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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    Should've been given as a choice. Then again, we all know the average Madden player would never choose it...then again, we all know the average Madden player would stop playing once they were out of the playoff race and that happens faster when separated by conference & division than by 1-32 ranking... While I have the most recent post, a quandary: Should I invest in the Collector's edition now, or do you think I'll have luck picking it up on the cheap in full later on? I'm semi-interested in the new Head Coach that comes with it, but with NCAA & Madden problems the last couple years I'm hesitant to make a big investment right off the bat.
  2. Mike wanna be

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    Maybe they conned him into thinking the NFC Central still exists.
  3. Mike wanna be

    Jamie Noble, boy

    Where's the Jamie Noble storyline going? At the moment it's just: Jamie hits on diva, brags about how badass he is, says/does something stupid to anger a hoss, drags diva to the ring with him, gets laid out, has diva appear sympathetic but not enough to do anything but walk to the back while he's unconscious. Is he going to eventually hook up with a diva (if so, which one)? Will it be because he finally backs up his word by not getting annihilated? Is it just useless time-filler to portray an "Anything can happen" feel by changing the hoss Jamie angers as well as the method by which he angers them? Is this a slow build for Noble to steal a victory from a goliath to get him over as "the next Rey Mysterio" as far as undersized underdogs go?
  4. Mike wanna be

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    JBL's the only guy Punk's actually pinned with the title on the line. Why should he get another shot in front of "Kane keeps interfering" Batista, or even "Champion's rematch clause" Edge? I realize it's supposed to be ironic that JBL keeps calling him a paper champion when in actuality he's as much a paper #1 contender (if not more), but it's just getting stupid now. Nobody's earning #1 contendership, it's just random good luck and convenient timing.
  5. Mike wanna be

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    Maybe if they didn't have Batista/Cena I already on the card, I'd consider it a 'nice little storyline'. As it stands, Punk is rehashing a match he's already had and is clearly the #2 Raw main event choice; if anything, JBL's selection is a "Punk's not ready to main event a 'real' PPV" indicator. Jericho comes out and says he completely obliterated Michaels and ended his career, JBL comes out and says he beat Cena up. HBK hasn't been in the ring since the Bash and wouldn't be seen on WWE television for another hour after the RAW-opening promo; Cena was wrestling the night after the GAB. Jericho was the Intercontinental champion going into NoC; JBL, to my knowledge, hasn't held any title since he lost the WWE title to Cena in 2005. Jericho has had zero title opportunities this year; JBL has had at least one. This #1 contender's handicap match was Jericho's first #1 contendership match this year; JBL has been in....seemingly all of the Raw #1 contendership matches this year. Jericho deserves the shot, Jericho is the better match, and Jericho hasn't wrestled Punk one-on-one for the title in the past month and lost. Santino/Beth: If it's "Winner gets both belts", then congratulations Beth Phoenix on moving every other female wrestler into a tie for third place in IC title reigns. Cue the hijinx when Santino realizes to become IC champ he has to wrestle and defeat Beth Phoenix! Laugh maniacally when Adamle drops the bomb that their "title match" was for the Women's title, thus making Santino the Women's champion!
  6. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    "Come on Mick, WHATTAMANEUVER!" "Mick, wait for it, wait, wait...BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK BODY DROP!" "Pinfall in three, two and one HE'S GOT HIM WAIT NOT YET"
  7. Mike wanna be

    Goal line blitz

    Somebody make me a GM. I've got a month before I go back to college and quite literally nothing to do but sit at the computer and bitch to the college administrators via email.
  8. Mike wanna be

    Goal line blitz

    If we could actually fill the roster, we wouldn't be that bad. 3 WRs and 2 CBs isn't going to cut it, though.
  9. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    But which mask? The good one: Or the bad one? With or without wig/black eye makeup? With or without Paul Bearer?
  10. Mike wanna be

    This Week In Baseball: 8/4-8/10

    I heard they're going with Niese out of the minors, in a feeble attempt to justify not making any moves. Granted I didn't want him to be moved, but come on now, the bullpen's in shambles, the lineup is presently incapable of giving them a 4+ run lead every night to give the bullpen something they won't blow on a nightly basis.
  11. Mike wanna be

