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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    ECW to be taped on Mondays or...Tuesdays?

    Now that they've taken the championships off of Matt, Miz and Morrison... It was a ruse! A ploy, a plot, a plan, a charade, a conspiracy, a sham! We've been conned, hoodwinked, bamboozled, flim-flammed, had the wool pulled over our eyes, even!
  2. Mike wanna be

    The Mike Levy Incident

    I think you're looking for 'condone'. As far as selling goes...eh. I can see how you're supposed to play dead, but when you have a handful of guys legitimately beating the shit out of you, I can't exactly blame him for trying to get away; just seems like the instinctive thing to do. Oh I agree with you, I don't blame him either for doing that, but at the same time he does really suck at selling. His selling does suck, but consider his training. I don't know what's fact and what's fiction, but the general consensus seems to be "his training was shit", and you reap what you sow. Rotten hired a guy who can't work and can't sell and proceeded to more or less send out goons to assault him for being incapable of working or selling. Brocklock brings up a good point, how sensible can we expect a barely-trained guy to be when he's getting shitcanned? It's possible he was concussed by those lucky-he-didn't-get-his-neck-broken Super Curb Stomps or any of the shots to the head he took.
  3. Mike wanna be

    WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

    Operation "Let's mess with the way we post things in the WWE folder to get more people to join the forums" is off to a smashing start, I see.
  4. Mike wanna be

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    I'm waiting a couple weeks on Madden, to be sure it isn't as bad as NCAA was on release. Also I'm fucking broke and I need $3200 by the middle of August to not get kicked out of the college I just spent most of the summer dicking around to get transferred into, so that eats into the yearly Madden funds.
  5. Mike wanna be

    The Mike Levy Incident

    I think you're looking for 'condone'. As far as selling goes...eh. I can see how you're supposed to play dead, but when you have a handful of guys legitimately beating the shit out of you, I can't exactly blame him for trying to get away; just seems like the instinctive thing to do.
  6. Mike wanna be

    WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

    They let the position die with Gorilla Monsoon.
  7. Mike wanna be

    Rated PG Superstar?

    Indeed. The cheap heat was pathetic and a complete waste. Why bother even trying, all he had to say was "I've done nothing to you, but because of my skin color, because of my religion, because of my NAME, you people hate me!", all he ever had to do was have his music hit and he'd get booed out of the building. It was the best gimmick they've come up with in years, it was completely no-maintenance.
  8. Mike wanna be

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Maybe that's the whole plan. Build a three-and-out-inducing defense, hire really good punt rushers for both sides of the rush to try to force straight punts, and let Hester return you to a bunch of 14-10, 10-7 wins.
  9. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 7/21 - 7/27

    Santana finds the best way to actually get a decision when starting is to not leave the game. 8 1/3 of one-run ball from Johan according to the Yahoo boxscore because I can't be bothered to turn on SNY to check the real-time score.
  10. Mike wanna be

    Subject for Debate: NFL Rookie Contracts

    I'm not a Bears fan by any means, so somebody needs to clarify for me: Is Benson a top-five-draft-pick-caliber runner who can't be bothered to put in any effort now that he's raked in big-time top-five cash, or is he just a scrub who got lucky to go to a run-heavy Longhorn team led by run-heavy Vince Young that inflated his stats and made him seem worthy of a pick when he really wasn't?
  11. Mike wanna be

    Subject for Debate: NFL Rookie Contracts

    Considering how fucked up the system is for the old guys who are beat to shit and getting next to nothing from the league, I say leave it the way it is. One rookie contract's worth of cash for a top pick is enough, if saved & invested properly, to live a comfortable life. If somebody gets ruined like Kevin Everett so that they can never play again, is it better for the league to have one team pay them a big chunk of money in a contract so that they're taken care of, or to have all 32 teams contribute to a retired/injured player fund to help them out? I really don't know, but it's something to consider.
  12. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Who's flooding the ballot box with Val Venis votes? Not that I'm opposed to a Chief Morley revival...
  13. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The house show closest to me is two days before Unforgiven: does this mean we're going to see practice runs of the PPV matches, or are we going to see a ton of guys half-assing it to try to lower the risk of injury?
  14. Mike wanna be

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    They trademarked the wrong spelling of marshal. Unless the team is hoping for: I'm still pulling for Barons, but I could live with Marshals/Marshalls. The other ones, god no. Plural team names with sensible mascots, you dipshits! What kind of suit are you going to come up with for the OKC Wind mascot? The OKC Energy mascot's going to be what, a windmill? A model of the atom? A hunk of coal, a drop/can of gasoline? Thunder isn't even visible, it would have to be a lightning bolt and that's not fucking thunder, thunder's a sound.
  15. Mike wanna be

    JR and Lawler to reunite on Monday...

