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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    Didn't one of them also say that around 8k of those 17k in attendance were giveaways?
  2. Mike wanna be

    Who wants to read some dump files?

    I don't have anything in the PCI slots; the video card's AGP and everything else is using onboard.
  3. Mike wanna be

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Damn, 2 grand for his WMXX tights? I love how they put a disclaimer up about how they aren't trying to profit off of a tragedy. Yeah, it's just a horrible coincidence that we decided to sell these AFTER he killed his family. I don't see this as a big deal. If we're going to get all up in arms about selling something directly associated to a tragedy then why not antique dealers who make money off of World War 2 items? Antique collectors up to this point have stuff from a half a century-old tragedy, not half an hour
  4. Mike wanna be

    Madden NFL 08

    So can anyone tell me about the new Franchise updates? I'm on the fence on getting this, since I know I'm picking up Bioshock in about 5 days...
  5. Mike wanna be

    Who wants to read some dump files?

    I'm using the same install disc, but I've formatted & reinstalled on two different hard drives (a 120GB Maxtor and now a 250GB Western Digital) and can't shake the problem. Is it possible that there's a windows update for SP2 that I need, yet find myself unable to get due to the constant crashes post-SP2 installation? (SP2 has to be installed by itself, and it crashes too fast for me to be able to download any updates...and safe mode has the internet disabled so I can't download them that way as far as I know)
  6. Mike wanna be

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    The field's too big. Cut it in half and we'll love soccer...it's just too slow paced for us. Baseball & football are very rhythmic with their "action" moment (a guy batting, a play being executed, etc.) Soccer just spends too much time with big kicks going back and forth all over the damn place, too much time setting up corners & free kicks & goal kicks (and coincidentally too much time pretending to have a leg ripped off to get said kick opportunities), and not enough time with guys barrel-assing to the goal trying to bury a shot. Shorten the field and ditch offsides (just to open up the game that much more, plus with a smaller field it's a less feasible rule) and the US will love it.
  7. Mike wanna be

    Who wants to read some dump files?

    Tried that...same result. It just blank-screens out, gives me a minidump, and blames explorer for targeting memory that apparently doesn't exist. It was at the same hex address on the "old" computer, which is the strange part.
  8. Mike wanna be

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    He's 2/3 of the way to a soccer-themed Gordie Howe hat trick!
  9. Mike wanna be


    No multiplayer makes me sad. I know there's no hope for the initial disc; any word on a MGS-like "sequel/upgrade" or an Oblivionesque XBLM patch?
  10. Mike wanna be

    OaO Monday Night Raw Thread - 08/13/07

    Out of curiosity, is there a medical reason Regal was put back in the position-of-power role, or was it just because he's ridiculously good at it?
  11. Mike wanna be

    Full SNME Spoilers

    Way to bring in Evander Holyfield and completely not hype it. Then again, who'd stay up for a boxing match at 11:30pm Eastern on a Saturday anyway? Sounds like the last segment goes on for a while (how long is SNME going to be anyway, 90 minutes?) longer than it should, but at the same time none of those matches appeal to me and it's obvious the ECW tag will drag on.
  12. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I got a defective disc when I went at midnight for the NCAA 08 release; that + a birthday 10 days after release means I'm waiting a bit. It looks totally badass, though. Surprised there wasn't a demo...
  13. Mike wanna be

    OAO TNA: Hard Justice PPV Thread

    Oh, that's just great for business.
  14. Mike wanna be

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    The WWF blurred out the belt, and eventually swapped it with a different title anyway; WCW wasn't so...courteous. And speaking of eerie, try watching the Rise & Fall of ECW; Benoit tribute DVD shill, then a Guerrero DVD shill, open with the Public Enemy, then about 20 minutes later Benoit & Guerrero reminisce on their time in ECW. A bit later on you hit Mike Awesome...
  15. Mike wanna be

    8/9/2007 Impact Thread

    People were confused when they tuned in and there were no white dots present anywhere in the arena. The sad thing is it's near impossible to tell if the people I refer to are casual viewers or TNA fans.
  16. Mike wanna be


    Wrestlescale - Results You are central in your beliefs about wrestling. You accept the idea of both old-school and sports entertainment but are not extreme in either way. You believe that angles and matches are equally important to create a good wrestling product. Most similar booker: Paul Heyman Most similar promotion: TNA 2005 I'm appeased.
  17. Mike wanna be

    The Return of Triple H

    I'd like them better if they weren't ripped, but that's just me.
  18. Mike wanna be

    The Return of Triple H

    I'm hoping this last injury woke HHH up and he's going to put Kennedy over strong in the allegedly booked feud, rather than just burying him. He can't have too many years left with the injuries he's suffered; don't go out like Hogan.
  19. Mike wanna be

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    I posed the question a bit ago; if Orton does win, who runs in to save Cena from the PUNT? It's probably best if Cena takes time off anyway. IIRC the only show he's missed in quite a while was the one where he was on Larry King.
  20. Mike wanna be

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Santino didn't even sell the fucking arm injury, he just extended it out of the sling like nothing was wrong. He deserved an Uma(n)ga run in.
  21. Mike wanna be

    Jeff Hardy suspended for 30 days

    Can't be that, there saving that gimmick for WGTT. That's what's so immature about it. NOW what's Charlie going to do?
  22. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    I'd go a little nuts too if my ex-girlfriend was marrying Teddy fucking Long.
  23. Mike wanna be

    Guitar Hero.

    How long before they get Dyers Eve and people get their shit ruined?
  24. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    That's why the shows go past 11 at night, because they're so kid-friendly. I'd imagine that's also why PPVs are so reasonably priced for the little tyke allowance, and why there isn't a second of wrestling on any network before 8pm.
  25. Mike wanna be

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Nobody thought Horowitz had a chance against Skip, either.