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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    More Info on Joey Styles' Re-Assignment

    You'd think they'd realize that since their clear #1 is a wrestling play-by-play lifer, and their #2 & #3 are a former news reporter and former American Gladiators PBP man turned backstage interviewer who doesn't know who he's interviewing, respectively, that they should be looking for wrestling commentators, not just anybody with face-in-front-of-the-camera experience to eventually replace Jim Ross.
  2. Mike wanna be

    More Info on Joey Styles' Re-Assignment

    He can't even call a big boot right. June's ECW month, what with the PPV and the resurrection and all.
  3. Mike wanna be

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/15/2008)

    Isn't it possible that Styles merely didn't make the trip to England and they had to stick somebody in as a filler?
  4. Mike wanna be

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    They really need to get a bigger ring. Ten guys in a cage like that is just way too cramped; every multi-man match was just perpetually eight guys up against the cage and two guys doing a spot in the middle, with that monotony broken up by having somebody jump off the cage onto a pile of guys.
  5. Mike wanna be

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - first round

    Bettman already said that they are going to be talking to the officials about that, so don't plan on seeing this any more The rule's already been changed. It's now an unsportsmanlike minor.
  6. Mike wanna be

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I don't understand why the complaining about the MMA stuff. According to the storyline, both of them have been recently training with MMA fighters, so why wouldn't MMA moves be used in the match? It would make no sense if TNA said that both Angle and Joe were being trained for the match by MMA fighters and MMA moves or the MMA fighting style wasn't used in the match. MMA and wrestling aren't mutually exclusive; off the top of my head chokes are the only thing "illegal" in wrestling that's legal in MMA, so the hype of an "MMA match" is lost when you realize they could have just called it No Holds Barred, or No Disqualifications and achieved the same ruleset. Every hype interview and video went over how much MMA training they did, how they were learning this and that and practicing their submissions and all that BS...they got into a cage for an "MMA fight"...the match included rope breaks, a Figure Four leglock, and ended with a Muscle Buster leading to a pinfall. In summary, they hyped it as an MMA/wrestling crossover bout, and then proceeded to just have a wrestling match. Hence, complaints.
  7. Mike wanna be

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    I like how the "Joe's gonna kill you" chants really picked up when the Crippler Crossface was locked in. To summarize my stance on the main event: The right guy won. In an MMA match...by pinfall....after several rope breaks. The gimmick was pointless, it ruined the match (the total lack of selling once momentum shifted was nothing short of hilarious), but the finish was acceptable.
  8. Mike wanna be

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Wow. I will be SHOCKED if they actually show up. They might pick up some votes from people that wouldn't vote in the 1st place. I will laugh if they show up, because they've probably already got Ace Steel in blackface, Colt Cabana under a Bill Clinton mask, and some OVW broad as Hillary all set for another "hilarious" Trump/Rosie embarrassment.
  9. Mike wanna be

    Zero Punctuation Reviews

    The full list of Zero Punctuations, for anyone who don't want to bother searching for it: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...zeropunctuation
  10. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    But if somebody responds to your Lost Odyssey talk, then it becomes a discussion that warrants a thread. It's a circular system. You can't have a topic for EVERY game, so you have to have a "random thoughts" or "CTDWAT" thread; but it's impossible to know when your comment that doesn't warrant a thread is a comment that'll spawn a discussion that will warrant a thread. Either way mods end up moving stuff around/starting new topics, so it's sort of....irrelevant? I can't think of the right word that would mean "Whether you close this or not, the random thoughts thread will inevitably spawn a discussion that needs moving, therefore the mod workload remains the same regardless".
  11. Mike wanna be

