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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    You just suggested WWE use the Battlebowl Lethal Lottery.
  2. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    The delivery crew who doesn't have to truck the damn thing halfway across the country in 8 months for another EC match?
  3. Mike wanna be

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Cena getting the boot to film a movie is bullshit. The whole movie idea is bullshit. They're dumb, but not dumb enough to bring Cena back "6 months" prematurely to get him kicked in the head for a month. The BFK2TH buys you 3-6 months...conveniently, the exact amount he was supposed to need.
  4. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    If B=j and you move all the consonants one down, and all the vowels one vowel down, Barbaro = JesJesu, which sounds like someone stuttering as they say Jesus. I rest my case.
  5. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Barbaro's getting a statue at Churchill Downs. Well deserved, I say. People loved that horse, and they raked in millions of dollars in laminitis research funding thanks to him & his sacrifice. Unfortunately no progress was made on the selective breeding of horses that make them susceptible to the leg-shattering injuries that usually lead to death in the first place, but what can you do?
  6. Mike wanna be

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I like Aero's idea of having teams in the pods rather than two separate matches. Makes it 10x more interesting; do you cheer for a Jeff Hardy if you know that also puts Khali in a Wrestlemania title match?
  7. Mike wanna be

    MLB Off-season Thread

    They looked like the best team in 2006, but lost to a team a few games over .500 and last year's epic collapse makes me cautious about winning the pennant. But both of those losses can be pointed directly onto the pitching staff, and Santana immediately shores that up. Martinez/Santana/Maine would be like death row in the postseason. They snag one more consistent bullpen arm between then and now and they've got a great shot to make it to the big dance in October/November.
  8. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    He's a savage, how's he supposed to know he's been traded? [/kayfabe]
  9. Mike wanna be

    OAO ECW Thread - January 29, 2008

    I couldn't even find them...I feel kinda incompetent, not gonna lie.
  10. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    He Hate Me, a steal in round 36. And for anybody keeping tabs, the AAFL's first Mr. Irrelevant is Pedro Holiday, a receiver out of Middle Tennesee State University. I'll keep an eye on the league only to see Leak and Crouch. That sounds absolutely filthy no matter how I word it, so I'm going to just leave it at that. I always thought they could've been good NFL quarterbacks, so it'll be interesting to see them lead their teams to glory against a bunch of nobodies. EDIT: Oddly enough, Mike Furrey of Detroit Lions "I'm Wes Welker Jr.!" fame was a last-round selection in the XFL, so who knows, maybe some of these nobodies will turn out to be somebodies.
  11. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Could've been worse, UT. Alabama's team didn't take a quarterback until the end of the 21st round. A few teams had already drafted kickers by the time 'Bama got a QB.
  12. Mike wanna be

    Raw Is Cena - January 28, 2008

    On a personal level, I'd like to see Cody get that retirement spot. It would take a complete reversal of fortune and a massive push for him to get that distinction, obviously, but something about Flair losing to a Rhodes sounds like a good idea to me, at least over "I'm going to quit wait maybe not" Carlito and "I never used ster-what, I'm suspended again?" Kennedy. Unrelated note, MVP/Flair was a spectacular match at the Rumble, so MVP/Flair II I would have no problem with.
  13. Mike wanna be

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Marking out is "OMG I am part of a historic moment", not "OMG I love this guy!" I think Hogan's a no-talent politicking piece of garbage who got where he is/was due to looks and charisma alone, but damn if I wouldn't have screamed my head off if they cranked up Real American after the #30 buzzer. If they were prepared to cheer him for being part of such a historic moment for just coming out, then surely winning it was an equally historic moment? It honestly just seemed like they got caught off guard, cheered their socks off because that was their natural reaction, then realized 'hey, we're the MSG crowd! The smarkiest of the smarks! We're supposed to hate this guy, remember?' and then gave a forced, unnatural reaction. I didn't feel that way at all. The only two real pops he got were massive, obviously, but they were for his shocking entry and his equally shocking victory over the 'sure-fire winner' in HHH. Everything else he did garnered major heat. As far as Snuka looking 80...well, I guess he's a great example of what can happen when you spend your career coming off the top rope.
  14. Mike wanna be

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Marking out is "OMG I am part of a historic moment", not "OMG I love this guy!" I think Hogan's a no-talent politicking piece of garbage who got where he is/was due to looks and charisma alone, but damn if I wouldn't have screamed my head off if they cranked up Real American after the #30 buzzer.
  15. J-Mac and his 20 points. I'm still not thrilled that he became a global sports icon for the mentally handicapped when he's only just barely below competence, but if you take away that you have a guy that everyone says is too short and too untalented to play on the team, they throw him in at the last second of a meaningless game out of pity and he puts up 20. Question: NBA draft lottery, good idea to keep people from diving to get high picks when they know they're out of the playoffs, or bad because the worst teams can fall well out of the pick they would've "earned" if not for the lottery, and a team that barely missed the playoffs can pick up a miracle top 3 selection?
  16. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    http://www.wweaffiliates.com/images/300x45..._2k8_keyart.jpg if anyone hasn't seen the poster.
  17. Mike wanna be

