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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    Raw 3/10/08

    PWInsider is confirming Windham/Rotunda v. Sheik/Volkoff. Sadly, I smell a dead crowd for this match, yet am holding out hope for a respectable pop for all four.
  2. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    It's Flair's final match. If you aren't watching...I don't know what to say to you.
  3. Mike wanna be

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Great, except this is 2008. A year after MVPing he dropped a full thousand yards off his season total. His backup that year ran for 600 yards on about 160 carries, and just last year Morris was 90 yards behind Alexander with 67 fewer carries. Morris also had better receiving stats, missed less games and fumbled less.
  4. Mike wanna be

    The TSM 2008 NFL Mock Draft

    There'd probably be some pick-swapping going on, but nobody had a clue we were going a third round until there were like, two picks left in the second round. That's what bugs me.
  5. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    I can only see HBK/Flair closing if they make it Career v. Career; otherwise it just feels too foreshadowy to put it as the finale. I mean, it's sort of obvious that it's Flair's finale, but they're making a noticeable effort to keep 'surprises' as surprises and have been since the Jericho "leak".
  6. Mike wanna be

    Street Fighter: The Later Years

    The whole plot line must have been because they couldn't find a fat enough Asian to play E. Honda.
  7. Mike wanna be

    Bad ideas for a wrestling fed

    Sounds like a job for the Whitest Kids.
  8. Blackhawks. Cubs have a tough NL path to the series, Kings are in the West with the Lakers, Suns, Mavs, Spurs...Cardinals have the fading Seahawks in their division, but the NFC isn't bad enough for them to slip through. Chicago's got a good shot to make the playoffs the next few years as their young studs improve, and those odds improve as the Sakics and Selannes retire. Worst moments: NHL, Toronto: Getting shellacked by the Flyers at least twice a playoff series the two years before the lockout. NBA: Jordan's retirement, because I stopped caring about the NBA at that point. NFL: Kris Jenkins juuuuuuuuuuust missing blocking the game-winning FG in SB XXXVIII, followed closely by Kasay's kickoff going out of bounds after they tied the game. MLB: Mets collapse in 07, closely edges out the loss in the Subway Series that led to a bunch of overpaid has-beens getting dragged in.
  9. Mike wanna be

    Orange Box

    I doubt it. I sort of wish I'd gotten it on Steam rather than 360, but I can't fault TF2's woes as much when I had a blast playing three Half-Lifes for the first time as well as Portal.
  10. Mike wanna be

    The TSM 2008 NFL Mock Draft

    With the 43rd pick, Carolina selects: Red Bryant, DT, Texas A&M With the trade of Kris Jenkins there's a hole at defensive tackle, and nothing fills holes better than a 6'4", 318lb DT.
  11. Mike wanna be

    Spring Training 2008

    If you ever played Ultimate Baseball Online, it's that game rechristened. Now'd be a great time to join, though, because the game's had a huge influx of new players thanks to Ripken shilling it at the end of February. Look for oldskool or Swirl, that's me.
  12. Mike wanna be

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    That was their breaking news of the evening. It was a slow breaking news day, but not slow enough for them to abandon it and put the time on there like they occasionally do.
  13. Mike wanna be

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Cleveland's front office wants Saturday off, I guess.
  14. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Copeland to MMA And it isn't like any of the companies they're "advertising" are a threat. Only one of them has a TV deal and anyone fishing around on WWE's website beyond the basic articles is probably already aware of the alternative options anyway.
  15. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm hoping it's better...and yet I'll probably still avoid it like the plague. If you want to see what the game is like, snag a copy of one of the Tecmo Super Bowl games, and play as COA instead of MAN. Hell, if you find TSB3 you've got trades and free agents; you're a draft short of actually having the entire gameplay schematic available to you.
  16. Mike wanna be

    NFL Offseason Thread

    David Carr is cut, and Muhammad's got a contract to sign with Carolina later today. Moose could be good, could be bad, but the loss of Carr isn't devastating by any means.
  17. Mike wanna be