    TSM Town Hall: The Rebirth of ECW

    1. Would things had gone differently for the brand -- i.e. would the brand look different altogether today -- had RVD and Sabu not been pulled over for drugs, with Van Dam having to give up both Heavyweight Championships only a few days later? Not really. I mean, it had been remodeled from the real ECW the second the bell rang to signify a disqualification on the very first show. Van Dam couldn't hold the belt forever and it was just a matter of time before somebody came in and took it. 2. Do you feel making an established WWE star in The Big Show the unstoppable heel ECW Champion helped or hindered the brand in its developing months? I don't think it was Show holding the title that did it so much as them constantly bringing in Raw/Smackdown guys to challenge for it. I mean, the idea was "Our champ is so good he can beat anybody on any brand, that's why our brand is better than yours", but when nobody on your own brand ever challenges for the belt you start to realize that the brand isn't that good, it's a one-horse stable next to Raw and Smackdown. 3. Would adding a secondary singles title and tag titles make the brand more legitimate in your eyes? Would it help you place ECW on the same level as Raw or Smackdown? No. Raw and Smackdown both have secondary singles titles and can't figure out a way to get them in with two hours of television a week; how's ECW supposed to manage with just one hour? If we assume that this title would be rigorously defended (a TV title, defended every show, 15 minute time limit, old-school WCW style) it still depends on how it's booked, i.e. if we've still got Stevie/Shelton/Burke/Knox/Dreamer fighting 1-on-1 matches, adding a title to the mix doesn't really change anything. 4. Do you think young wrestlers like John Morrison, CM Punk, and Elijah Burke would be more prevalent or less prevalent in the WWE if only Raw and Smackdown existed? Would they even still be in the federation at all? Morrison would still be Nitro and still be on Raw. Punk & Burke would probably be on Smackdown, but all three would be drifting the aimless midcard. Nitro would break even, Punk would be a drop off from where he is now, and Burke would actually improve from a C-show midcard drifter to a B-show midcard drifter. 5. Has this reincarnation of ECW ultimately sullied the legacy of the ECW of the 1990s in your mind? Once you look past the ECW letters, you realize it's just a third brand, and the letters mean nothing. ECW was the company I'd stay up until 2 in the morning on Saturdays to watch in syndication in the mid-90s. It hasn't sullied MY image of the legacy of ECW, but I can see how someone that didn't see anything beyond the Rise & Fall/Bloodsport DVDs could think "Well what's so great about ECW, it's just a bunch of guys being 'hardcore'?" In summary, read NoCalMike's initial response. This is Vince's vision of the company. Midcard titles will be meaningless, anybody not fighting for a title flounders in the midcard, taking titles away from heavily popular stars and giving them to people he'd rather see have the belt regardless of fan reaction...
  12. Mike wanna be

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    Once they killed off their backwards compatibility department, nobody had reason to make an Xbox game. Would they still be around if, like original PS3s, they had full Xbox hardware support? Maybe.
  13. Mike wanna be

    Assassins' Creed

    I wish. Then I'd have a job and a sexy accent.
  14. Mike wanna be

    OAO JR's blogs

    Mr. Mamajuana, his energy drink.
  15. Mike wanna be

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    how in the world do they edit to make him look like a good guy..? I wonder if they'll green screen Big Show eating a cow for their upcoming match. I doubt it. http://www.newkerala.com/one.php?action=fu...ws&id=46564 Khali's taking time off after Backlash (although he's taking time off to go back to his regular police job...some vacation.)
  16. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Is it "Comments that don't warrant a NEW thread" or "Comments that don't warrant BUMPING a thread"?
  17. Mike wanna be

    Assassins' Creed

    Those aren't the problems, actually. It's more the repetitious game design that's the problem; the missions that never change much and aren't any fun anyway. I can't imagine what you found problematic about the controls except combat (the rest is easy). Combat isn't the games' focus (and that part is supposed to be hard anyway), and aggressive approaches to combat simply don't work well--it's supposed to be that way. If you think it's a "bad" game than you must live in quite the happy little fantasy land of little else but super A+ games. Combat was the big control problem, but I really hated traveling around too, as well as the sensitivity of the guards. There were times where I'd stand knee-deep in guard corpses, head bowed in prayer, and have guards just stand there going "Who did this???" and not notice me, and yet there were equally as many times when I was a few blocks away from my murder scene, just walking down the street and suddenly I had six guards hacking at my shins. Lepers constantly shoving you was a boneheaded decision; I gave up on Informer missions halfway through because it seemed I would get close to my target, and have a leper shove me either into the target (ending the mission) or into a guard (raising the alarm and ending the mission) and now I have to kill everyone/escape, hide, wait for alarm to die, head back to mission start and listen to his schpiel about how he twisted his ankle and now, even though he was a dick to me before, I need to kill five guards for him to give me the information. Pickpocket missions were smart enough to not make me listen to the conversation every time, why didn't Informer missions learn from that? More on combat: I died more times during the final mission than I did the entire game going up to it. Seems like everyone went from incompetent swordsmen to the six-bar-damage-combo-of-doom output machines. I took 2 bars of damage from Interrogation victims who were PUNCHING me, yet took one bar of damage from a sword slash to the rib cage. Also, later Interrogation victims take FOREVER to get to a dark enough back alley to pummel them without being jumped by thugs/guards yourself, and if you get too close they turn around and talk to you and just stand there for a while until you back off. Camera issues: They weren't numerous, but when your swordfighting is almost exclusively timing-based you can't afford to have the camera six inches from Altair's scalp when he's backed against a wall and there are a dozen guards swinging at you. This only really flared up during the final chase, but god was it annoying. Traveling: Too slow. Anything moving faster than a dead horse raises suspicion if you're within a time zone of a dead body. It occurs to me that this slow walking and ease of raising suspicion is intentionally there to make you more apt to take advantage of their "Free run" feature (either by having to go by rooftop to avoid suspicion, or to haul ass away from the town guards when you walk by them too fast). I know the stuff you can do in the game is fun, and I actually wanted to do it to see how it all turned out, but damn if wasn't boring and frustrating as hell to watch my guy s-l-o-w-l-y moving across the town, and double that frustration when picking up the pace turns you into Public Enemy #1 with half the guards chasing you and the other half setting up along your path to knock you down or chop you with their sword when you go by.
  18. Mike wanna be

