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Mad Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Scientist

  1. with Kelly as ref? No, b/c in the E that would mean Kelly would turn heel, ruining and ending the storyline. Don't want that, so I refuse to consider that possibility. I think we all know that's how the storyline is going to end. Leave me to my fantasy of good storylines, please. It's much nicer in my world.
  2. with Kelly as ref? No, b/c in the E that would mean Kelly would turn heel, ruining and ending the storyline. Don't want that, so I refuse to consider that possibility.
  3. Match at No Mercy for Kelly's contract!
  4. Its one of the few angles that has been kept off the radar of everyone in the company having their hands in it. Dusty Rhodes exclusively has been the writer of the storyline from start to whatever will be the finish. The Kelly-Balls storyline is the most compelling storyling in WWE for me right now. That's because it is simple and everyone plays their parts right, especially Balls and Kelly. Miz is just being Miz, so it works. Exactly. Since it's going so well, the E will have to ruin it.
  5. I'm interested in the Contender match, but yeah so far we've have a RAW promo by Vince and an incredibly insignificant Knox/Punk match. Not a good sign...
  6. Knox is channeling Orton with all these rest holds.
  7. "EYES UP FRONT!" Striker is a heel promo god. But why wouldn't he just send out V to squash Punk instead of sending out the only opposition for Balls Mahoney's post as chief jobber? I suppose we're looking at a run-in after Knox does the job.
  8. Knox can beat anyone, any night? Tazz, I know they pay you for this stuff, but how did you not choke on that line?
  9. Mike Knox is supposed to be something for Punk to worry about? Are we supposed to forget the jobbage of Knox over the last 8 mos. or so?
  10. Glad to see that ECW is so inconsequential that RAW's champ woes get opening promo. Gah.
  11. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    They blew a full Ron Simmons line on freaking STEVE-O. God.
  12. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    SQUASH! And a RUN-IN! The E is pulling out all the stops! And that was one of the weakest stair shots EVER. Gah. But the count was a nice touch, I gotta say.
  13. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    But this one is UNRATED! That's way kewler.
  14. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    And here comes either a run-in or a squash. Let's see which.
  15. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    Thank God! Ron Simmons saves us from Steve-O. Whew. That was close.
  16. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    Hey. I don't always bitch about him. I just wish he'd cut his own promos again, instead of rehashing old Rock interviews. He can do his own style of promo. Stop trying to make him into the Rock, and let him be himself. He can cut good promos without this Rock-like persona. He did it on Smackdown...I don't understand why creative isn't letting him loose again. USA wants a Rock clone and that's where Cena comes in play. Only HHH gets the freedom to do/say what he wants. Sad, but probably true. It's a shame, really.
  17. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    Hey. I don't always bitch about him. I just wish he'd cut his own promos again, instead of rehashing old Rock interviews. He can do his own style of promo. Stop trying to make him into the Rock, and let him be himself. He can cut good promos without this Rock-like persona. He did it on Smackdown...I don't understand why creative isn't letting him loose again.
  18. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    He does do the best ripoff of the Rock's prime time promos.
  19. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    Beat me to it.
  20. Mad Scientist

    Raw 10.1.07

    Wow. Cena is really trying to do a Rock promo. Right down to his trademark rambling insults to the interviewer. I almost thought he was going to call the poor bastard an ugly hermaphrodite. They won't even let the guy do an original promo?
  21. Mad Scientist

    Genesis is Under Construction

    I'm definitely in.
  22. Mad Scientist


    I stand, or in this case, sit, corrected.
  23. Mad Scientist


    Wasn't HHH in that final match for the undisputed title when Jericho won it the first time? And then there was one time when Jericho won the belt for like 15 minutes before the match result was undone in some sort of Dusty booking. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I remember this happening at some point.
  24. Mad Scientist

    Spoilers of first two-hour Impact

    I think TNA finally gave up with keeping them heel. I think they're 'tweening now. Since the Duds went heel, I think LAX had to at least go 'Tweener, since they're in an ongoing semi-feud/squash tour with the Duds.