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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Mecca

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    They're probably changing the mat as we speak.........that's usually what they do just pick up the mat and replace it with a new one.
  2. Mecca

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    Maybe they're being nice considering she almost died.
  3. Mecca

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    That's an interesting winner......... I'd have given it 5 stars if we had seen Brooke's boobs.
  4. Mecca

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    Brook's boob fell out but of course we didn't see anything.
  5. Mecca

    3hr Raw to be Draft Lottery

    Anyone else think it's funny that when Raw has the roster problem they wanna do a draft again but when Smackdown has one they move 1 guy and move on......
  6. Mecca

    3hr Raw to be Draft Lottery

    Raw's the number 1 show to them and 2 and 3 are both out atleast till the end of Summer. If you read JR's blog........he has a comment that pretty much leads you to believe Rey will be on Raw, he's also slated to fued with Vince into Summerslam.
  7. Mecca

    3hr Raw to be Draft Lottery

    I think it's pretty jacked up that since Smackdown actually knows how to make new guys into stars and big players they pay the price for it having their guys taken from them. The Raw booking team has no idea how to book for young wrestlers to make them something....... They have Nitro, Kenny, Cryme Tyme and none of them rarely even get on TV.........Smackdown makes MVP into something, hell they even find uses for guys like the Miz. Watch Raw will take, Benoit, Kennedy, Rey, Matt Hardy and possibly MVP while giving them back Kenny Nitro and Eugene......... Smackdown never gets any sort of fair value in this hell Raw might snap CM Punk out of ECW too.....
  8. Lanny Poffo reference......LOL
  9. Well wasn't there a report sometime around when Lita was leaving that the WWE just views the women as a bunch of sluts who shouldn't say shit..........and stuff like that had contributed to why Trish and Lita had left.
  10. She got fired for not putting out...........good message that sends.
  11. Mecca