    Assassins' Creed

    Just finished Assassin's Creed. Man, was that not worth going back for. Maybe when they fix the controls and camera it'll be a respectable series, but that was just b-a-d BAD. Story was good until the end, and then they seemed to realize that they'd booked themselves into a corner, threw some hidden writing on the walls and called it an ending.
  19. Mike wanna be

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Because Vince is a dick and everyone thinks it's funny that he not only had to put up with Hornswoggle's antics, but that Finlay was raking in big bucks from him and putting himself in line to snag 33% of WWE upon Vince's death in the process. While that's true, but storyline wise, it doesn't explain why Horns lived under the ring and we never found out what agreement Finlay had with Vince. I suppose all of those answers are buried with who moved the briefcase @ KOTR 99 and who was behind GTV. Vince paid Finlay to make sure Hornswoggle didn't get beaten to the point where Vince would be in deep shit for child abuse. Why he lived under the ring, I guess it's so Finlay could keep an eye on him at all times during the show without looking suspicious, because he'd just be watching the in-ring action rather than perpetually following around and ogling a leprechaun.
  20. Mike wanna be

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Because Vince is a dick and everyone thinks it's funny that he not only had to put up with Hornswoggle's antics, but that Finlay was raking in big bucks from him and putting himself in line to snag 33% of WWE upon Vince's death in the process.
  21. Mike wanna be

    Goal line blitz

    It was a stamina issue. Los Gatos had their backup QB in a few times as well (even alternating QBs on four consecutive plays). With all the passes he was throwing, I can't blame him. EDIT: And my kicker's being shipped to another team that my current team's new owner also owns. At least the new team's not eliminated from playoff contention at the moment, though they're seventh in the conference with two games to play (in a six-game season, no less.)
  22. Mike wanna be

    Announcing Team Discussion

    So many things to blame, so little time. Sometimes it feels like Tenay & West are doing commentary with a tape delay. It's the only explanation I've got as to why they tell you about what JUST HAPPENED. Tenay...I didn't watch WCW after the mid 90s so I can't say "He was better in WCW". He currently comes across as a feeble attempt to combine Gorilla Monsoon's wrestling experience and anatomical references with Jim Ross' emotional investment and storytelling, because everybody knows Don West brings neither to the table. Somebody has to tell you what's going on, and somebody has to tell you why it's going on. Tenay has to do both while West just calls what he sees because he doesn't know any better. The script...there's blatantly reading the script, and then there's taking what the script says and working with it to make it your own. Whether they're instructed to just read it or if they just choose to, I don't know. The script isn't all that good, so it leads me to believe that they just choose to read the script rather than try to take "Roode def. Young in 7:43" and improv as they go along. Don West....should be selling merchandise, not wrestling maneuvers. Put a former wrestler in the announce booth with Tenay.
  23. Mike wanna be

    Raw vs Smackdown week 1

    Granted, he's clearly ripping off Men On A Mission, but at least he tried. This was before Cena was over huge, so for that kind of reaction for a one-off unscheduled promo in the midcard....I'll disagree with you on that front. I voted Kendrick. Both guys are small, but Kendrick plays a better face and subsequently has the tiny-face-in-peril that Mysterio's done so well throughout his WWE career. Chavo seems better suited to be a manager, because for some reason people don't buy into chicken-shit heels when the heel appears to legitimately have a reason to be chicken-shit.
  24. Mike wanna be

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    If we're calling teams (which apparently we are), dibs on the Panthers and the Orange. I don't know why I keep picking Syracuse, they keep being bad and don't even run the option offense any more. I just don't particularly want Florida State...at the moment.
  25. Mike wanna be

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    - In an interview with GamingRing.com, THQ stated that they are doing a number of tweaks and improvements to many of the match types in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 including the Hell in the Cell match. Also, the brand new story mode called "Road to Wrestlemania" will only last 3 months but will have seperate storylines for each wrestler on the game. Ewww.