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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 6: The Bills Could Not Pay Their Way To A Win

    I know they don't want to start a rookie, but come on now. Testaverde's had 2 practices in the office, Moore's been there since he was cut from the Cowboys (which answers the walkin' dude's question) and he even played a bit last week. Give the kid a shot; if Joey freakin Harrington can get playing time over Byron Leftwich based on experience in the system I don't see why Moore shouldn't start.
  2. Mike wanna be

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Good counterargument I'm not interested in making an argument. It's not my job to sell the WNBA; if you don't like it, you don't like it... I just think you're all unecessarily being pricks about it. Well, oldskool, anyway; the rest of you weren't really that bad. I just wanted to know how the league survived when the games weren't as good as the NBA games (admittedly, no less, because they continue to change the rules) and the same team won the first four championships. That said, ESPNNEWS needs to stop showing press conferences; I really don't care what the pitching strategy is for the ALCS (Hint: Throw the ball where they won't hit it) and I don't really need to hear why the football team lost the game (Hint: bad coaching/execution/luck). Just go back to the loop of game summaries you've been showing.
  3. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    From Gerweck, because I'm boycotting PWInsider:
  4. Mike wanna be

    WWE/USA network update

    It wouldn't technically be considered counter-programming if Raw moved there, though. If they did, however, I'd hope for an move to start at either 8:57 or 9:05. Those were the days.
  5. Mike wanna be

    TNA Talent May Leave

    It was easier than I was expecting.
  6. Mike wanna be

    TNA Talent May Leave

    And for those of us whose first language is english? .........seriously? Seriously? Sabin & Shelley are unhappy, letters were sent to SOME unhappy people, therefore Sabin & Shelley were not necessarily handed their walking papers so don't be a douche and start the "*wrestler* to *company*!" moronic bullshit.
  7. Mike wanna be

    WWE/USA network update

    If they don't use her ideas, she takes none of the blame for the show's bad ratings and can continue to put pressure on them. If they use her ideas and they bomb, she can point out that the show's ratings have been in a freefall and that her one non-over idea isn't as bad as their past few months of non-over ideas. If they use her ideas and they work, she can gloat about how she saved Raw. Bonnie Hammer's got it made.
  8. Mike wanna be

    Orange Box

    I'm picking up for 360 solely because my machine loves instability too much for me to spend $50 on a game it can crash on.
  9. Mike wanna be

    WWE/USA network update

    And now it's the same old schtick with his son: Vince tells someone to watch him, who agrees that it will be a ridiculously easy assignment, only to realize they've already lost the bugger 2 seconds after Vince left the room. The rest of the show involves at least one person wandering the arena searching for him. EDIT: By no means am I trashing the angle as is; I like the segments and they are amusing to me, but the biggest angle of the traditionally quiet summer turning into nothing more than a 5-minute-per-show comedy schtick (that probably could have been set up without using the angle on it, no less) is a financial disaster. This was supposed to build to Cena/Kennedy and then to Kennedy/HHH, the WM main event at the time; now it's built nothing and there isn't a single money match to be made out of it.
  10. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Burke would win, but WWE would want someone like Koslov from development to come up and be victorious.
  11. Mike wanna be

    ECW 10.9.07

    Punk's tape said "happy birthday", though to whom I've no idea.
  12. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    FF IV was pretty good. I'm in the final dungeon, I just can't be arsed to wander-level enough to be able to take the final boss.
  13. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 6: The Bills Could Not Pay Their Way To A Win

    Tagliabue said to take your money elsewhere? Seems to me any remotely decent offer would have been accepted, considering Florida already had 2 NFL franchises as well as 3 quality college football teams at the time. Modell moved the team because he had screwed the Indians out of so much money they went and built Jacobs Field to get out of his stadium, and the loss of revenue from 81 baseball home games was too much for him to take. Served him right, too, considering how good the Indians became as soon as they played in a stadium that wasn't an embarrassment.
  14. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 6: The Bills Could Not Pay Their Way To A Win

    Trade deadline this week; anybody thinking about a move? Carolina needs a QB with Carr being injured, regardless of whether or not he can go. Yahoo claims a rumor is Chris Leak; somehow I don't think the team is bad enough to warrant picking up an undrafted rookie to step in at QB, but putting him at third-string wouldn't be a horrible move.
  15. Mike wanna be

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    When the 10:00 main event is a combination of the matches we saw three times the night before, and the show-ending segment is hyped up to turn into a fight between the two guys we saw wrestle twice last night, no wonder the ratings were down. You're supposed to book like everyone bought the previous night's PPV (because if you're doing your job correctly that assumption will be as accurate as possible), and they failed to do that. And they did announce & deliver a Cena interview, so it's not like he wasn't there in any aspect. They have faced MNF & baseball playoffs before, but how often have they had really good, competitive MNF competition with one of the teams being the Cowboys (arguably the most popular throughout the country) and a decent, competitive elimination baseball game involving the Yankees?
  16. Mike wanna be