    Spring Training 2008

    Cut off the ivy and put in some padding over the bricks instead. Save Reinsdorf the trouble of hiring somebody to do it.
  18. No. I'm not exactly sure why, I'm not a purist or anything, I just don't like the idea of anyone other than QB/K/P wearing single digits. I don't even like receivers with 10-19 as their number. Question: Should the NCAA cut short their regular season/move its start forward a few weeks so their "March Madness" championship tournament can take the entirety of March instead of having to start halfway through and end in early April?
  19. Mike wanna be

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    It wouldn't be about having an advantage in that match. It'd be about main eventing Wrestlemania. Say you cash in on RAW. Say you lose. You're boned. Say you cash in at Wrestlemania. Say you lose. You still main evented Wrestlemania. You've got an automatic slingshot into the upper echelon of performers in the company, ready-made feuds with EVERY other main-eventer in the company (all they'd have to do is say that they 'earned' their main event and the MITB cash-in was a cheap way to steal the spotlight), the permanent, unremovable distinction of having been in the "main event" of Wrestlemania for the title... A guy like Edge, who waited for around a decade before 'his time', would use it when he had the best chance of winning the belt. A guy like Benjamin, like Kennedy, an unproven in the spotlight with only a few years in the company...they use it at Wrestlemania and regardless of the outcome of the match, they're golden as main-eventers for the rest of their careers. And as you may recall, Kennedy said last year that he was cashing in WM23's MITB at WM24 to wrestle in the main event. Kennedy doesn't just want the gold, he wants to fight for it on the biggest stage of them all. Maybe it doesn't give him the best chance to actually win the match and the title, but it gives him the chance to be in the main event and to him that's a tradeoff he's willing to make.
  20. Mike wanna be

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Osama has too many syllables for the "thank-you-*per-son*" chant's rhythm. Now, thanks-al-qaida, that's got a good rhythm to it.
  21. Mike wanna be

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    Kennedy keeps finding ways to screw up. And I'm fine with the Cena cheer/boo syndrome. He's got the potential to put on MOTNs with a large chunk of the roster and combines that wrestling talent with great charisma, energy and intensity, and as such deserves a cheer upon his appearance. If he goes out there and decides to rely on the 'same old shit', flailing his arms like a chimpanzee and acting like he's in a boxing match whenever he's not hitting one of his four moves of doom, he deserves to be booed. The crowd wants to love you, John, just change it up a little bit, huh?
  22. Mike wanna be

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Wow, so you've never even seen the match where Hogan won his first WWF title from Iron Sheik? Amazing... No, I started watching the WWE near the end of the attitude era, and at points have been a big enough fan to watch weekly(and attend one live event), but never a big enough fan to watch matches/shows from the past. Though, I have seen some stuff from the past here and there, but never really went out of my way to watch anything. I've watched some ECW from the past, but never watched it when it was still around. Never watched WCW. Started watching TNA when they were doing the weekly PPVs, because my friend got them for free. Been to a few indy shows. That's the extent of my wrestling fandom. Edit: Oh, and watched some mexican wrestling fed that used to play on my local station. Don't know what they were called, but they had alot of weird gimmicks, if that helps. It's loud as fuck, but it's on Youtube.
  23. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    People actually go to PWI? Why waste your time there when dozens of other sites are paying people to fish through the ads and steal the content for you?
  24. Mike wanna be

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    If it was WWE's call I think they'd have cut it; if it was Bret's call I think he'd have left it in. As a tribute match to Owen, it's not supposed to be about Bret, or Benoit, or the referee or the announcers or anything other than tributing the fallen.
  25. Mike wanna be

    The Game Your Most Looking Froward To

    APB. GTA, the MMO. It just looks like it'll be a blast to play. My only worry is that they'll go pay-to-play rather than in-game advertising.