    Good lord, they're doing a SNME taping the same night as Raw? Didn't that horribly burn out the live crowd the last time they tried it? I mean, I wouldn't complain, two shows for the price of one is a good deal, but still.
  16. Mike wanna be

    Rated PG Superstar?

    Did that happen last time? I remember some high-profile case where a kid clotheslined some other kid and the little one died and the WWF getting blamed, but I can't remember the actual outcome or if they changed anything as a result. And holy shit do I miss Muhammad Hassan.
  17. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 7/21 - 7/27

    Why do fights lead to leg injuries? Bradley last year blew out a knee, a WNBA player hurt her knee, this guy broke his leg...
  18. Mike wanna be

    Rated PG Superstar?

    There's only so many violent things you can do to somebody while remaining in the "Parental Guidance" section of the ratings. Personally, I want storylines that are in-depth, complex, etc.; that isn't something that targets kids. Kids programming is a lot of the same stuff we saw with Warrior & Hogan in their days at the top; good guy does the right things, smites the bad guys, poses after the squash & everybody's happy. All I'm saying is that many of the parents who think wrestling is too racy/on too late for their kids to be watching are still going to think that regardless of what programming changes the company actually makes, so catering to them is useless. It didn't work in the early 90s and they had Superstars on FOX on Saturday afternoons; how is it going to work when the earliest a kid they're actively targeting could watch wrestling is 8pm on Friday on MyNetworkTV, and if they can't find that channel/don't get it in their area (I had to fuck with the antenna every time I wanted to watch Smackdown on UPN in the old days, for example) then their options are cable/satellite shows at 9pm Monday and 10pm Tuesday? You're targeting a group you're going to have trouble winning over based on irreversible stigmas and your own programming's station & timeslot, and forsaking the 18-35 male group that decided the Monday night war, ushered in the most profitable years from a in-the-ring standpoint (WWE has several other outside investments such as DVD sales and WWE Films to inflate their overall profits in the present day), and pretty much kept your company from going under in the mid-90s. That just doesn't seem like a good business decision. If you can target everybody at once by all means do so, but to more or less turn your back on the group that's made you what you are today in favor of "targeting children", especially when targeting them is what you did at your lowest point in the last 20 years (as well as being a major reason you were in danger of going under in the first place)...
  19. Mike wanna be

    Is this move legit?

    You'd have to somehow manage to push his foot while simultaneously twisting & rolling your upper body towards said foot to try to shift the weight such that you could twist through, slipping your legs out of his grip in the process and Malenko would end up on his back.
  20. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Raw has enough big men to stop Jamie Noble in his quest to get laid.
  21. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 7/21 - 7/27

    He didn't just throw it, he whipped the ball into the stands.
  22. Mike wanna be

    Rated PG Superstar?

    Wrestling has the stigma of being nonsensical violence and being "too violent/racy for kids" as it stands; I don't see how changing the product will change this stigma enough to make it profitable. It isn't like WWF 1994 was taking in money hand over fist compared to the Attitude era; that's why the Attitude era started.
  23. Mike wanna be

    What Might Have Been: Old School Edition

    Did Michaels have possession of the belt at the time of the suspension? It seems to me I remember he had an IC belt upon his return but I don't know if he had that belt the whole time and it necessitated making another one or if the WWF had the belt and made a second for the sake of the "real Intercontinental champion" argument. If Michaels had the belt, then I think Bischoff would've capitalized on stealing the champ & the belt and he would have had him trash it. Of course this would be meaningless as Vince wouldn't have his champion on the verge of going to WCW with the belt to necessitate a screwjob. From there...I think Michaels gets buried. They capitalized on bringing in a champion from the rival federation, and the "logical" thing to do would be to promptly bury him to indicate how much better they are. Michaels proceeds to go batshit in whining about it, but since he doesn't have backstage power, championship leverage nor friends in the company he's just sacked. ECW picks him up after waiting a few months (Heyman had an in with Austin, I don't believe he had one with Michaels to the point where he could get him shortly after the release) and he makes something of himself there, and he gets a second chance in the WWF around 1998.
  24. Mike wanna be

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    Dude, before the last injury Henry was scary fucking cut... dude had well defined abs and was moving like he was 10 years younger. Which injury? I think he's talking Henry's kneecap injury at SNME a while back.
  25. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 7/21 - 7/27

    Brett Myers has a no-hitter through 1 2/3, but still managed to blow a 2-run lead in the process. How does this man have a starting job?