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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    The Russian guys gimmick is basically he's a heel who thinks he's face.....kind of like they were doing with Angle when he first came in.
  2. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    The Russian dude is great last night he worked the dark match and told us the Chiefs suck, I was amused.
  3. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Remember when these guys wrestled in tights.......now they wear um jeans and Cade completely changed his look, I wonder what the point was.
  4. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    That head through the window thing was the best ever.......it left a perfect hole in the shape of his head.....whoever decided to that was either really stupid or had a great sense of humor.
  5. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    They obviously have some more DX shirts to sell.
  6. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    So that was your Semen on his Sex and Violence Shirt Poor mecca doesn't realize that there's only room for Benoit fanboys here at TSM. I like Benoit as much as the next guy but I also like other wrestlers....
  7. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Edge has about the coolest t-shirt collection anyone could ever have.
  8. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Carlito isn't getting pushed because he's a lazy fucker in the ring. He's just lazy in general realy he lets shitty guys outwork him and acts like he could give a shit.......wonder why he's not getting pushed? cause--->effect shitty booking---->lazy, unmotivated wrestler see Booker T pre-fall 05. I'm sorry a good wrestler doesn't tank a year of work because he is unhappy with his booking. You are giving them all the more reason to never push you........I don't see Benoit tanking matches. Jericho explained that the lack of confidence from the bookers will derail a wrestler's motivation in a big way. Benoit's an old-school machine. Carlito is the new breed, brought up as a star thanks to his father and got a big push out the gate and was sent down and he got lazy and apathetic. Quite normal. And that's all well and good and I get that....I'm just saying people who pine for him to get a push there is a reason why he isn't.
  9. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Carlito isn't getting pushed because he's a lazy fucker in the ring. He's just lazy in general realy he lets shitty guys outwork him and acts like he could give a shit.......wonder why he's not getting pushed? cause--->effect shitty booking---->lazy, unmotivated wrestler see Booker T pre-fall 05. I'm sorry a good wrestler doesn't tank a year of work because he is unhappy with his booking. You are giving them all the more reason to never push you........I don't see Benoit tanking matches.
  10. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Carlito isn't getting pushed because he's a lazy fucker in the ring. He's just lazy in general realy he lets shitty guys outwork him and acts like he could give a shit.......wonder why he's not getting pushed?
  11. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    She hit him in the ass.......
  12. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Did he really just call Torrie, Carlitos special friend?
  13. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Vince has security remove all those people chanting for wrestling.
  14. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    She's Hogan...
  15. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Well this has nothing to do with DX.....
  16. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    If they had done this when Mickie James was still the lesbian character it might have made a funny backstage segment.
  17. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Whiever one was into the XFL. Wasn't that one of the Dicks that DX said Vince loves? Speaking of that....last night I was at NYR and I was walking by to buy a beer and such and this grown man walked by me had to be atleast 35 years old and he was wearing the DX shirt with the big chicken on it "vince likes me" I just shook my head and was like you gotta be fucking kidding me.....
  18. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    I would actually go with Maria, Mickie, Victoria, and then Melina. I actually like Victoria the best of all of them but that's because I'm weird......I'd probably but Victoria and Mickie as my first 2.
  19. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Whiever one was into the XFL.
  20. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    is it because she stopped wearing the thong under her skirt and now it's more of a bikini bottom? No. It's her personality. Ah you like the crazy lesbian thing better.
  21. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    Victoria has been married to some guy for like 10 years....back when she was in fitness shit before wrestling.
  22. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    is it because she stopped wearing the thong under her skirt and now it's more of a bikini bottom?
  23. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    HEYA KHALI!!! "Mekka-lekka hi mekka hiney ho!" You rang?
  24. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    They should show Miss America drunk and partying with Edge and Orton.
  25. Mecca

    The OAO Thread For 1/8

    I wonder if he can actually speak english......