    Bobby Lashley released

    106. Many former Hardcore champions still find themselves haunted by the spirit of the Boss Man. Since Boss Man's final Hardcore title reign, only five men who won the title after that are still 'active' competitors in WWE (appearing on television more than once every other month); several have either given up wrestling or changed their name to attempt to hide from him. Nobody is haunted by Bobby Lashley's memory.
  18. Mike wanna be

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    If Hardy wins, where does Orton go? I mean, he probably cashes in the champion's rematch at NWO, but the loser of that has about a month before Wrestlemania with nowhere to go because the EC/RR winner's due up for the title match.
  19. TSM modship, by a mile. Newsom might turn out decent and if the Nats move to the AL he's already got the perfect outfit (at a big discount too, because you know they're going to hike the price on new Nats stuff if they move leagues). The modship...is just the modship, there's no "Well it could work out really well and he looks smart for making that purchase" option. Draft or Super Bowl: Draft by a large portion. The SB isn't BAD, per se, it's just that the draft is a handful of hours of changing the face of every franchise in the league. The SB matters for 2 teams and the fans of the other 30 just pick a side based on which team they dislike less. Question: Horsecollar tackles are illegal in the NFL, yet legal in the college game. Should college outlaw them as well, or should the NFL re-legalize them?
  20. Tyson was undersized as a heavyweight, and still completely obliterated nearly everyone he stepped into the ring with, from his first amateur bout straight to the fight with Buster Douglas. After that fight he won his next two in the first round and proceeded to defeat the consensus #2 heavyweight in back-to-back fights, first by ref stoppage in R7 and then a twelve-round unanimous decision a few months later. Furthermore, he served three years in prison, comes out and within 18 months of his release had re-taken 2 of the 3 then-disputed heavyweight titles. If he doesn't go to prison, he faces Holyfield in 91 rather than 96 and I've every reason to believe he could've taken Holyfield down and been a 2-time undisputed heavyweight champion. If my assumption there is correct and he does indeed take down Holyfield...who's left in the heavyweight division? According to this timeline Tyson would have been undisputed heavyweight champion twice, the sum of those title reigns lasting in excess of 4 years which puts him close, if not surpassing Ali for the longest undisputed title (both singular reign and cumulative) in the heavyweight division. Granted, some of this 'greatness' is more the weakness of the heavyweight division than the pure dominance of Tyson, but if one thinks he could've taken Holyfield in 91, it leads to him being favored over Riddick Bowe in 92, Lewis in 92/93, and after that it's pretty much Tyson's division. Best NFL defensive player ever: I'm tempted to say either Deacon Jones or Reggie White, but I'm going to look at Mike Singletary as a dominant, consensus "Best player on the team" on what many consider to be the best defense ever.
  21. Mike wanna be

    Levels you hate in game you love

    It's not a level, but I hate how I can't speed up the text scrolling in my Phoenix Wright game. I lost the save and had to start over (had just unlocked the fifth case, but hadn't started it yet) so it's 10x more noticeable now that I know exactly what the characters are going to say, but I can't just tap a button or the screen to auto-scroll, I have to wait for them to spit it out le-t-t-e-r-b-y-skip to next screen-l-e-t-t-e-r.
  22. Mike wanna be

    NHL January 08

    Back to normal, then. It's only been recently where the Southeast winner has actually been good. It's just another reason I hate the way the league is set up. Let the division winners into the playoffs, but don't give them an advantage in seeding. But in this situation, if you were to put Carolina in the playoffs you'd have to give them a seeding advantage because they wouldn't be in the top 8 of the conference.
  23. Mike wanna be

    Bobby Lashley released

    88. When he couldn't use "Big Boss Man", he had other catchy, respectable names such as "Guardian Angel", "Big Bubba Rogers" and "The Boss" to go with. If Lashley were unable to use "Bobby Lashley", he would be referred to as Franklin.
  24. Mike wanna be

    Bobby Lashley released

    80. Lashley never wrote poetry about someone's dead father. 81. Lashley never made anyone walk a line with threats of hard times. 82. Lashley accused Finlay of being a bastard. Boss Man proved Big Show was a bastard and got his mother to say so on national television. 83. Even if Lashley were to drag someone's father's casket away from its grave, he wouldn't be able to come up with a witty statement such as "Daddy always wanted to be a drag queen, Big Show; I'm gonna make him a drag queen right here!" at the site.
  25. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008
