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Mike wanna be

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Everything posted by Mike wanna be

  1. Mike wanna be

    From: I've allegedly resigned.

    We bought it! We all bought it! Even our immediate families bought it!
  2. Mike wanna be

    From: I've allegedly resigned.

    Yes I did it. Whats been done is done. Move on. Aww, sonofabitch.
  3. Mike wanna be


    Mike's an asshole. He cost himself more money than Leena ever could've sent him, because now TSM has no owner, no interested buyers, and a massive traffic dropoff to boot. If you wanted to get rid of the board, you should've been classy and just said so, instead of making a last-ditch money grab while simultaneously being stupid enough to offer a 90 day money back guarantee on it.
  4. Mike wanna be

    YO! TSM raps: John Cena in 2009

    What would New Jack's character be? Stabby-Stabby? He wouldn't have a name, it'd just be 2 hours of Natural Born Killa blaring while New Jack tore apart the set and beat the shit out of everyone with anything not nailed down. In the sequel he'd bring a nail puller and broaden his weaponry horizons by using everything previously nailed down.
  5. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    Somebody must have realized that for that storyline to work out, Dreamer was going to have to actually win matches in order to earn his way into a #1 contender's match, let alone into a title match. I don't think the dream was that farfetched, really. Not like he's asking for a Flair farewell, but to be 1 of 30 guys (easily could've put off Santino's 1 second appearance another year) in the Rumble and to have some sort of match (put him in MITB: ties into the storyline, he's versed enough in weapons to hold his own and he's willing to take a ridiculous bump for the sake of the match) at Wrestlemania.
  6. Mike wanna be

    YO! TSM raps: John Cena in 2009

    Methinks marketing a movie at the 18-34 male demographic your company has essentially kicked to the curb in favor of marketing towards children, and then making the lead star the one person most 18-34 male WWE fans dislike most was probably the death knell for the movie. May as well have made Teletubbies: The Movie starring New Jack. I don't know what kids watch these days.
  7. Mike wanna be

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    10am's not ridiculous, agreed...I was scared they were going to drop an 8am on me. I told them I was available for an interview anytime today (well, Friday at the time) after 12pm, and then proceeded to get a particularly nasty bout of insomnia and somehow managed to roll out of bed at 3pm. It particularly angers me because my mom has the exact same issue I do (except she's on prescription sleep meds and Benadryl just to get any sleep at all) and yet there's no compassion out of it, she just gives me shit for not having gotten up by mid-afternoon and then goes back to taking her nap. The hours I manage to keep are absurd. I'm curious as to what hours I'd keep if I just went to bed when I actually was tired enough to sleep and getting up when I was actually awake enough to get up, as opposed to going to bed based on being bored enough to do so.
  8. Mike wanna be

    Shamwow guy beats prostitute

    Did he put a jacket on over a hospital gown for the mug shot? Stylish.
  9. Mike wanna be

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Interviews at 10am on a Monday when you didn't go to bed until 7am on Friday and have no intention of hitting the hay before 7am on Saturday. If I didn't live with my parents I'd just stay up progressively later each night so I was awake from like 7pm straight through the interview at 10am, get home around noon, and then just guzzle caffeine like nobody's business to make it to a respectable sleep time that night, but nooooooo. I live with my parents who go by the old "Just get up earlier each day!" that works, but leads to being really fucking cranky and sleep-deprived every goddamn day you do it. And of course with my luck I'll get up earlier each day, be up at 8am, have a nice interview, promptly fuck up my sleep schedule to the 6am-2pm timing I'm on now and then be asked back for a second interview so I have to repeat the process.
  10. Mike wanna be

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Speaking of AVGN, does anybody know if the DVDs he sells are any good? I've been debating picking one up for a while but from what I can tell they're just the regular videos on a DVD with a handful of stuff that got cut before being uploaded, and I can't justify $20 for a DVD with 30 seconds of "extras" as the only thing I'm really paying for as the rest of it is available for free.
  11. Mike wanna be

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    You only lose sleep for one hour the one day you actually change the clocks, unless I'm an idiot and missing some vital facet of Alaskan life where the fact that it's 9:21pm instead of 8:21pm is a night ruiner.
  12. Mike wanna be

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    So wait, your state just voted to be an hour behind the rest of the country for 75% of the year? WHY?
  13. Mike wanna be

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    Regarding Kennedy: Maybe he'd get tested less frequently than "every time I go to TV" if he showed up for TV more than once a month and didn't already have a strike against him (maybe two, I can't remember). Regarding the "Coleminers": I did not know Michael Cole had that kind of charisma. He's just not suited for having somebody in his ear telling him what to say, apparently. Regarding engineered cycles: The only reason WWE stopped marketing to kids & entered the Attitude era was because WCW was already in the Attitude era and were drubbing WWE in the ratings. WWE wasn't going to out-draw the 18-34 male market with kids & parents, so they adapted. Regarding Rey/Punk as uncredible champions: Size is irrelevant, it's how you're booked. Santino was booked as an unstoppable Russian monster in OVW, for god's sake, and he's what, 5'10", 220-something?. Whatever overness you believe Koslov to have is not because of his size, it's because he kicks the shit out of people.
  14. Mike wanna be

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    16 vs 18: 16 games is fine. If you want to get rid of 2 preseason games, then do it...just make the regular season start in mid-August and give every team an extra 2 weeks of byes during the season. Same season length extension for added TV income, less wear & tear on the players.
  15. Mike wanna be

    Worst commissioner in sports?

