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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Vince is was a former WWE champion, wasn't he? Suddenly the pieces come together.
  2. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    They couldn't get a hold of a charred body in time.
  3. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    Methinks a lot of you have the cables suspending your disbelief tangled, because somehow I don't connect "Paul London smiles while everyone else looks somber-faced" with "The angle where the boss explodes doesn't make sense any more". It would be just as amusing to me if HHH did laugh off some Paul London angle, regardless of whether or not it was as potentially bad as this one. I don't even like London, I think he doesn't do anything interesting but flip-flop around with no rhyme or reason to it other than he doesn't know what else to do. On the Ventura topic, I like Jesse Ventura and hope he does come back in some form for a couple weeks. When was the last WWF President; I want to say Monsoon but I know Piper stepped in briefly and I'm not sure if Monsoon re-assumed the position afterwards.
  4. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    Yeah, kudos for putting his job on the line to make us smarks happy. Because he certainly could never get a job wrestling elsewhere, where he won't be in what could easily be the worst possible thing to be in sports entertainment; a cruiserweight tag team. It was a gutsy thing to do. Not everybody would've done it and he did. I appreciate that. Plus you have to admit it was hilarious. Was it gutsy though? I thought the talent didn't know what was going to happen. So maybe the Paul London character would be happy that McMahon was leaving, instead of creepishly somber like the rest. I don't know what they knew. Either way, though, he had to know a big-ass goofy grin like that was going to get him in trouble, but he did it anyway. He probably figured his job was all but gone anyway now that he'd been told "Do that move again and I'll fire you", so why not?
  5. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    Yeah, kudos for putting his job on the line to make us smarks happy. Because he certainly could never get a job wrestling elsewhere, where he won't be in what could easily be the worst possible thing to be in sports entertainment; a cruiserweight tag team. It was a gutsy thing to do. Not everybody would've done it and he did. I appreciate that. Plus you have to admit it was hilarious.
  6. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    It was sort of obvious that he would, but kudos to Paul for doing it anyway.
  7. Mike wanna be

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Change their name to the Sin Breeding Mafia?
  8. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    The only thing dumber than this angle would've been to NOT have 10-bell salutes. Yeah it's all fake and whatnot, but if you're going to suspend disbelief you have to have them. Then again, the entire thing is 95% likely to be pointless, so who really cares what the next step is?
  9. Mike wanna be

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Once Woody left, I stopped trying to catch 1st & 10. And speaking of 1st & 10, when will the NFL use something more high-tech than 3 old guys, two sticks and a chain to determine whether or not there was a first down?
  10. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    Finally, a joke that isn't just a regurgitated catchphrase. And to quote Jerry Lawler: "When Vince dies, I wonder if the mourners will outnumber the cheering section."
  11. Mike wanna be

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    There wasn't one, duh. Vince opened his own limo door, that's evidence enough. And Verne Gagne's not dead, whoever said he was rolling in his grave.
  12. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I'd fake it too if I was wrestling my boss's kid.
  13. Mike wanna be

    Judge frees Genarlow Wilson

    Which one got booked for possession of child porn? Doesn't look like any of them...
  14. Mike wanna be

    This Week in Baseball 6/11 - 6/17

    It's been a couple of years, at least. They hardly ever skip them, even when the Mets were really, really bad. Maybe some other network snagged the Saturday game?
  15. Mike wanna be

    Sid Vicious update

    The new 911, ladies and gentlemen.
  16. Mike wanna be

    The Sopranos

    I don't even watch the show, and that ending sucked. First I thought the guy that went into the bathroom was going to blow the place up; then I thought (stereotypically, I admit) that the two black guys were going to shoot the place up (the one DID go for his shirt at the waistband, though), and that was why there was such a production out of parallel parking; she'd be the only one to survive. And then nothing. Laaaame.
  17. Mike wanna be

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    They did get backed into a corner when somebody asked Lebron about the Sopranos finale at the press conference they aired. Lebron loved the question, so naturally ESPN jumped all over the subject and started acting like it was their brilliant plan all along. Side note, Stuart Scott does a remarkably good Stephen A Smith impression, and thanks to the joy of Youtube I learned that Mick Foley does a killer Vince McMahon.
  18. Mike wanna be

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Breaking news, Roger Clemens has a 64% strike percentage. Perhaps more importantly, he topped out at 91 mph, and threw 9 non-fastball, non-splitters in a 108-pitch effort. If he keeps throwing like that, I'm going to laugh when he starts getting his shit clobbered.
  19. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Looks like the ability to find a money angle dies with Vince, then. I'm going to have to watch these matches, though. Just like last time, they're going to try to work it, laugh like morons, and get stiffed to hell...which will be even funnier, which will result in even more stiffness.
  20. Mike wanna be

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    You and me both, WWM.
  21. Mike wanna be

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    Another thought: If we all came from Adam & Eve...why are there people that aren't white?
  22. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    And that's when the fun begins! It'll be a vicious cycle. Each champion goes down, and another guy who's not-quite-ready steps in to an enormous workload with massive expectations and horrible workers for opponents.
  23. Mike wanna be

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    That's my point though; without evil, there can be no good. If everyone did good things, and there was no evil...the "good" things wouldn't be "good", they'd just be things because there's nothing to offset it/compare it to. If everyone was a Christian, there'd be no Christianity.
  24. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I hope Cena blows out his knee, just to see the mad scramble to figure out what the fuck they're going to do. Does this make me a bitter person or a bad person?