Dave related a story of Benoit, Jericho, and Guerrero right before Brian's death, and Brian calling him right before his death, he never dwelled on it, and he praised Chris no matter what. Benoit was Brian's favorite subject, even as he was dying from cancer. At about 100 pounds, Brian, Eddie, Dave, Benoit, and Jericho were together - Benoit was crying uncontrollably, and Brian asked what the problem was, and Brian asked him what the problem was, and that their families were going to go to the mountains together soon. Dave talks about the people close to Benoit who have passed away - Hildebrand, Pillman, Black Cat, Victor Marr, Johnny Grunge, and Eddie. Dave says that Victor was Benoit's closest friend in Japan, but he didn't know how close they were until Chris told him. He also said that Grunge's family and Benoit's family were very close socially. The caller says that Benoit had lost a lot of friends at 40, and that's something that most people don't go through until their '80s. Dave never dealt with a death in his '30s and '40s unless they were wrestling-related. Hildebrand, Grunge, and Eddie were Benoit's support system, as were Dean, Chavo, and Jericho. Dave says that he, Billy, and Bryan can see that he was a tortured man the past few years. Billy says that he asked his doctor about the needle marks, but they do in fact prescribe human growth hormone for their parents to inject their children, so it isn't an issue of Chris forcibly injecting his son. Billy says that one lesson here is that you think you know someone, but you really don't know anyone. Billy says that it's very telling that he's teach his son to just say "yes, maam" and "no, maam", and give up his seat shows how much he bonded with him. Billy says that Chris may have just been trying to spare his son the mockery and torture of children later in life. A new caller joins the show, asking if Benoit was close to Davey Boy, and Dave says that he was. Benoit was very respectful toward the older wrestlers, like Davey, who was already a star when Benoit broke in. Dave says that Benoit would always seek Billy out, and Billy tells a story about Benoit having his phone off the hook for three days and apologizing to Valerie, leading to her say that he didn't have to do that. Billy says that he found it amazing how dedicated Benoit was to him and how much he admired him, given that they'd just met at Eddie's family. Billy brings up Mike Awesome hanging himself, and mentions that depression as a key there, and was likely one here. Billy shares a story about Daniel, where Chris told Nancy very sternly to watch Daniel, who was running around backstage in the catering area. He asks if WWE is going to change its policies due to this, and Dave says that lots of suggestions have been made to Vince, and thinks that something, but isn't sure exactly what, will happen. He can see them hiring counselors for the wrestlers. Billy Graham shares a story about eating lunch with Animal, Animal's son, and Greg Valentine where they talked about Vince promoting entertainment, and wondered how the government can try to regulate an entertainment company. Dave thinks that they might rotate the schedule, where guys only work TV. Billy says that since Vince has a full-blown wellness program, he should just start a psychological program, which Dave thinks will happen. Dave says that even the wrestlers he knew, even if they were troubled, and even if there was a psychologist on-call, they would view telling one as a sign of weakness. Bryan thinks that anonymity would be a key to it there. Billy says that mental illness is laughed at in our society, and Dave says that maybe if a wrestler was going to be champion, and he saw the pychiatrist, they might think again about it and put the belt on someone else. Billy says that the very nature of the business is deception, and it would be a nightmare trying to put the belt on a guy while having to do an intense psychological background check on it. A new caller is up with a two part question. Was there ever any backstage controversy about Benoit? Bryan says that there was, two weeks ago on ECW, he gave everyone a brow-beating after the match, and Dave says that his role in ECW was to teach them. Bryan says that if he was in Benoit's shoes, he probably would have done the same thing. The caller asks if they'll drop the Vince death angle, Dave says that they're going to have to. The angle was going to end up that Vince faked it. Billy brings up the Lita abortion as an angle that was a little too close to reality, and hopes that they go away from that, leading to them just trying to be entertaining again. --------------- That was an incredibly informative and emotion-filled show. I stole that from another board, I figured people would find it interesting.
  10. Hey if you are just going to throw away your Benoit stuff........send it to me, my physical address is....
  11. I'm not sure I even believe that it sounds so sensationalistic......... Howver shouldn't all of that put to bed this constant bullshit about roid rage? However it won't because the media is fuckin stupid and does 0 research.
  12. Mecca