    Goodell's just overreacting to seeing his superstars get their shit ruined. It's obviously in the best interest of the league to not have anybody get injured for maximized marketing strategy....he's just taking a more overprotective approach to it...as opposed to Selig, who sees fans get clocked with flying chunks of maple wood and responds by handing out 1950s Duck and Cover pamphlets at the ball park. Bettman, on the other hand, cost every fan, player & coach within his league 82 games and any chance at Lord Stanley's Cup, and that is un-fucking-forgivable.
  16. Mike wanna be

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    Worst thing I did: Wrote new lyrics to Metallica songs to make them anti-Semitic, just to prove I could. Worst site I ever joined: bondage.com, where I met somebody and hogged it to lose my virginity at 18.
  17. Mike wanna be

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    To ban the kamikazes that sprint down the field as wedgebreakers, apparently.
  18. Mike wanna be

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I tried texting her and got an error message in response, and when I called to see if it was the right number it rang a couple times and then went to a generic answering machine message (where it doesn't have her voice, or her saying her name, it just repeats the number you dialed and says "is not available. To leave a callback number, press 5."). Doesn't matter any more, I typed up a nasty message & have effectively cut her out from my life. Fuckin' women, y'know?
  19. Mike wanna be

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The unexpectedly intelligent play a girl I like showed me. Girl I like tells me many moons ago that when she doesn't want to talk to someone any more, she doesn't have the heart to block them on AIM, she just makes a new AIM screenname and doesn't tell them what it is. I consider this a retarded, overly convoluted, cowardly move as opposed to just hitting block, deleting their name & getting on with your life. (Then again I still have the same AIM name I had when I was in middle school, so.) Today it occurs to me that since this girl received the overly expensive present I got her for Christmas, she hasn't been on AIM. It also occurs to me that I have stupidly fallen victim to this practice of "Make a new name to avoid talking to someone". Finally, just now, I realize that since she merely has a new AIM screen name I don't know of, I cannot sign on to one of my alternate AIM screen names and find out if I'm blocked or not. I am trapped in "Did she disappear on me intentionally or not?" purgatory. Fucking whore. How dare you outwit me like that!
  20. Mike wanna be

    YO! TSM raps: John Cena in 2009

    I agree with this: This makes Cena the douchebag friend we all remember having who, whenever they find someone far cooler than them, they begin to badly emulate everything they do in hopes of being nearly as cool to the point where even if they do eventually do something cool you're hesitant to admit it because you're afraid the support will egg them on into continuing with another few months of shitty impressions and catchphrase spouting. I also agree with this: Hell, just look at the Big Show/Edge contract signing where Cena weaseled his way in. That's a heel storyline if I ever saw one, the douchebag blackmailed a general manager into putting him into a World title match, and as soon as the contract was signed he proceeded to out his bargaining chip against the GM anyway for no reason other than to be a dick. If that'd been Orton or Edge, we wouldn't hear the end of the "dastardly, heinous, reprehensible tactics" used by the "opportunistic/Ultimate Opportunist" until Summerslam. But because it's His Holiness we won't hear a peep out of anybody. Angles like this make me wish for Jesse Ventura to come out of retirement & get behind the color commentary mic.
  21. Mike wanna be

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    I was going to say "Go forward in time to the point where the powers come without a time limit", myself. Barring that, I'd go back to the time of Jesus, Mohammed, shit like that. I'd spend the first 10 minutes doing various miracles & shit, and then leave, proclaiming that I will have my "Second Coming" on the day I will be born. At which point, I return to a few years after my birth to obtain my rightful place as the Chosen One, with 3-4 minutes to spare. I use this time to pull out a couple miracles to solidify any naysayers. As the time limit expires and my power fizzles, I help child me claim I am channeling all my mystical powers to save Earth from unseen demons (hence why I can't do any more fun miracles), and will need constant worship to keep up my mystic power resources to save the planet (coupled with a hearty dose of "I could've wiped them out by now if you people had worshiped a little harder while I was gone" to guilt-trip them into doing it).
  22. Mike wanna be

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    I wanna be Frankensteined. About time somebody tried the reanimation of dead tissue. And hey, if it doesn't work, the lightning strike should only expedite the cremation, leading to big savings for the frugal mourner. Barring that, I would like to hire a Big Bossman lookalike to chain my casket to the back of a squad car, and then hire Big Show (or a lookalike if he's dead too) to dive on it and get dragged through the cemetery to the horror of the bereaved.
  23. Mike wanna be

    NCAA Tournament

    Great games, but fuck whoever was on the trigger for swapping back and forth. Wisconsin fired a potential game-winning 3 with 1.something left in regulation and as the shot is in the air the fuckwad switches back to Ohio State/Siena as OSU throws up a shot with 2 on the shot clock and 19.something left. Ever hear of tape delay, jerk? Lag OSU/SIE behind for 2 seconds so we can see that shot to its conclusion!
  24. Mike wanna be

    NCAA Tournament

    Bahaha, guy got his John 3:16 sign jacked by security just as he was about to strategically get it on TV. Right behind the Siena bench, security just reaches over and not-so-subtly snatches it.
  25. Mike wanna be

    PlayStation 3

    More PS3 DLC fun. Cliff notes: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/03/20/...adable-content/