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    You mean this little gem? They don't even have monitors in front of them, how the fuck do they even know what's going on in the back?
  12. Mike wanna be

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    If by "compete for the starting job" they mean "Let Favre run a QB sneak on the opening play of every game, and then immediately bench him for Rodgers/Brohm/Flynn the remainder of the game", then by all means let the man compete for the starting job! The streak must live on, and it has to be better than spending the season at home living with that wife of his.
  13. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Weird, I feel it's the opposite. Morrison gets all the good lines, but due to his horrible monotone his lines come out as if he's the straight man and that makes Miz even more enjoyable.
  14. Mike wanna be

    Ric Flair gone from WWE?

  15. Mike wanna be

    Goal line blitz

    Practically the entire team's inactive.
  16. Mike wanna be

    Goal line blitz

    Depth charts were changed; now you can select WR 1-5 and CB 1-5...apparently we didn't do that. I don't know what GMs can do what, but if you give me the power I'll sort it out.
  17. Mike wanna be

    Campaign 2008

    I'm more inclined to believe "a threat to increase supply lowered prices" than "a bunch of people setting profit records randomly and completely coincidentally decided to significantly lower prices for the first time in a while at the same time of the threat", personally.
  18. Mike wanna be

    Mike Adamle: The Thread

    That was sort of...monotonous? Formulaic?
  19. Mike wanna be

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    NCAA Patch 2: Online * Ability to view your Online Dynasty HQ through EA Sports World * Improved online performance Dynasty * Fixed a couple recruiting exploits * Faster simming between weeks Custom Stadium Sounds * The “All” option will now only work when the user is the home team Gameplay * Improved coverage on kicks * Hook Zones depth keeps defenders in their zones * Fixed an issue with the Strafe Catch * Allow fumbles to occur when diving * WR screen routes improved Bug Fixes * Sliders will now work correctly * An issue with missing stats after simming has been fixed * Ball carrier will no longer run out of bounds when changing hands and heading towards the sidelines * Fixed an exploit that allowed the slot receiver to burn the safeties in a prevent defense * Fixed a bug where the the ball would hit the cross bar, drop through, and not be counted * Fixed a bug that would prevent Hot Routes from working
  20. Mike wanna be

    Goal line blitz

    If you're a GM, you have the flex, and you tell an admin in a support ticket a couple weeks in advance of Ced selling the team, it can be transferred to you. Also, touchdown robbery by one of my friends: http://goallineblitz.com/game/replay.pl?ga...p;pbp_id=663568
  21. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 7/28 - 8/3

    Knew I should've gone to that game. Ah well, the weather was shit anyway. Sucks about Hernandez, though, I always respected him for being an inning-eating starter in this day and age.
  22. Mike wanna be

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    Dishonorable discharge my ass, he fucking walked away. He said "I'm done, I'm not playing any more, move on without me", and somehow honoring his "final" request as a Packer is dishonorable? Fuck that, you don't get it both ways. He would have been the unquestioned starter if he hadn't retired; he would have been the unquestioned starter if he spent the entire offseason thinking about retiring without ever making a definitive say one way or the other. He stepped up and officially said he was done and officially told them to move on, and now hot-shit gunslinger wants to go to another NFC North team for free (he still wants to be released) because Green Bay did what he told them to do and moved on. Fuck you, Favre.
  23. Mike wanna be

    Mike Adamle: The Thread

    yes. He should come to the ring in the Atlasphere Tony Atlas will be pissed that he's not getting royalties on that name. I smell a Raw-ECW feud to spark the rumored transition.
  24. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 7/28 - 8/3

    Teixeira to the Angels. Kudos to the Braves for being honest and admitting they're rebuilding instead of trying to bullshit everyone into thinking they made the move to increase their chances this season.
  25. Mike wanna be

    WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

    Big Dave's injury prone, what with the muscle tears and all. Take the money match when you have the chance instead of an eight-month build to a title feud that may not make it to the blowoff match, I say.