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    I just think you'd have a really hard time convincing the WWE to change a business model that has turned a profit for them for years on end...... Asking them to cut back shows, make less money and pay wrestlers for working less doesn't sound like something they'd be very willing to do. I believe they could rotate guys in and out but that would require them hiring more wrestlers....and there are still a select few guys that I don't think they can afford to take off TV.
  13. You can't really blame wrestlers.......alot of wrestlers act weird all the time. Just because someone is acting weird doesn't mean he's going to turn into some nut job kiler. Chavo stayed at his house not long ago he obviously didn't think he was to out there at the time.... I remember a time when Steve Austin was extremely paranoid about everything......there's no such thing as a good samaritan law. I know people I think act weird sometimes, I'm sure everyone does but we like to give people we think we know the benefit of the doubt that they won't get so out there to kill people.
  14. Wrestlers are always insecure.......
  15. Mecca

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    I bet they'd tell you they don't have enough top guys to do this........if you were to rotate Edge off Smackdown or Cena off Raw they'd go into a full on panic about what to do. Part of this is their own fault of not making any new guys and a bit of a refusal to do it but I'm not sure how many fans would buy Randy Orton world champ till Cena comes back.
  16. Mecca

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    That's wrestlers though, even if they were told they wouldn't lose their spot they'd feel they were.....paranoia about spots is rampant in wrestling. As far as "new style" if you see what alot of indy guys are doing or just what's going on in TNA. The WWE is actually safer than they are banning alot of higher risk moves. They are probably about as safe as you can ask a promotion today to be. People bitch about the "repressive WWE style" that doesn't allow anything that is actually alot safer.....
  17. Mecca

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    It'll always be a rough business when you make it to that level, there's really no changing that no matter what model you go to unless you want the company to lose money. I mean the only feasable idea I could see is a rotating schedule that gives some guys extra house show days off but they consider house show business important to the bottom line........it's difficult to find any middle ground with this.
  18. Mecca

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    And they'll never do that because to much guarenteed money to guys not working enough is what killed WCW.......And I just noticced you mentioned that.... Wrestlers have to much of a fear of losing thier spots to accept just not being around for a couple months. Especially younger guys trying to establish themselves........or a guy like Cena who right now they seriously can't afford to not have for 2 months.
  19. Mecca

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    The problem is the guys don't want breaks for the most part the less work the less money you make...if your downside isn't that high 2 months off is really bad for you.
  20. I'm not overly surprised I always assumed it was because she told him she as leaving and taking their kid. So basically with everything that had built up all of that going on her saying she was taking the kid was to much and that was what pushed him over the edge. He was alot more troubled than it seems anyone really knew....or wanted to admit to.
  21. People are making it sound like he killed himself because he had aids or something.....I hate when people use vague terms like that.
  22. I don't particulary see what they can do.......the WWE is actually relativly good when it comes to drugs compared to sleazeball indies no one even knows about. Union shit is just crazy talk, the business as heart will always be sleazy. It's like congress trying to clean up the porn business. I don't believe anyone is "forced" to take drugs, if you do so that is on you as a person. But no matter what they do, just being a wrestler is a brutal strain on your body and you aren't going to live as long as a normal person. You accept that when you become a wrestler...... They can test for all this stuff make it tougher all that, just the lifestyle of beating down your body takes its toll, why will no one discuss that? It's gotta be the drugs I guess....
  23. How come no one brings up just the wrestling in general? Beating the shit out of your body year round for 20 years isn't gonna do wonders for your life expectancy it's like people just forget that. Even if you never did any drugs, the constant travel and beating of your body will shorten your lifespan... I think people tend to forget that at times....I also fail to see how it's the WWE's fault that people die...If you partake in that lifestyle to full degree that is your fault no one elses. Curt Hennig was one of my favorites I don't feel it's the WWE's fault he OD'd on cocaine. I'm not enjoying the fact that people are taking this as their opportunity to go on the witch hunt of pro wrestling like it's their cause. I am concerned for the future of wrestling right now, for the sake of something I really enjoy I hope all this fades away quickly.
  24. I enjoy how we have issues like terrorism and being in stupid ass wars and we have senators worried about baseball and wrestling..........good priorities.
  25. If Austin calls Sean Hannity a mealy mouth bastard and then talks about Colmbs beady eyes it would be worth it...