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    The WNBA is still around? How? This remains a mystery to me, because after the Comets won the first handful of titles I figured the league was done, nobody can recover from a non-competitive dynasty through their first few years...
  17. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 5 Fails to Rebuild New Orleans

    Last I checked the offense didn't kick the field goals, fazzle That always bothered me, how FGs aren't counted as special teams points.
  18. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 5 Fails to Rebuild New Orleans

    All Carolina needs to do is get the ball to Smith and they'll be fine. He needs to be a 10-15 touch per game player, and right now he's at about 7 tops.
  19. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 5 Fails to Rebuild New Orleans

    This IS the "NFL WEEK 5" topic, so please stop bringing up 2005 shit; nobody cares. However, since you talk about 2005 garbage in week 5, I will assume the trend will continue linearly. As such, I look forward to your timely posts in week 7, and will be bringing a notepad to the TSM boards for weeks 8 through 17 for future gambling purposes.
  20. Mike wanna be

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Upon thinking about it for a while, it seems like someone told them they were getting predictable, and they decided to just go batshit with the top belt to see how it went over. To be honest, it was a pretty good deal; none of the title matches were overly bad (though HHH/Umaga certainly wasn't good) and when you consider that most other PPVs charge $35 for 3 title matches, and this one was $35 for 4 (I'm going to disregard Punk/BDV, but you can count it if you so wish) with at least one guaranteed "new" champion walking out...
  21. Mike wanna be

    NFL Week 5 Fails to Rebuild New Orleans

    When you block low, you're supposed to go for the thighs and send them tumbling. Green didn't try to make a block of any sort, he just threw himself at the ground and whatever part he hit, he hit. Hitting somebody's knee like that is eerily reminiscent of McGahee's Miami injury in the Fiesta Bowl, is it not?
  22. Mike wanna be

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Pizza eating contest: -***** MVP got a score of 0, so he didn't eat any pizza (and rightly so, that was some odd-looking orange pizza) Matt "ate" pizza, but then "puked" it all over MVP, so in reality he didn't eat any pizza either.
  23. Mike wanna be

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Funtime star ratings ahoy: Punjabi prison was good for what it was. Not much for workrate but, surprisingly enough, psychology was involved rather heavily. Overall match was probably ** max, but if you only take into account Batista/Khali matches it's at least ****1/4, maybe ****1/2; the best of the bunch and probably the top one they'll ever have. Finlay/Mysterio was pretty good, and the fake injury play was top-notch and very refreshingly different from the usual. *** for the match + 3/4* for that dastardly Finlay turning the crowd from "Finlay" to "Finlay sucks" in less than 20 seconds. Beth/Candice was an above average women's title match. **1/2 Punk/BDV seemed to set up a Striker/BDV split-up, which probably foreshadows BDV's move to Smackdown. I still don't see how Morrison comes in and gets a title match, though, as Dreamer has the inside track with Burke just behind him; Morrison could jump in on a rematch clause but that's about all he could use. DUD Unexplained six-man tag was very good, and the innovative spots (Murdoch jumping on the middle rope to send Kendrick tumbling to the outside, for one) gave this one a fitting "surprise MOTN" award on my score sheet. ***3/4, it lost 1/4* for the blown spots near the end (specifically Hardy's rail-runner lunge at Cade that barely connected, but there were a couple more) Orton/HHH I was somewhat lame, although HHH really did put Orton over relatively strongly, winning on a cheap rollup off an Orton mistake instead of a cleaner, more dominantly decisive finish. **1/4 Umaga/HHH was meh. Nothing we haven't seen before. *1/2 Orton/HHH II gets overall MOTN. Could have been the full monty on my scorecard if not for a few continuity failures (Orton backs away from the injured rib area and just randomly starts hammering on the head; neither worker went for the legs/knees to try to make them physically incapable of standing; the ECW table breaks when Orton gets shoved off an RKO onto it, but the RAW table stands tall while HHH gets RKOed into it?; Orton heavily over-sold the plunge through the ECW table, one bad bump shouldn't put you on even footing with the guy who's in his third match of the evening) Orton/HHH II conclusions: Match itself is *****, -1/2* for the continuity/logic errors above, +1/4* for sticking with the "He's up at 9.999999" for the last dozen spots (they did have the miraculous recovery spot when HHH caught the PUNT~!, but as soon as a count was administered on him, he immediately went back to his suffering and maintained kayfabe on it), as well as tying it in to the match's finishing spot with HHH nearly beating the count. Final star rating ****3/4 Unweighted show rating: **1/2 Weighted show rating (with more weight in title matches and climactic finishes) ***1/2 with Punk match, ****1/4 with it excluded Thumbs about 80% up; not a rip-off by any means at the $35 face value, but if you were to find it cheaper (I spent $5 on it, for example) you won't be disappointed. Plus the fact that it went the full three hours unlike some other WWE PPVs that will remain nameless gives it that much greater value in the long run.
  24. Mike wanna be

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Unexplained six-man tag action ahoy!
  25. Mike wanna be

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Does Andre's reign not count for the record?