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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Well, I'll be attacked for this but if someone is in a house with two bodies for two days or so, then all sorts of questions are raised about what went on between them dying and him dying. I already posted my thoughts I believe he was suffering from a clinical depression and essentially not himself and have episodes with it.......he eventually regained who he was realized what he had done and took his life as well. I know some people don't know or understand what clinical depression is or what his concussions could have possibly brought on and will just be like "he's a child killer" but really if he was suffering from that it really means he was not himself and from what anyone who knows Benoit says about him that is what I'm saying happened.
  2. CNN is reporting that two weeks prior to the tragic events of this weekend, concerned WWE fans and fans of Chris Benoit called a local Atlanta news channel inquiring about the death of Benoit. CNN is unable to say where the rumor started but say it is an eerie coincidence to say the least. (I had not heard any such rumor and am quite surprised that CNN would mention it.) Toxicology results will be in by 1:00PM EST and while police are almost positive it was a double murder-suicide, they are not ruling out any other cause of death in the case. For those interested, CNN will be covering the toxicology results as soon as they become public. Again, to refresh, two weeks PRIOR to this weekend, fans called a local Atlanta news channel asking if they knew any information on the death of Benoit. Taken from Gerweck.net.
  3. Oh here we go........lets let the thread degenerate into that.......so why did you even venture into the thread other than to basically troll for a reaction?
  4. When I found out about this, it was about an hour before Raw......I was just in shock like I couldn't believe it.....then Raw started and it basically hit me full force. Anyone who knows me knows I am not an emotional personal I don't cry or get upset about anything, I may feel it but I don't show it, that's just how I am.....I felt broken over a man I've only met a few times.....broken to the point tears ran down my face. My best friend called me and I doubt he was expecting that, and asked me if I was ok, it was probably the first time in our 10 year friendship he's ever heard me like that. Chris Benoit has been my hero since I was about 14 years old, that would be roughly 12-13 years now.....he was truly my hero. He was everything I loved about wrestling, what I thought it should be I really loved, respected and admired every single thing about the man. A small guy no one ever thought could make it that really did make it. The time that I felt was greatest for Benoit was when I realized in a time of the 'star" a time of catchphrases and looks. A time where it was all about Austin and Rock......my guy Chris Benoit made it in the eyes of fans having nothing of it. He was a wrestler and even fans who watched for all the other stuff respected that. That meant more to me than anything....that this guy who was so anti everything that was over, was over. Now my hero is gone.......I'm not as emotionally broken as I felt about 12 hours ago, but I still sit with a heavy heart. Knowing everything about the situation I do now it makes it that much harder for me. I will have a really hard time knowing if it does end up being what is being said that someone I think that of ended as a murderer. Even if it is proven so I have to seperate him as a wrestler and as a person because if I don't I think it would do more harm than good to me personally. When he died I honestly felt like one of my friends died that is how much he meant to me......I'd like to always remember all of the positive and good things Chris Benoit brought to my life and the joy he gave me on so many occasions. No matter what happens I will always remember that and try not to think about how it ended.....and how truly devastating that is. I know some people will not like that and will think I'm some sick wrestling fan that doesn't care about people but I have to do that because like I said I can't come to terms that someone I thought all that of is a murderer.....I'm not asking anyone else to do that but I have to for myself seperate the wrestler from the person and remember him as the wrestler I loved and admired. I just wanted to express my full feelings on this instead of just little bits and pieces like I had been.
  5. i talked to him for about 10 minutes in a grocery store back in 97 in the height of Nitro.....I was working there.......he Eddie, and Finlay came in.
  6. You know there is a serious probability that if this is the case he was suffering from a mental condition.....brought on by concussions that NFL players are being reported to be suffering from such as Andre Waters who committed suicide. Hell a former WWE wrestler brought alot of this to light. Benoit had been dropped on his head for 22 years......I think there as a very good likelihood he was suffering from some of the issues brought on from these things such as depression, dementia where any little thing could trigger all of this. Especially when you factor in the stress of his job, losing his best friend not that long ago. Considering what everyone who knew him said and how out of character this was, I believe there is more to the story than "hey that guy is an asshole who just killed his family"
  7. I personally don't believe anything will change in how wrestlers are handled in their health and things like that....they're treated like animals basically race horses or dogs or circus type.......you are used when you are valuable you take drugs do unsavory things to stay there longer and then all the hard work and strain and stress you put yourself through your body gives out and you die or you are put out to pasture for the next guy....... That is basically the business......I don't see it changing anytime soon unfortunatly.
  8. I know it's weird, but wrestling is full of scummy people and well if you didn't like people for how they acted in life you probably wouldn't have a favorite wrestler or enjoy it at all..... Now what Benoit did is far worse but I still have to seperate it, I'm not asking anyone else to do that, but me personally I'll try to not remember him as a murderer because thinking and knowing that of a man that was essencially my hero from the time I was 15 till now the better oart of 12 years......would do more harm than good to me personally.
  9. I have to seperate Benoit the wrestler/performer and Benoit the person......Just for my own sanity, that may seem weird to some people but for me that is how I have to do it.
  10. On the wwe.com website- "It has been ruled that the deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel earlier today were the result of a double murder-suicide from within the home. WWE.com will have more as soon as it becomes available."
  11. Mecca