    3hr Raw to be Draft Lottery

    Lovely........the Smackdown roster will be raped to make up for Raw's injuries and shitty booking....... Well boys whoever moves I hope your ready for some mad politics and being bitches for Cena HHH and HBk..........such is Raw. But hey it's the "A" show so only it matters.
  12. Here's more on the recent batch of internal WWE promotions, taken from the latest Wrestling Observer: - Stephanie McMahon is now Executive Vice President of both Talent Relations and Creative Writing. - John Laurinaitis is now Senior Vice President of Talent Relations, reporting directly to Stephanie. - Kevin Dunn is the third most powerful person with regards to the TV product, behind Vince and Stephanie. - Geof Rochester is now Executive Vice President of Marketing, replacing Kurt Schneider, his old boss, in the role. It makes him a very powerful person in the company with regards to global marketing, scheduling live events, advertising, public relations, branding of the company and various other duties. Vince McMahon made sure that these recent changes were well-known among the business community. Schneider had made a lot of good contacts and he wanted to reassure them that Rochester was equal to the task, whilst reassuring WWE stockholders that plans were being put in place for how the company would progress after he eventually retires. Stephanie is being hand-groomed as his successor. Also, Stephanie has been getting more involved backstage at Raw since WrestleMania. With Vince spending more time as an on-screen character and time catching up with him he is not able to do as many other tasks as in the past, so it has fallen to her and Triple H to direct the show from the Gorilla position. That's not a sexual position by the way, or if it is then I don't know about it and don't particularly want to either.
  13. Traci Brooks basically looks like a WWE female.......I'm shocked she hasn't been offered a deal by them.
  14. Which is why I didn't say he sucks.......the things about him I dislike most are more WWE's fault than his. God push.......his occasional faux Rock promo........that's WWE's fault not Cena's.
  15. It depends what your definition of over is.....Mysterio's peak came in a time when he was working for WCW in their peak when they had great viewership........better than what Raw's is per week right now.....where HBK's peak came in a very downtrodden low rating period for the WWE. There is also the argument that world wide Mysterio was more well known and had more people overall care about him.........due to more people seeing him and other contributing factors.
  16. He's lucky he can even walk right with all the major knee surgeries he's had.........hell in 2001 he said he couldn't do any moves where he landed on his feet off the ropes or flying out of the ring........ I don't personally have an issue with Cena or think he sucks or anything like that I just really dislike the God booking like he's 80's Hogan it's hard to do that now when he has to wrestle so many different guys in a year........he's running out of opponents.....I think they do run the risk of burning people out on this guy.
  17. A forum, similar to this, but much, much worse. Some would say DVDR is 10 times better then this board, but that's neither here or there. Why are people even talking about "DVDR"? Yeah, the attention whoring morons who pollute that board, maybe. GodSon is that you? But really SM is never talked about over there. It seems kind ofr stupid to bash another board, where alot of posters here go there also. I will Admit DVDR has some interesting threads, but dear lord do they have some really moronic, uneducated people, although something tells me they just say stupid shit like "Mark Henry is an excellent worker" so that people will react to it. Unfortunately, most of them seem to have taken that approach, leading to some of the most retarded, non-markish posts ever on any wrestling forum. The worst is that DutchessofDukes guy..........any thread he posts in turns into that he's almighty and all knowing and anyone who challenges him is a mouth breathing idiot and then 90% of the other posters praise him.
  18. I'll say this I read that board before this one and I enjoy this place alot more........DVDVR is just loaded with complete douchebags and morons.
  19. The DVDVR is just a board full of alot of really "elitest" style posters.......people who are so out there they will tell you bad wrestlers are great like Mark Henry then other people will actually agree.....it's like the twilight zone. I think the best way to describe the board is.........people who think they are better than "smarks" so they act like total marks and then will make fun of anyone who says something smarky..... Make a comment about Triple H holding guys down, hell everyone knows the guy does it.......make that comment over there like him fucking with Edge or something they'll explode that your just another dumbass that doesn't know shit...... Like I said twilight zone...
  20. Take this for what it's worth because it's uncredited from a community....... What was said is still unclear but a couple rumors say that Batista made some remarks about Jillian and Michelle being talentless bitchs who were wasting time that could have been used for a match involving him. Sources say that was when Shelly became very angry and gave him a piece of her mind stating that the two women worked and trained just as hard as him and deserved to have matches from time to time. Sources then say Batista just laughed at her and told her that none of the women work nearly as hard as him and that she worked least of them all. What Shelly said to him after that seems to change with who you ask but one thing that's for sure is that it made Batista furious and he complained about her to upper managment (mainly Triple-H) and it wasn't long before she was released. Another factor working against Shelly was the fact that her very bestfriend in WWE was Melina who Shelly had trained with all the way back in their UPW days. Shelly even once played Melina's sister in a UPW angle. In fact it was Melina who got WWE to look at Shelly and give her a Developmental contract. It is well known that Stephanie hates Melina, but Vince & Shane love her. Some feel Stephanie fired Shelly out of her spite for Melina which seems very childish if true.
  21. Mecca

    The OAO Raw for May 21st Thread

    That show on Friday should get some matches don't you think...
  22. Mecca

    The OAO Raw for May 21st Thread

    Maybe Edge is throwing a big fuck you at HHH by doing that since Batista is his boy.
  23. Mecca

    The OAO Raw for May 21st Thread

    you mean the nerdy white people Basically.........I mean the metal stuff they probably don't know who those bands are either but when they go to Timbaland I bet the reactions are hilarious. What's strange is that SD's key demo would be more suited for Timbaland then Ozzy. They probably didn't want to risk putting Ozzy in front of a live mic.
  24. Mecca

    The OAO Raw for May 21st Thread

    That one giri they show at the start of that video was like 18 at the time.......I wonder if shes ever seen it now and just shakes her head at herself.
  25. Mecca

    The OAO Raw for May 21st Thread

    you mean the nerdy white people Basically.........I mean the metal stuff they probably don't know who those bands are either but when they go to Timbaland I bet the reactions are hilarious.