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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    WON News + Notes, 27th November

    QFE. When West isn't rambling or trying to shill something, he's very entertaining; comes across as a guy who loves his job and is just having a lot of fun. Tenay just rambles on and on, calls every single move (going so far as to call moves that happened 10+ seconds ago if DW happened to be talking and he chose not to interrupt) and is about as entertaining as reading the dictionary. Announce teams are supposed to gel together and tell a story to improve the quality of every on-air segment the show has. Tenay's too busy hollering about "AJ Styles walking to the ring, left foot first, NOW THE RIGHT, Oooooooooooh the left one comes back and here comes the right!"
  2. Mike wanna be

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread: 11/27/2006

    Finally, heels go over on TV. Good to see.
  3. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I can't believe I just discovered the dragging UCMs (especially the crotch-to-ring-post one). I do them every match now, just to be a dick.
  4. Mike wanna be

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    As soon as he's gone, he's got a job in TNA for (I'm assuming) similar money with less work dates. Considering he's been screwed since July, I can't say I blame him for dogging it. Hey, I'd rather have him dog it by no-showing a photo shoot and napping backstage as opposed to just being a lazy fuck in the ring and risking somebody else's career. As far as: I don't think it's so much a "We're never pushing Shelton" as it is "Compare the push Lashley has now to the push MVP is getting, to the complete LACK of push Shelton Benjamin is getting. All things considered, RAW is the only show that doesn't have a black guy getting a push, so Monty's probably going to go there."
  5. Cena's salute is always three fingers, pinky down. It's just how he does it; I don't think he's doing it to stick it to the fans...
  6. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I just signed up at mygamercard.net (click on it and it'll send you there). Once you're there, set one up and it should give you the code for it.
  7. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Shit, they screwed up the Rumble dynamic as well. You come in the ring, you get 5 guys going to toss you, and if you've got 2 guys on you, shit, may as well re-start. I don't need a two-hour rumble, but for a 30-man Rumble to be done in 15 minutes is just ridiculous. The bar speed doesn't take into account your damage, so a guy that just came in and was Irish whipped over is as easy to dump as the #1 entry that's all orange (any red part = instant elimination if you go over the ropes).
  8. They didn't really do anything other than enter the match, hit a move, get a pinfall, get hit by a move and get eliminated. Not very good booking, considering that's 1/3 of the main event for NEXT WEEK'S PPV getting eliminated within 45 seconds of one another.
  9. People only give a shit when big-over face cheats to win super-evil heel. Nobody gave much of a shit about Booker, so nobody really cared that he cheated. Sad, really.
  10. Maybe spoilers for Road to WrestleMania plans:
  11. And the PPV saving stipulation is....TNA title rules, DQ or CO costs Booker the title. Great.
  12. I like how they've altered the promo for the Chamber so it's not apparent that it's Bischoff ranting about "2 miles of chain, designed to PUNISH...the human body." EDIT: They expect $35 for this PPV that's not going to go 3 hours...and they'll probably want something similar for D2D next week, and then $35 again in three weeks for Armageddon.....2-3 weeks later $35 more for NYR...2 weeks after that is the Rumble...3-4 weeks after that is No Way Out. Holy shit, that's an assload of PPVs.
  13. Still, 20 minutes for a Batista match is really pushing it.
  14. Show/Finlay v. Cena/Lashley the final four, after numerous rapid-fire eliminations. I don't know what the fuck they've got planned, but there's an hour left and not a lot of wrestling to go, unless I'm forgetting about 2-3 matches...
  15. Mike wanna be

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Speaking of Piper, he and DiBiase are the "Modern Era" inductees to the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame this year. http://www.pwhf.org/2007inductees/pressrelease.asp
  16. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Yeah, 3v3 elimination tag. And 6 is the max in the Rumble at any one time.
  17. Mike wanna be

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    And Sabu should turn things around...why? ECW's going down the shitter and I'm assuming he's one of the highest-paid Extremists they have.
  18. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    I heard that some motions can have it, and some can't...so it's apparently possible to have the belt at certain stages of your entrance but not others (have it as you walk down the ramp, but not in the ring or at the entrance, for example)
  19. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    Yeah. My CAW had Hassan's entrance and he wore the belt all the way through from ramp to ring.
  20. Mike wanna be

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    You mean like, in an entrance?
  21. Mike wanna be

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    Gee, I wonder if it's going to turn out to be Vince's fault the AWA went out of business
  22. Mike wanna be

    The OaO Raw Thread 20/11/2006

    I know Nitro and Hardy are booked in a match at SurSer, but how they can give away a ladder match six days before the biggest remaining PPV is just non-sensical to me.
  23. I was on the fence. Regretably Dish made my decision for me.
  24. Mike wanna be

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/3692422 Not the actual video, but proof that it existed. EDIT: Found the actual cartoon: http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/spe...110mcmahontease