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    I'm having such a hard time with this.........I feel like my best friend died, he was my hero.
  12. Mecca

    The OAO Tribute to Chris Benoit Raw Thread.

    I don't know if i can watch this.......I'm gonna cry...
  13. I have no words........truly my favorite wrestler of my lifetime, I just feel so numb right now about this.
  14. Mecca

    OAO Vengeance PPV Thread

    Ok seriously WTF.......I knew Cena was going to win but seriously WTF? I sat down to watch it......and never once did he even remotely look like he was in peril or going to lose.....the match totally sucked on top of that to be honest. I'm either in some minority or I don't "get it" but I am so tired of Cena at this point words can't express how I feel about him........My feelings for him right now are worse than the ones I had for Triple H in 2003. Today is the 281st day of Cena's title reign he has now surpassed his first run......JBL's and Yokozuna's........and there is no end in sight, he's a Hogan esq 80's long reign champ in an era where that doesn't work because he's on TV 100 more times and working many more important matches...... This is overkill and like I said it's making me hate the guy.
  15. Mecca

    OAO Vengeance PPV Thread

    I know there are plenty of Punk fans around here but there are reports that the WWE is much higher on Burke, Cor Von and Nitro than they are Punk........don't be surprised if Nitro has it for more than a few days.
  16. It doesn't work that way, though, on Wall Street. Like I said, according to the law, the WWE fucked up. Now we just gotta wait and find out if anyone important was pissed off. You're licking your chops eh?
  17. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I think now is a good time to bring up how shitty Raw's booking is about putting Cena over EVERYONE......he's beaten so many people without anyone getting any wins over him that they are going to resort to Snitsky and Viscera.......
  18. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    We'll see.........it seems stupid to me too but at this point I don't put anything past H.
  19. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Direct TV has run a Summerslam ad on their programming........there is no mention of the Jackass crew but it promotes the return of Rey Mysterio and then it goes on to say "Triple H faces the unstoppable world champion Edge" All I have to say is FUCK Triple H.
  20. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I'm 99% sure they'll find some way to make his last match against H.
  21. Mecca

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    More news on the WWE's referee policy. It seems that any referees who violate the new policy of officiating matches as though they were real get fined. Fines have already been given in a couple of instances for not doing consistent counts and for allowing a heel tag team to get away with too much. Also Chris Jericho may not be coming back as he's now putting out public statements that he's embarrassed to be associated with the WWE because he finds the McMahon angle to be offensive saying it's a slap in the face to guys like Owen and Eddie.
  22. Mecca

    ECW 6.19

    Dreamer fucks up and kills himself...
  23. Mecca

    ECW 6.19

    What makes Stephanie's promo funnier is when you realize she was probably cutting a promo she personally wrote and it was still awful....
  24. Mecca

    ECW 6.19

    But since she's basically in charge of everything now she probably think's she's great and needs no help.
  25. Mecca

    ECW 6.19

    That would be great.........they'd get alot of really nice phone calls about what a dipshit she is and HHH is and how they are ruining the company......I'd like to see a promo about that.